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Author Topic: Craftknives - Year 4 End - Death n' Death  (Read 12947 times)


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Craftknives - Year 4 End - Death n' Death
« on: June 27, 2014, 08:30:43 pm »

Welcome to Craftknives! This is going to be my first succession fortress as I wanted to try something new. This is going to be an above ground fortress with quite interesting and unique rule. We will be using vanilla DF.

- Each turn is a single year.
- You have as many days real life time as you want to finish your turn, as long as you regularily update.
- Every overseer has to name a dwarf after themselves. You aren't allowed to name a second dwarf if you are playing for the 2nd or any time after the first. You can still play after you dwarf is dead but you aren't allowed to name another one. Dorf yourself as much as you want.
- The fortress has to have everything built aboveground. NOTHING can be built in the mines. Not even stockpiles.
- Each year you will be allowed to mine on a certain z-level. You CANNOT dig on any other z-level or surface. Once the year starts you have to cancel all the digging designations and upload your save. The stones/ores that you have discovered CAN be used by the next overseer, but no more digging on the said layer. Each year we will be getting one z-layer lower so the first couple years and the first overseers will have to manage with low/no stone.
- If you find yourself in a situation in which you can't mine at all ( for example, caverns or magma sea ) you are allowed to go up 1 z-level and carve another set of down stairs. If even then you wouldn't be able to mine, you can go even higher in z-levels until you are able to.
- No using DFhack. The only exception is Dwarf Therapist and UI upgrades.
- Do not exploit certain aspects of the game, like 'cloning' metals, robbing caravans or quantum stockpiles. Turtling is allowed in moderate amounts. Otherwise, everything else is allowed.

If you have any questions, message me or ask in this topic. Otherwise, have fun.

Once your turn is done, you have to write a report in which you say what did you do, what needs to be done, what happened, stocks... etc. You know the drill.


Starting Save: Here

Year 1 - Skullsploder - Save
Year 2 - Iamblichos Save
Year 3 - Snackfox ( Kind of... killed the fortress. )
Year 3 - KiBoy Save
Year 4 - Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum Save
Year 5 - Lurker Z
Year 6 - Skullsploder
Year 7 - Iamblichos
Year 8 - Snackfox

- Assassinate the Dwarven queen.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 01:11:15 am by KiBoy »
"Ha-ha-halt in the name of the Obeisant Vegetation!  Okay, Princess, you can speak to the Necromancer now."
"A-anou, Necromancer-san, could...  C-Could I have your autograph?"
If you imagine an 8-bit Hinata with elf ears, it gets even more ridiculous ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2014, 12:58:15 am »

Huh. Seems pretty cool. Sign me up for a turn.


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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2014, 05:55:39 am »

Sounds cool and very similar to what I'm doing right now (WoobMonkey's aboveground challenge).

I'll take an early turn - being allowed to dig at all will seem cheatingly easy  :D
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2014, 06:27:33 am »

I'll have a turn at some point, preferably an early point :)

EDIT: basically as early as you can put me
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 06:29:16 am by Skullsploder »
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2014, 06:29:16 am »

NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2014, 09:12:41 am »

The save file has been uploaded to DFFD. Skullsploder, your turn is first.

The z-level dwarves started at is 129, so you are allowed to make a single down stair and your z-level to mine is 128. You have been granted the honor of starting this fortress.
"Ha-ha-halt in the name of the Obeisant Vegetation!  Okay, Princess, you can speak to the Necromancer now."
"A-anou, Necromancer-san, could...  C-Could I have your autograph?"
If you imagine an 8-bit Hinata with elf ears, it gets even more ridiculous ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2014, 01:22:41 pm »

Are we allowed to name our dwarf something else, as long as we make sure the next players know that it's us?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2014, 11:21:15 pm »

Of course. You can name dwarves however you please.
"Ha-ha-halt in the name of the Obeisant Vegetation!  Okay, Princess, you can speak to the Necromancer now."
"A-anou, Necromancer-san, could...  C-Could I have your autograph?"
If you imagine an 8-bit Hinata with elf ears, it gets even more ridiculous ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2014, 03:27:06 am »

Okay, downloading the save now. I have basically 0 experience with above ground forts so you guys are in for some !!FUN!!  ;)
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2014, 08:22:34 am »

Okay, downloading the save now. I have basically 0 experience with above ground forts so you guys are in for some !!FUN!!  ;)

I haven't either. The whole reason this game exists is to have !!FUN!!, right? ;)
"Ha-ha-halt in the name of the Obeisant Vegetation!  Okay, Princess, you can speak to the Necromancer now."
"A-anou, Necromancer-san, could...  C-Could I have your autograph?"
If you imagine an 8-bit Hinata with elf ears, it gets even more ridiculous ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2014, 10:23:44 am »

Cool, I look forward to seeing what mayhem fun we can get up to.  I currently have a 5-year old fort running with no mining of any kind whatsoever, not even channeling.  Not a pick on the property.  Its a giant adobe Aztec fortress  :)
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2014, 04:48:28 pm »

Ye God's, we've embarked in a fine spot, fine indeed. If ye consider a place where t'ground's froze t'hard fer booze-plants an' the water's t'frozen t'drink te be FINE!

Aye, but, we'll make do. Oor Queen, a farmer by profession, wants os t'make a settlement tha'll be a farmer's paradise! And sh'wants it all t'be abov ground. But we're dwarves, I says. Go, now, or ay'll call t'guard on ye, she says. She's sendin' a caravan every year te see tha' we're carryin' oot her elf-orders. Aye, we'll make her damned "farmer's paradise," but we don' have te like it!

As te most intelligent dwarf in dis stoopid partey, aye chose a spot by te other sayd o' the river te begin oor *liiimited* diggin werk. Even tat oaf of a dwarf Avuz, who tinks e's the axpedition laider on accounts o' bein the queen's favourite (stoopid farmers) follows me orders. I've told everydwarf te get about findin' plants an' shrubs onder al' tis snow, and oor axeman, Reg, has set aboot clearin the area o' those damned elf-nests. Meanwhile I've sent the one mainer - who moost ave com along by som accident - to clearin oot the whole layer onderneat os. If thaire's stone fer os, he'll find et.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A'ter all te leafy devils in me chosen area o' settlement ha been cot doon, I set aboot makin som sort o' arrangement wi' oor supplies, and order tha' fool Avuz to get diggin' os some farmland. Ah may hate the stoopid buggers, but we need os some booze an dem farmers is all oo can make os oor drink.

A' the same time, I tell everydwarf to ge' thayr workshops set op. Aye, it's cold op here, an' aye, the Queen's a bitch, but we will make do. Also, I got good ol' Reg the tree-slaughterer te' make me som good solgerin' farnichure. A'ter me shiny new armourstand was in place, aye set aboot practicin' me defendin' skills. Gotta be ready fer them Kobold an' Goblin bastards, aye?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ah, t'weather's cleare'd. All de blasted snow's gone. Et's going te be naice te have dry boots, I can tell ye!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oor envestegation inte one o' the pools t' the noorthayst has left os wi' a sizeable supply o' gabbro. While not the mos' glaaaamorous stoon, gabbro es fer better'n nuthin'. Ay've told te mason tha' came wit' os te star' shapin' dat gabbro inte mechanisms te control oor gates wit' es soon es oor ferst wall es don. Ay've also ordered Urdim, oor Dwarf-mender te start using all te strawberries we've gathered te make os som o' tha' strawberry wine. Aye lov me som strawberry wine.

Wit oor gabbro, ay've found, we can make os a kiln! wit a kiln aboot, aye can finally tell tese dwarves te pick up som clay from tat spot aye saw ootsayd oor trade depot. Wit' tha' clay, we can build huuuuuge walls, en dey will be fer stronger dan ef we'd used dat stoopid elf-home stoff.

Ay've also taught op a smart way o' killin enemies! Ay'll put op a wall round oor REAL wall, an make te stoopid goblins walk all the way roond, while oor Marksdwarves shoot dem in thaire righ' sides - te side wi'oot te shield! ay'll also put traps along te tightest path roond - te wagons will go roond, bot te stoopid goblins will walk right inte the traps!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ah, te clay es brigh' red, jus' like t'holy fluid o' Armok! Ay'me sure es colour won' fade... we'll gi't a fresh coat e'ry once en a while!

Moigrants! Perfec', we needed som mor' han's bringin clay!

A'ight, we've got ourselves som mor' farmers (stoopid farmers), a trader, a bone carver (We plan on makin' loads of *mateeeerial* fer 'im te work with, eh boys?), a weaponsmith (axcellent), a bowyer (crossbows!) a fisher (seafood!), an' a bunch o' kids. Eh, they can help os wi' te harvest.

Wit' te bowyer here, an oor tonnes of leaf-fiend flesh, ay figure we can gi' a crossbow t'every dwarf! Aye, we need mor' leather fer quivers, bu' we ha' enough bolts, an' ay can tell som dwarves te get to thinnin' oot the wildlife once we slaugh'er oor yak an' horse fer quivers.

Ay've also toold Mistem, oor miner (who es noo legendary in hes skill an' minin' speed) te jes mine oot te whole godsdamned layer below os. Wairst-case scenario: te whole fort callapses en on i'self. Best case? Som' time en te future we can grow som naice moshrooms jus' un'er oor feet.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Och! Mor' moigrants! We don ha' any godsdamned beds fer ye yet! Mebbe inna coupla months, once the ooter wall is finished, we'll have a nice roof te put beds un'er. Gah. Ye can sleep o' te grass! Oh? Wa's thes? Ye three are meletairy dwarves? Well, why'nt ye say so? come on en!

Ye gods, wha're ye playin a'? Hopefully thes kid dosn' want gems o' teeth o' shell o' bone' o'... anythin' bu' wood, really.

Armok be praised. All te lil' bugger wan'ned was som' gabbro. Me fingers es crossed fer a figurine o' me becomin' the militia commander!

Dos it ha' a picture o' me? I hope it dos I hope it dos!

Ah yes, we've FINALLY finished te wall! Ay ordered som' dirt removed from te future path o' the wagons, an ef the stoopid queen (may she live a hondred stoopid yairs onder dis stoopid son in dis stoopid weather!) trow's a hissy fet, she can choose te fight af te goblins hairself, wi'oot oor smart fort planning!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ennyway, noo es te time fir os te begin oor opwards constroction.

Eh, et's taken som' taim, bu' noo we ha' oor firs bi' o' a dorm! Me an me fellow dwarves ar' all jus' as relieved te finally ha' a place te put oor head's doon fir a g'night's rest.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The caravan has com' an left. Tha' hoity toity liaison says tha' ay'me no' followin' the queen's orders. E's gettin' all huffy aboot tha' lil' bi' o' dirt tha' ay moved offa tha future caravan road. Noo he says ay ave te the end o' winter, an then ay've gotta find som' other dwarf to lead tese idiots. Eh, fine. I'll live, provided the next overseer's no' an idiot. Bu' fir noo, ay've gotta make sure he know's hoo te finish me design fir te walls. Eh, we have a dorm, ay'll jus' get the masons workin' on it, he'll be able to connec' the dots, an' any fool can build a dinin' room.

Och, another possession? Ye gods jus' don' le' os rest, eh? Mayhaps we'll get somethin' o' use outta this one.

Ah well. Et's springtaym. Ah guess tha' mean ay've gotta give thes fort o'er te som' other dwarf. Et's a shame... I was startin te like bein en charge. Ah, well, ay'me stell te commander o' te militia!

Spoiler: state of the fort (click to show/hide)

Et's funny... Ay ge' this straaange feelin', like dis i' gonna b'come som' sort o' stoopid tradition wit' dese idiots. Ay can see it noo: e'ry yair, a new leader. Och, but tha' woul' be a shambles, woul'n' i'? Ach, it's fine, somethin' tha' stoopid'll ne'r happen.

Noo ay mos resign. Ay'll be drillin' me macin' skills by te entrance af anydwaf wan's me.

OOC: Save's up on
Water is going to be a MAJOR problem once we start getting sieges and stuff, since we can't store it underground and it's frozen most of the year aboveground. There are solutions to the problem, but most of them require... liberal... interpretation of the rules. I'll leave it up to KiBoy to decide which schemes are allowed and which are not :D
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2014, 03:42:25 am »

That was a great raport, Skullsploder. Very dwarven. But 2 possessed dwarves in the first year? Never happened to me once. Well, I guess it's Iamblichos's turn now. Hope the fort will survive at least 10 years...

There is still a couple rules that need to be made; something in case of hitting the caverns, prelonging the time you guys have to play since raports like this take a while, and a whole lot of other small things.
"Ha-ha-halt in the name of the Obeisant Vegetation!  Okay, Princess, you can speak to the Necromancer now."
"A-anou, Necromancer-san, could...  C-Could I have your autograph?"
If you imagine an 8-bit Hinata with elf ears, it gets even more ridiculous ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2014, 03:49:30 am »

But 2 possessed dwarves in the first year? Never happened to me once.

I think it might be because I excavated a LOT of underground tiles, and that affects the number of strange moods. Like, a ridiculous number for the first year, fully a quarter of a level. I basically just had the miner digging nonstop. Kinda ironic, given the nature of the fort :P
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Craftknives - Above ground succession fortress ( vanilla )
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2014, 04:04:42 am »

Yeah, very ironic.

Is our queen really a farmer? That makes it even more hilarious, I guess.
"Ha-ha-halt in the name of the Obeisant Vegetation!  Okay, Princess, you can speak to the Necromancer now."
"A-anou, Necromancer-san, could...  C-Could I have your autograph?"
If you imagine an 8-bit Hinata with elf ears, it gets even more ridiculous ^_^
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