The four of you are members of the elite Royal Mechara Force, pledged to protect the Crown and Realm from all harm. As trusted agents of the crown, you have a great deal of flexibility in doing your duty and the authority to command most servants of the crown in order to fulfill your duties.
This morning you were summoned to the office of the Mechara General. He informs you that the neighboring country of Korloch has declared war, reigniting a centuries old dispute over the fertile Ilyss Valley that they claim is theirs by ancient right. Even worse, it seems that they had been magically masking a great build up of troops in the border region, and their initial assaults have already overwhelmed the border defenses and penetrated deep into your lands.
Go forth, and do what you can to aid our armies in pushing back this Invasion!
Story Card #1: The Refugees
You come across a group of refugees fleeing from the combat. They only had time to take a small amount of supplies with them, and are in desperate need basics like food and warm clothing.
Small Wealth Check: 4 Wealth needed to Succeed
This is a Non-Combat challenge. As a reminder, the order of actions for this is:
Discard - Players may discard any remaining cards in their hand (Except Wounds)
Draw - Players draw back up to their hand limit (5 Cards)
Armor Cards may be played during this phase to Discard Damage cards & Draw new ones. They are then returned to the player's hand.
Repair & Heal cards may also be played at this time
If a Player has ONLY Damage and/or Wound cards they are Defeated and cannot participate in the encounter
Play Cards to meet the Challenge (Players are not required to play cards if they cannot succeed)
Gain White/Black Token for Success/Failure
And, of course, please ask me if you have any questions.
Your Hands are in the OP and have been updated. I spoilered them for space reasons, but it's all public information and you're welcome to talk about everything openly.