TBH, I'm not really intimidated by that. I figure if they get in, we'll have more of a decentralized party.. that is, other ministers will have a lot more influence on policy, rather than it being a Harperesque top-down led party.
I'm also not comfortable with the NDP. I'm from BC, and the local NDP has a few odd issues. In the leadup to the last provincial election, their campaign strategy was basically to spend two years badmouthing everything and blaming it all on the government. What happened to specifically demonstrate that to me was that a brewery fell afoul of tax laws due to selling enough to not qualify for the local microbrewery tax rate. The government sent a guy up, and two days later changed it to a series of stepping stones. The NDP blared out how this whole problem was a complete sign of utter incompetence on the part of the government, who.. came up with a good solution in two days.
A lot of their other stuff was the same way, or it was stuff they tried to claim both sides on, like saying that something was both too much and not enough at the same time, or claiming that things were totally unfixable or unacceptable, when they were hardly philosophical measures at all, just numbers.
Anyway, think what you like, but my opinion is that a Liberal government would be able to fix a lot of Harper's bullshit, while not going crazy in some other direction. It also does appeal to me that in this age of increasing polarization, to go middle. I can see the point about not inviting in a dynasty.