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Author Topic: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.  (Read 1031771 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12315 on: November 05, 2023, 09:14:04 am »

Ghouls are kinda cooler and darker than zombies depending on how you define them. Are they people who have descended into cannibalism? Or were they always cannibalistically inclined? Are they undead or fully human? People who drank vampire blood, or ate zombie meat and acquired a taste? So far the only thing I've seen everyone agree on is ghouls should be cunning, strong and fast. Sometimes with sharp claws and teeth. Like fast zombies with pack tactics. I've got a one shot planned where players are regular hive scum defending a hab block tower from a zombie plague outbreak led by a dark apostle (one of Lorgar's boys). I really wanted to take inspiration from Eternal Darkness zombies and this thread's discussion on the four chaos god flavours of cuisine to think of what chaos undivided zombies would look like.

-Nurgle zombies, fairly straightforward stuff. Actual, disease-spreading cadaverous fellows, can just use fydae-strain zombies.
-Entropic zombies. Dusty mummies and skeletons whose touch causes things to just age like milk.
-Tzeentch body snatchers that climb into people's bodies and take over their nervous systems while they're still alive. Did anyone see the new deathmark fight where a bunch of Kriegers get taken over by mindshackle scarabs and forced to attack a Sororitas? One of the kriegers can just barley be heard saying "No. I won't... Why?" Before attacking the sister. Poor chaps, it must literally be their worst nightmare to be forced into attacking an Imperial loyalist. So it makes sense a tzeentch body-snatcher zombie plague would be all about that kind of stuff, using their victim's identity while they're helpless to do anything but watch.
-Khorne zombies that spread their rage if anyone comes into contact with a drop of their blood.
-Slaanesh zombies that make your hive look like a dwarf fortress butcher's workshop in an evil biome. Dead space-esque flaps of skin flapping in the skies or dropping down onto people, corpses sharpening their own bones into primitive weapons or growing extra sensory organs.
-Techno-zombies that spread virtual viruses to machine spirits, servitors and other tech gubbins. I've already done one of these one shots, it was pretty neat. Mechanicus had to call in the players to deal with the threat since they needed unaugmented people to combat the incursion.
-The transfigured from Dark Heresy: Creatures Anathema." These guys are pretty much standard warp-sorcery zombies. Super strong, durable, unintelligent, violent to non-zombies, and transmits the contagion rapidly through touch. The only exception is they are led by a few transfigured zombies who metamorphose into stronger, supremely intelligent and saint-like figures who can be observed caring for and tending to their more unfortunate brethren. When the inquisitor and his cell in the book finally cut their way through the hordes to reach the saint-transfigured, they find it waiting for them with its head bowed, telling them it accepts the necessity of its own death.
-Mind worms. Can always add more mind worms.

US military junior officers made a counter-zombie warplan for the DOD. It's a fun read, CONPLAN8888
« Last Edit: November 06, 2023, 04:42:46 am by Loud Whispers »

Loud Whispers

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12316 on: November 15, 2023, 10:26:41 am »

What's the best way to start a total clusterfuck civil war in a Hive city?

The scenario:
-The players are high ranking sisters of battle with a lot of authority delegated from their MIA Hereticus Inquisitor boss and an alliance they gained from the Lord Governor of the planet (they actually managed to roll a natural 01 to open dialogue).

-There are three layers of conspiracy to the civil war. Layer 1 is full of all the reactive faction leaders like the major noble houses, the Imperial factions, all building up massive armies and weapons stockpiles sensing weakness in the Lord Governor and preparing counter-measures/coups. In Layer 1, people's motivations are largely concerned with just surviving and don't really know what's going on beyond "something bad." Layer 2 is full of instigators and opportunists, like the dark eldar and the slaugth, or the Arch-Deacon who intends to revive the Temple of the Saviour by making the Ecclesiarchy the dominant power in the sector. Layer 3 is where the Temple-Tendency Pontifex Maximums, the Ordo Malleus rogue inquisitor, Tzeentch-demon & the AI ship all lie, who have much grander goals in mind.

-Currently players are still in layer 1 of conspiracies. They have the choice to head straight to the Amaranthine wastes to try and track down their missing inquisitor/magos, or head to the refineries where there were credible reports of arco-flagellants & house-troops wearing power fields and utilising power weapons being used against underhive gangs. They are probably going to head to the refinery to question this suspiciously up-gunned refinery Lord.

-Said refinery Lord has a household guard fully equipped with power weapons, highest craftsmanship plasma weapons & personal protective power armour & power fields. All of these gear were recovered from derelict ships leftover from the storm of the Emperor's wrath. They are a true believer in the Temple of the Saviour's cause and as such utterly despise the Ecclesiarchy & the Sororitas for betraying Goge Vandire.

Currently wondering whether it would be cooler for players to be ambushed on their way to the refinery lord... Or ambushed when they expect a meeting with the refinery lord. I could see two scenarios being pretty neat; one ambush on the road from a Temple assassination cell, or in the refinery itself, an ambush from a mix of guys with industrial kiln guns, household guard with dark age of tech weapons, dark eldar haemonculi observing arco-flagellants...

Or would it be better for them to talk it out with the refinery lord? Idk. I feel like in this situation the Temple heretics have everything they need to pull off a civil war and win. And it's in character that they hate Sororitas/Priests so much, that they'll go out of their way to eliminate them even if it might blow their cover. I'm also wondering just how demonic I should make all of this salvaged age of apostasy tech.

If you had a literal armada full of salvaged warp-derelicts from the age of apostasy full of master-crafted elite gear, I imagine there is enough cursed warp energy in that bad mojo to alert the attention of even the Grey Knights. But I'm trying to think of what -precisely- would fit in with the theme here. I'm thinking that the gear causes people to literally be possessed by the fervent souls from the age of apostasy, turning them into a weird kind of spirit-host. But I'm wondering what else would be thematic in the same vein of false saints, warp ghosts, actual heresy and rogue inquisitors trying to make "holy" demonhosts that can permanently kill demons, who sincerely believe the Imperium isn't righteous and zealous enough. And while I like the idea of involving Tzeentch factions trying to co-opt the whole movement, I like the idea of them being another layer of trouble, not necessarily the driving cause of all this mess. Particularly since it gives more opportunity for warp nonsense and unaligned demons to appear. It's pretty important thematically that even if they end up using corrupting and warp influenced methods, that the Temple guys and Malleus radical sincerely believe they are holy and their cause is just, which would be a hard pretence to maintain if overt Tzeentch influence was noticeable
« Last Edit: November 15, 2023, 10:41:41 am by Loud Whispers »

Grim Portent

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12317 on: November 15, 2023, 10:55:54 am »

One angle to go with might be that the refinery lord is a true believer and has faith that the Sororitas can be 'redeemed,' and wants to try and convert them to the cause of the Temple Tendency. He's still going to have them ambushed during their meeting, but he's only going to actually engage in hostilities if they strike first. Which they will based on what I know of your players. He's also not an idiot and has some kind of personal shield and an escape plan. Or maybe he doesn't and plans to be martyred at the start of the fight, with the rest of the conspirators using his death to help convert more oligarchs to their cause.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.

Loud Whispers

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12318 on: November 15, 2023, 12:12:34 pm »

One angle to go with might be that the refinery lord is a true believer and has faith that the Sororitas can be 'redeemed,' and wants to try and convert them to the cause of the Temple Tendency. He's still going to have them ambushed during their meeting, but he's only going to actually engage in hostilities if they strike first. Which they will based on what I know of your players. He's also not an idiot and has some kind of personal shield and an escape plan. Or maybe he doesn't and plans to be martyred at the start of the fight, with the rest of the conspirators using his death to help convert more oligarchs to their cause.
Haha hell yeah, that feels like a natural way I can get a nice villainous monologue in without it sounding a bit too disjointed. I could probably work in the 500 year old lord on life support going full Palpatine with subtle tests to see how amenable the sisters are to switching sides before outright denouncing them as heretics. I am always scared of accidentally doing a Faramir monologue where I have to balance my innate desire to have the conspiracy be discovered, and the conscious effort to RP guys who really want to keep their conspiracy hidden.

"Eyyy refinery Lord you heard of any heresy lately?"
"Heresy? The true heresy is the rotting cadaver of the Imperium, decaying under the weight of its own corruption, that all began long ago..."

I could see a more natural version like this:

You are greeted at the perimeter gates by scion of the refinery lord, who descends eighteen generations from her ancient progenitor. Your armoured limousine's tires crunch the falling ash and splash through murky pools of alkaline fluid as you pass gangs of workmen blasting industrial kiln guns and heavy servitors haphazardly carrying large vats full of molten ferrocrete. The refinery lord's household guard stand watch in various outposts and barracks dotted throughout the complex. The household guard stare at you through the dark lenses of their rebreather masks, shock mauls and hellguns in their hands.

"The forefather will see you now," the scion tells you with all the reverence of a supplicant to a saint. You are led into the refinery lord's palace, flanked by rows of heavily armed men and women dressed in gilded carapace armour. They stand in silence, shields and swords humming with energy in a display of power and wealth (these are recognisably chantry guards, though the players do not yet know what those are. I imagine now that they have sufficient ground and naval forces, and they have aroused the attention of the Ordo Hereticus, this sect of the Temple Tendency has decided the time for direct action is now).

Deep in the inner sanctum you find a silver throne held in the centre of a warm and dry atrium. Great columns inscribed with feats of the refinery lord are illuminated by blinding searchlights. Arco-flagellants hang from the ceiling by their biomechanical cables like morbid chandeliers. Though you cannot visibly see them, your helmet's auspex scanners indicate numerous contacts and anomalous signatures standing at attention in the darkness. The room is deadly quiet but for the rhythmic beeping and wheezing of the refinery lord's life support systems.
"Do you... Truly have faith... In the Emp... Peror?" The refinery lord calls out weakly to you. His skin almost corpsely translucent and covered in surgical scars, but his eyes regard you with a sharp and careful gaze.

[knowing my players they will quickly accuse the refinery lord of being a mega heretic and start a fight. Whereupon my players will probably have to do a fighting retreat harried by arcoflagellants, chantry guards, household guards, refinery workers & servitors]. If they make it out I can probably then safely describe how the entire Hive is in an uproarious state as everyone announces open rebellion against the Lord Governor & Cardinal. The Arch-Deacon proclaims one of the noble lords as a puppet-ruler of the sector, & the sisters get to be heretics on the run

I am also toying with the idea of the refinery lord being "gifted" by one of the conspirators a Halo Device. A gift like that would help explain how the Arch-Deacon, Slaughth, Rogue Inquisitor and the nobles all ended up in the same boat together, and also helps tie in with the overarching theme of "bringing people back to life/going back to the good old days... At what cost?"
Like imagine they kill him, and he comes back to life in the prime of his youth. Thanks the sisters for helping him figure out how to activate the halo device, and then proclaims his immaculate resurrection as proof of the Emperor's divinity, becoming a living "saint" figurehead for the arch deacon. The device could even be something they recovered in the Amaranthine wastes from the AI ship the U.N.S. Mission of Hope. Ohohohohoho this might work
« Last Edit: November 15, 2023, 12:15:08 pm by Loud Whispers »

Grim Portent

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12319 on: November 15, 2023, 12:59:04 pm »

An option that might be quite fun to play around with is relics of Vandire, scraps of his clothing, bits of his blood, flesh and bone, preserved and passed around the Temple Tendency in secret.

Some of the various bits and bobs of warp influenced stuff is intended to be used with a few bits of Vandire in the hands of the local demagogue to either summon Vandire's ghost, or something claiming to be Vandire's ghost, to possess a suitable host, or to transform the demagogue into the image of Vandire so he can falsely claim to be Vandire returned to life by the Grace of the Emperor, and usher in a new age of Ecclesiastical dominance lead by Vandire Returned.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.

Loud Whispers

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12320 on: November 17, 2023, 08:45:07 am »

An option that might be quite fun to play around with is relics of Vandire, scraps of his clothing, bits of his blood, flesh and bone, preserved and passed around the Temple Tendency in secret.

Some of the various bits and bobs of warp influenced stuff is intended to be used with a few bits of Vandire in the hands of the local demagogue to either summon Vandire's ghost, or something claiming to be Vandire's ghost, to possess a suitable host, or to transform the demagogue into the image of Vandire so he can falsely claim to be Vandire returned to life by the Grace of the Emperor, and usher in a new age of Ecclesiastical dominance lead by Vandire Returned.
Could also be an ironic offshoot of a Thorian inquisitor who believes that Vandire was an avatar of the Emperor's will who can be recreated... The Vandire Returned

Grim Portent

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12321 on: November 17, 2023, 10:16:53 am »

Or an Istvaanian who thinks an Ecclesiarchal civil war needs to happen and decides to bolster the Temple Tendency.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.

Grim Portent

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12322 on: November 23, 2023, 09:33:02 pm »

Idly musing on some Black Crusade ideas, and I got an idea for an NPC that I felt like sharing.

There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.

Loud Whispers

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12323 on: December 17, 2023, 02:54:18 pm »

Wew. My Sororitas players:

1. Decided not to report anything they discovered to Terra for fear the High Lords might be in league with heresy.
2. Decided not to report anything they discovered to the Inquisition for fear the Inquisition might be in league with heresy.
3. Decided they would investigate the Amaranthine wastes, but not use the Arch-Deacon or the Logis Tech-Priests offers of support in case they were heretics or setting up an ambush.
4. Decided they would ensure the safety of the Hive in their absence by launching a pre-emptive strike on the Refinery Lord, the most powerful of the Noble houses supporting the Lord Governor, their principle ally. Without any evidence of heresy, they consulted with underhive criminal contacts and spies from the planet's lone Arbites chief to see what they could learn of Jack Wilter's noble house. They learned:

a. There had been a recent bout of open conflict and infighting within Jack Wilter's family.
b. This conflict had seen an over-abundance of exotic and rare weaponry.
c. Jack Wilter was holding a dinner in which numerous low-ranking preachers had been invited.

And concluded he must be a part of some conspiratorial plot, with the objective being capture & interrogation. Their method was to build a coalition of the willing and strike fast.

5. a. They convinced the Cardinal with logic that the preachers were going to be assassinated by Jack Wilter, because Jack was 400 years old and never bothered to host minor preachers before. Yet he was known to financially support more "lavish" and high ranking members of the ecclesiarchy, so was clearly not a "true believer." The Cardinal announced over the Hive's vox speakers that everyone should grab a weapon and join the crusade against Jack Wilter, whilst the preachers invited to the dinner used their invitation to walk into Jack's palace and attack from within.

[Out of character, it is logical to assume Jack Wilter was just inviting the preachers over to try and bribe them/curry favour with them. My players joked with each other whether it would turn out that the refinery lord had suddenly gained a religious interest nearing the end of his life and were they about to wipe out an innocnet noble house - but one of them said "if he has been stockpiling rare weapons to defend the Imperium he is guilty of conspiracy, he chose not to tell this to the Lord Governor or the Inquisition."
It's a huge shot in the dark but stunningly, they were right on the mark. Jack Wilter was planning on launching a surprise attack on the Lord Governor and the Ecclesiarchy. The players don't know this yet but they've already ruined his plans!]

b. They convinced James Stewart aka John Smith aka Stapler Lord aka Legitimate Businessman to rally his criminal underhive gangers to ally with the Ecclesiarchy and invade the Refinery in exchange for him taking over the Refinery. They made an alliance with the Mechanicus on the assumption that the Mechanicus would get the Refinery. They cut the Mechanicus out of the deal and didn't inform them of the assault.

c. They convinced the Lord Governor to lower Hive Erebuni's void shields, so their allied ship-Captain, Captain Tacitus, could bombard the refinery palace with his Lunar Class Grand Cruiser in a surprise attack. They convinced the Lord Governor's incompetent Chief General of Staff Odus (and his much more competent adjutant Lieutenant Commander Kilo Matz) that a pre-emptive attack on the Refinery Lord was the only way to guarantee Erebuni's safety, as if the Refinery Lord had gone traitor, there was only enough manpower to defend the palace and aeroport.

d. All this was like a wet-dream come true for the planet's sole judge Quintus, who had long wished to eradicate much of the profligate nobles who he deemed guilty of many unforgivable crimes, but lacked the manpower to destroy them. So they activated his spy network within Wilter's noble house and sprung into action.

So they assembled this unlikely war-room of colourful characters. Adjutant Kilo Matz and Judge Quintus nodding stoically as they discussed how best to eliminate Wilter's personal forces. Captain Tacitus and and the 6ft 5" stormtrooper Commander Gruppen discussing how to attack from above. The preachers revving their chainswords as the Cardinal worked them into a frenzy at the apparent perfidy and faithlessness of Lord Wilter. John Smith in his plain business suit surrounded by underhive scum sporting punk hair and neon-tattoos carrying heavy shrapnel guns.

The way I envisioned this was the Refinery Lord working with the other conspiring nobles to launch a devastating uprising, featuring heavy use of force-field technology, power weapons, plasma weapons and devastating arco-flagellant mass deployments to break strong defensive lines. Whilst this all happened, the Arch-Deacon was going to use the pandemonium to assassinate the Cardinal and together with Wilter, deliver all secular and religious power to the Temple of the Saviour / Temple Tendency heresy. Yet by attacking first with overwhelming force, they might stand a chance of wiping out the Temple plot's most significant military force on the planet before the plot has even been discovered. The players plan to investigate is to capture Jack Wilter or any disgruntled nobles who survived the infighting and interrogate them as to what is actually going on. This is 100% certified ordo hereticus roleplay hours. To make matters even funnier, they asked the Cardinal to get the crusader "watching" Lord Governor Melvin kon Ashant reassigned to the Cardinal, as they suspected the crusader was serving the Inquisitor whose faith and loyalty is unknown to them. So the Cardinal asks the Arch-Deacon to get it done, who spectacularly fails his requisitions check to get the crusader reassigned. So I roll on a chart to see "what has gone wrong" and he gets "the mission succeeds, however dangerous parties are aware of your actions." Meaning they accidentally managed to put the Arch-Deacon on the Ordo Malleus's radar without knowing the Arch-Deacon was an arch-heretic.

They are using the wrong equation and somehow getting the right answer

Special moment of note: on the grand assault on the refinery district, my players kept the Emperor's Ladybugs (really tall parade boys/stormtroopers) in reserve. Part of the buffs I gave them were to parading - they were very visibly distinct and ill-suited to doing missions without being noticed, as they wore red and black armour and were just covered in Imperial iconography. One of my players asked if they were visibly Imperial and I told them absolutely. These guys are not subtle at all. They are all augmented parade monkeys with ultra long legs who love showing off in front of nobles.

I didn't pay much heed to why my player was asking until some of the Cardinal's militia encountered some Wilter-garbed Ogryn smashers who were shouting "FOR THE EMPEROR!"

They deduced that the Ogryns had been told everyone invading were heretics, so they sent in the Emperor's Ladybugs to convince them that they were loyalists and it was the Wilters who were the heretics. Commander Gruppen and the household palace Captain get into a furious argument and contested command checks to convince the Ogryns that the other group is a heretic. The ladybugs get 6 degrees of success; the palace guards get 3. The Ogryn smashers switch sides and my sororitas player said "I knew it! That's why I asked if they looked Imperial!"
« Last Edit: December 17, 2023, 02:59:49 pm by Loud Whispers »


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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12324 on: December 17, 2023, 03:21:17 pm »

Ahh, that's beautiful. If you just pre-emptively annihilate everyone who MIGHT be against you, then you'll eventually get em all! :D

Radio Controlled

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12325 on: December 17, 2023, 03:31:39 pm »

Ah yes, the 'Hobo with a lasgun' approach.

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.

Loud Whispers

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12326 on: December 17, 2023, 03:54:02 pm »

"You did it! You killed all the heretics! How did you know?"

"They were heretics?"

Loud Whispers

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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12327 on: December 19, 2023, 10:01:43 pm »


1. My players have sent a squad of sisters repentia to deploy a WMD in the refinery palace core before they deploy their main store of arco-flagellants.

2. The sororitas hit-force have once again proven their brilliant ability to take on overwhelming odds and win, and yet fail to uncover anything because of their total lack of investigative skills, logic and tech-use.

3. After multiple ingenious attempts to locate a spy they needed to retrieve (mostly violently interrogating people or forcing them at gunpoint to trawl through security screens), they just went room to room in the palace assaulting people until they kicked a door down, knocked a maid out who was assembling a long las on her bed. Her two cherubim identified the sororitas and reported back to the unconscious magistrate/spy "inquisitorial taskforce located, we have returned as instructed." So began the tale of Mary Poppins, the maid Magistrate

4. The players discovered soon the great hell that was dealing with elite troops wielding an overabudance of plasma guns, melta guns, power weapons and force fields. Yet they still achieved great success. There were only a few real moments where they reconsidered their life choices:

-When facing two chantry guards, brute hulks of men clad in gilt ornate master-crafted carapace armour, wielding power mauls and glaives, with great tower shields arcing with electricity... They decided it would be better to avoid the dark souls bosses entirely.

-When facing five regular foundry workers armed with simple autoguns, wrenches and a kiln gun, those five guys ended up performing even better than the elite palace guards. What a bunch of madlads. Even better was that with their deafness and their welding visors on, they only had a 15% chance of even noticing the sororitas walking by.

-When dealing with psychic phenomena. All of these force fields and rare weapons were salvaged from wrecks and ghost ships dating back to the storm of the Emperor's wrath. The players don't know all of this yet, besides that this is an impossible amount of unique gear for a mere district lord to possess. Mechanically, I give their force fields three values. One for protection, one for overloading and one for "violent" overloading. With a violent overload / a wearer manually restarting the force field (by hitting it really hard), or a warp-tainted critical weapon misfire, psychic phenomenon get rolled.

In the raid on the enemy HQ, my sororitas players were alarmed OOC when I described how the signals officer they shot was flung 17 meters towards them. "Don't you mean he was thrown this way? He would bounce off the vox set and the blast would throw him away."
"I know. Newtonian physics has just been visibly rejected. His dead body is flung 17 meters towards you."

And the most harmless of the psychic rolls seems to have disturbed them the most. [after blasting a retreating NCO's chest out with an incendiary storm bolter round, violently overloading his force field]. "You get the terrible feeling something bad has just happened." They were paranoid and alarmed for the rest of the session in a way I was surprised, yet delighted by - I wouldn't ever plan to pull this kind of trick on my players.

-They spent 45 minutes IRL debating and experimenting with how to cross a gallery. At first it was just tactical considerations; the gallery presented a dangerous room to enter, as someone could have set up a firing line.
"As you stand on the threshold of the gallery, you get the sinister feeling that something is wrong. Its as if the eyes of the paintings are following you."
They begin war planing for a psyker, one of our players is legit saying "man I don't know how to fight psykers" OOC. These are the same guys who take a look at a prepared corridor of palace guards armed with two plasma guns, force fields each and say "yeah that we can do."

-We got our first ever fear tests for dealing with maximum fear rating 4 environments.

-There is a daemonhost now. They got really, really unlucky.

I'm trying to think now if it is cooler to introduce a "chaos daemon" daemonhost, as chaos hasn't been introduced in this campaign yet. Or if I should go with my gut instinct and make it something more like a daemonhost that is hosting a legion of warp-spectres from the age of apostasy

I'm also trying to think how likely it is a daemonhost can survive a WMD

And if the Ordo Malleus is going to kill the entire hive if they find out what the hell is going on. Fuck, I think the WMD may have accidentally been the best play possible for casualty reduction. I don't think the players win if the Grey Knights came after them. Eliminating one palace with the armouries full of the warp tainted weapons in a pre-emptive strike legit both deals with the potential for Ordo Malleus purge and warp incursion. The only trouble is the Ordo Malleus is 100000% investigating them in the aftermath so now I need to start figuring out "does warp fucky stuff leave traces after being vaporised by WMDs in a way the Ordo Malleus can prove" and "does the Ordo Malleus need proof to begin sending kill squads after you if they have a 'hunch' you're involved in nasty warp stuff?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12328 on: December 23, 2023, 11:31:58 pm »

I thought of a weird one. A backwards aging person of interest, probably a secret badguy but certainly at least an unwilling heretic, and a mcguffin that ages a person. I was thinking a spacegun of some kind so the sororitas don't hesitate to use it due to requiring a tech-use roll. The gm goal is to have them use it on the person aging backwards, without making the macguffin seem conntected to the person of interest. The way the mcguffin works isn't to change physical size, so the hidden goal of the sororitas is to keep using it on the person of interest, so that they eventually end up with a man sized one cell embryo. Hitting it with the mcguffin again would cause it to split into man-sized egg and sperm, with a nurgle daemon riding the sperm as it wriggles out backwards. Revealing and defeating the daemon is the end goal, but it shouldn't be obvious where it is hidden or how the mcguffin should be used to reveal it.
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Sort of finished and awaiting remix due to loss of most recent song file before addition of drums: <-zguit


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Re: WH40K discussion thread: from Tyran's heart I stab at thee.
« Reply #12329 on: December 23, 2023, 11:48:43 pm »

That, uh. Definitely has some "dare you enter my magical realm" vibes.

I'd. Probably leave out the embryo stuff just to make it have less of "you get to involuntarily get involved with my fetishes now, have fun =D" type of look, really? That's definitely somewhere in unbirth territory and unless whoever else is involved is okay with that it's probably better to just not, heh.
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