Well it lets you do things like only triggering when your strength (or some other attribute, trait, skill, token) is higher/lower than the targets. Or allowing you to limit the effect to allowed syndrome classes (in vanilla there is only IT_CANNOT_HAVE_SYNDROME_CLASS). It also allows targeting based on more tokens than just what is available in vanilla (so you can target all creatures with FLIER or MEGABEAST or any tag you want).
In addition to allowing more customizable targeting, it also allows for more control over value inputs into scripts. So you can have an interaction that gives all local allies your strength (or any other) value, or gives all local allies a buff which is dependent on how many allies/enemies are around. You can even have an interaction that only nobles can do that increase the stats of nearby dwarves based on how skilled the noble is at LEADERSHIP or some other skill.
I currently use all of these in my own spell system, and it allows for a myriad of extra options that I am hoping to find a way to keep.
EDIT: I have finished updating my old scripts, minus the wrapper.lua and help sections. I will be adding those before I do an official release in my thread, but if you have time and feel like reading through someone elses code (I know how much fun that can be) you can find the scripts
here. I still need to thoroughly test them all, but if you do find the time to look at them (no rush or even necessary really) and you have any suggestions let me know. I haven't quite settled on a naming convention, but basically you can tell exactly what the script affects from the name, and they are grouped by liked effects.