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Author Topic: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title  (Read 1578758 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12975 on: September 13, 2023, 06:30:21 am »

Why are these internet arguments so important o these people that they're willing to risk jail time?
"Don't do it Jimmy! Jimmy, please, you have a whole life ahead of you,"

"I'm sorry Martha. Someone is wrong on the internet. I must do my duty," [hits enter key]


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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12976 on: September 13, 2023, 08:28:55 am »

Why are these internet arguments so important o these people that they're willing to risk jail time?
Ask the people that livestream breaking and entering or whatever. Some folks see social interactions and just stop thinking about second order effects, I guess.
Ask not!
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Great Order

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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12977 on: September 13, 2023, 10:16:32 am »

I can choose laughter or despair, so I'll go with laughter.

The Mexican "aliens" are gaining traction on Reddit. It's just sort of funny how people are so desperate for it to be real, and next time what's going to happen? They'll fall for it again.

It also brought me to r/aliens, which is the biggest bunch of borderline hilarious uncritical thinkers I've seen since r/ufo. Reddit has an amazing capacity to out-idiot Facebook.

EDIT: Oh yes, and the other one: Alien life apparently has mitochondria. That was a fun one to come across.

You know, mitochondria? The thing where we tracked down its earth-based relatives? Because it's derived from a terran bacteria?

Nope, somehow aliens have mitochondria too, despite having evolved on another planet.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2023, 10:20:29 am by Great Order »
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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12978 on: September 13, 2023, 02:00:44 pm »

You know, mitochondria? The thing where we tracked down its earth-based relatives? Because it's derived from a terran bacteria?
Er, no. It probably did evolve from bacteria, but this remains unproven, with a decent subset of microbiologists still not believing the hypothesis, and nobody has ever determined what, if any, modern bacterial lineage is most closely related, with various attempts having resulted in different contradictory answers. Even if it is a captured bacterium (and, in my opinion, it probably is), something like a panspermia event which seeds both eukaryotic life and bacteria (and archea) related to the endosymbiont, which would all still have the same source, on both Earth and Mars is an entirely plausible theoretical possibility.
I mean, I've missed out on this new alien craze but I assume it's as fake as all the others, but this just isn't the knock-down argument you think it is.

Great Order

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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12979 on: September 13, 2023, 05:31:31 pm »

Even then, if we're talking panspermia we're talking something with an astronomically (ha!) low chance of happening if it's from outside the solar system. There'd need to be some seriously insane number of coincidences.

1) A rock hits a life bearing planet. Not unlikely, it's happened a fair bit on Earth.

2) The rock needs to eject material with enough force to escape not only the planet's gravity well, but the star's orbit or, failing that, get ejected without smacking into a planet.

3) The rock needs to have been life-bearing

4) The life needs to have survived several millennia at an absolute minimum while exposed to an environment that, while not exactly like the vacuum of space, it still hostile due to e.g. the lack of a magnetosphere

5) The rock needs to have been on an intercept course with the solar system and subsequently Earth, even if it was a number of gravity assists later (Which would add however many more years to the voyage)

6) It needs to be at a stage where the Earth is habitable. Given just how early life appeared on Earth it'd need to be very soon after the crust solidifies.

7) The organisms need to survive the impact

8) The conditions need to be survivable for the organisms

It's just... It's not going to happen in a realistic timescale of the universe. It's a nice idea and maybe even plausible in-system. We've got chunks of Mars on Earth after all, but it's like trying to use a molecule to not only hit a molecule, but a specific neutron in the nucleus while you're wearing beer goggles and you've got nothing better than a spray-n-pray method.
I may have wasted all those years
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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12980 on: September 13, 2023, 06:31:53 pm »

I'm not sure if any of that really matters to the conspiracy theory. A common part of these conspiracy theories is the idea of hybridization between aliens and humans, that doesn't really make much sense biologically afak, but it's a very common idea among people that believe in aliens, and thus sorta negates any criticism of aliens based on the fact that they have human or terrestrial DNA/mitochondria/very human features. They just turn around and say that's proof of hybridization hypothesis and in fact fit perfectly with what they already believe and thus makes the aliens even more legit.

A very common feature I feel in alien or any sort of supernatural conspiracy theories is the there's so many wacky theories all over the place all intertwined with each other despite often being mutually exclusive that they'll respond to practically anything with "that fits x hypothesis" and thus is further confirmation of their beliefs and thus anything and everything is used as further proof that "something" exists. This eventually turns into a sorta a self perpetuating cycle of bullshit, where there's so much low quality "proof" of everything hanging around it can be taken as a given that aliens (or ghosts or demons or god or whatever) exists, which then in turn makes it reasonable to see everything as low quality proof of the thing that we already "know" exists.

Anyway, I think you can also say, logically it also doesn't really matter. If we found really good proof of aliens existing, and that proof included them having mitochondria, we'd have to start accepting theories like panspermia or them not being actual aliens to explain that. And if we don't have really good proof of aliens existing then there's no reason to believe in them anyway and we don't need to worry about mitochondria.... At the least, we're no where near the stage where we have to worry and think about mitochondria. I mean, in this case, it's a known fraud who presented a pile of human and animal bones as an alien. We don't need to talk about mitochondria to start to come to a reasonable conclusion.


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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12981 on: September 15, 2023, 04:34:07 am »

In what I'm sure is a complete coincidence entirely unrelated to the recent Unity pricing policy changes, Humble Bundle has just now released an "Everything you need or want to know about using Godot" bundle :P


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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12982 on: September 15, 2023, 04:55:27 am »

Sorry, I'm still waiting on him.

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Salsa Gal

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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12983 on: September 15, 2023, 06:01:08 am »

In what I'm sure is a complete coincidence entirely unrelated to the recent Unity pricing policy changes, Humble Bundle has just now released an "Everything you need or want to know about using Godot" bundle :P

I still need to try out Godot, I never used very many game engines but always thought Godot was the most interesting (primarily because of its Rust support I'll admit). Any good tutorials?


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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12984 on: September 15, 2023, 07:08:21 am »

In what I'm sure is a complete coincidence entirely unrelated to the recent Unity pricing policy changes, Humble Bundle has just now released an "Everything you need or want to know about using Godot" bundle :P

I still need to try out Godot, I never used very many game engines but always thought Godot was the most interesting (primarily because of its Rust support I'll admit). Any good tutorials?

Heartbeast on youtube is great. For text tutorials, the official documentation and tutorials are excellent - just on the godot website.

The community is a bit split between versions. The current version is 4.0, which is objectively better, except for web, and the old version is 3.6 which is still good, except for 3D. Tutorials should be mostly applicable to both, except for Tilemaps/Tilesets, which work totally different between the two.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2023, 07:11:20 am by delphonso »

Great Order

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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12985 on: September 15, 2023, 11:33:20 am »

In what I'm sure is a complete coincidence entirely unrelated to the recent Unity pricing policy changes, Humble Bundle has just now released an "Everything you need or want to know about using Godot" bundle :P
Godot? She's my favourite actress!
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears

King Zultan

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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12986 on: September 16, 2023, 02:43:50 am »

I've seen some good things made with Godot.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12987 on: September 16, 2023, 05:56:45 am »

Don't forget RPG Maker 47
Love, scriver~

Flying Dice

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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12988 on: September 17, 2023, 06:18:09 pm »

There is nothing quite like MMO global chat.

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Re: Things that made you laugh today: some people notice when 1 change the title
« Reply #12989 on: September 23, 2023, 09:09:56 am »

After saying wellfare to my military trainer ,he said that we will meet with each together on the test because he will be a Examiner of
 our test about marxism。
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