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Author Topic: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston  (Read 3486 times)


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2014, 03:01:57 am »

He turns to Zeke, snapping around. "Do not confuse me with those tyrants! We are the Anti-templars, dedicated to ending the dictator, Simon, and his false order of syncophants and pretenders. Hence the Black Tabard, which we bear proudly, rather than Simon, who would grovel and scrape, then stab them in the back!"He spits out the name Simon, like the word itself was filthy and diseased, a blight upon the english language. He takes a moment to compose himself. "The sword is a holy tool of our order. Most of us prefer axes, but I have always taken to the more balanced weapon. Plus, I can hold this in my other hand" He pats the burly handgun at his side.
"Ah... I see... I s'pose.  Guess I'll jest take yer word for it.  Don't know about no 'Simon', nor no-one fightin' against him, but ya seem a decent enough fella."


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2014, 05:23:25 pm »

Julien Conjurin' Roll: TN 9 vs. 5d10 = 8, Failure

Julien decides to try his hand, and foretelling once more and reshuffles the deck as his fisherman companion gets up from the table, probably to go puke his guts out outside. You draw seven cards once more as you speak to Loco for guidance, and insight into your own future however today is not the day for you to see into the mists of your own fate it would seem. No matter how hard you try to get something from the cards, and the loa you are answered with silence ...


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2014, 06:46:01 pm »

"What're ya doin' with yer cards there, voodoo man?" asks Zeke, leaving his distaste for such supernatural matters unspoken, but clear in his tone.


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2014, 07:37:54 pm »

"Wasting my time, apparently. Mes vieux are mum." Julien smiles. "You want me to ask the Saint's if they have any messages for you, Zeke? I know how much you love hearing from them. Ah, but there are things that must yet be done... Roivas, I'm at your service if you need me, but I should see if there is anyone here whose need is more imminent. Zeke, Klasha, I'll be around. Mathieu, come along. I'll be working on some favours, later tonight. Me and Mathieu both. If any of you are interested in the Saints and spirits watchin' over you and keeping you safe from harm, let me know before the day is out, and I'll see what I can do for you. You all could use some good juju, I think. Mache sou trèz, pou pa pile katòz."

Julien drinks the last of his glass, and stands up. "And farewell to you, for now, gason kanson, anti-templar. I suspect I'll be seeing quite a bit more of you soon enough. But I have preparations to make for when the creature arrives. I'll make a gift for you, in particular, considering what St. Joseph told me."

Ask the bartender if she knows if there are any sick or injured in town that might benefit from a doctor's assistance, or if anything's been stolen or gone missing I might be able to help find. Then, go out to town and see if there's anyone to help (and try to get some compensation for doing so, via dinero), do some scroungin' for ingredients to make a few bags and poultices. I would like to make 2 poultices (2 hours each, scroungin' TN 5 or $10 if my dinero succeeded and the scroungin' fails), an Ogu's Aura (4 hours, free) for Roivas, and a revelation dust (2 hours, free), in that order. That's 10 hours of preparation, so I'll probably be working on that stuff into the night assuming the day goes well with finding some business/helpin' folks opportunities. Mathieu can come along, help scrounge (he's actually better at it than me) for bits, and make a Salango's Charm for himself.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 01:06:02 am by GlyphGryph »


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2014, 12:41:04 am »

"I'm all well 'n good without havin' some voodoo spirits tellin' my fortune, thanks very much."

"Now, in the absence of any idears on where t' go t' find a new guide, I do believe I have some minor business t' attend to.  Shot away all but the last o' my munitions a while back."

Zeke pushes his chair away from the table and grabs his rifle, effortlessly swinging the gun nearly as tall as himself around his back and into its scabbard.   He doesn't look back as he leaves whistling an old battle hymn, keeping an eye out for the General Store, useful odds and ends lying about, and trouble.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 09:13:42 pm by Remalle »


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2014, 12:51:23 am »

"Well, I'm out. Gotta learn more o' this town if we want ta help it, no?"

Leave the bar. Get myself known in the town, and urge the townfolk to turn to me if anything comes up and the local authorities don't have the time or the will.
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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2014, 12:59:26 am »

After he's finished being sick, Kagus will head straight to the wharf and scope out any activity there. He'll examine the vessels there and introduce himself to their owners, and strike up conversation to learn as much as he can about the local waters, as well as about the kind of wildlife he can expect. He takes any opportunity he can to tag along on a ride out on the water. He uses his seaman's instincts to have a guess at what the weather will be like this week.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 12:14:08 am by GUNINANRUNIN »


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2014, 05:28:14 pm »

Try scrounging for ammunition, even though she's not good at it before meeting up with the rest.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2014, 03:42:27 pm »

Julien Colvis Toussaint
On your way out of the saloon you stop, and ask Alison if she knows of anyone who might need a doctor's attention or that have had things taken from them and want them back. She smiles slightly before replying,

"A pair of Hulldun's boys got themselves wounded in the last fight we had with some of those fishfaces, one had his leg chewed up real good and the other is missing a good portion of his face, but they're alive for now though who knows for how much longer. If you think you can see to 'em they're up at Hulldun Hall."

You thank her for the information, and ask her to tell anyone who might need a doctor or some such that your available for the time that you're in town. With that you leave with Mathieu following close at your heels, the kid has that look of determination on his face that has become the norm replacing the smiles you remember seeing back when his mother was alive ... Shaking the thought off you make your way back around the saloon, and further inland heading for the structure that passes for this place's town hall, a skeletal structure of rough cut wood with sheets of metal, plastic, and whatever else they could get their hands on to create a rounded building. Amazingly enough the thing has two floors, and is somehow still standing though your attention is quickly grabbed by the pair of armed men that walk up to you wielding rifles.

They stop a short way away with their hands firmly on their weapon grips before one asks you,

"What you want with us? Hulldun don't want no trouble in his town so if you're looking for it you better think twice, not a one of us will hesitate to put a bullet in ya, but don't hold it against us if that happens we just follow the bosses orders. Say what you want quick, or get on somewhere else."

You inform them that you heard about the two wounded soldiers from Alison, and that you would like to help fix them up, your knowledge of medicine could perhaps be the difference between life and death for the both of them. The two soldiers give each other confused looks before the one who talked to you before says,

"Alright fine, come on inside, but you won't be going straight to our buddies 'cause Hulldun will want to see you first, and make sure you ain't lying or going to put his followers lives at risk. Now come along, and keep the kid close to you we don't want him gettin' lost."

You nod, and follow the two of them through the entrance of the town hall which isn't much more than driftwood screwed into some old wooden hinges, not the sturdiest thing but it sure seemed to serve. Inside you're met by a rather large surprised, the entrance hall is actually a decent sized office with two doorways each on the walls to the left and the right while directly ahead is taken up by a large rusty desk with a rather massive mountain of a man sitting behind it. The man is rather plain for the most part, the only things setting him aside from the two with you is a faded green military uniform, a long scar across his skull where part of the flesh was torn away, and a strange collar with a blank LED screen and two unlit lights.

Looking up from the papers strewn across the desk the man nods to the soldiers who quickly explain the situation before making their way back outside as the man, who you assume to be Hulldun, orders them out of the room. Turning to you he asks,

"I'm Hulldun, the guardian and mayor of this town, welcome to Graston and though it may not be the most prosperous town it is one of the safest in the northern parts of the Maze though that doesn't say much. I understand that you want to treat my two injured men, but what I want you to tell me is why? What do you want in exchange for your 'services' as a doctor, and why shouldn't I just send you right back out that door strung between two of my men like a rag doll?"

Dead Eye Zeke
Scroungin' Roll: Fair TN (5) vs 1d6 = 4; Failure
You leave the bar, and spend the better part of an hour digging through piles of junks and the few back alleys in the town in search of materials you can use for rounds for the Paterson. Of course at the end of your search you've come up with nothing at all, not that surprising to be honest in a port town that probably needs every useful scrap it can get with a working shipyard and weapons like that to safeguard it.

Ignoring your failure you take a stroll along the docks looking for the town's general store, its actually not hard to find as soon enough you spot a neon green sign glowing off to the side of the bay. Shrugging you head on over, and through the swinging doors, the room beyond has absolutely no sense to it at all with shelves and tables crammed in everywhere they could fit while leaving only the minimal amount of space in-between. As you take a look at the vast variety of items scattered on the tables from wires to cans of food to canteens and even things like scopes, and ammo on the shelves farther back though your browsing is interrupted as a voice yells from the back,

"One moment sir! I'll be right up, oh damn it all to hell what are you doing in the floor George? Out, out you pile of scrap!"

Shortly after you're amazed to see a spider-like machine come skittering around the corner, and go flying by your feet heading for the door, needless to say George isn't quite what you expected and not long after that you realize the owner isn't either ... The man who rounds the corner of the shelves is an Indian man of middling height wearing plain clothes which is in stark contrast to the strange contraption on his head consisting of some sort of helmet with what seems like dozens of lenses, sights, visors, and even an antenna that makes the man look quite strange. The man before you speaks up quickly,

"Yes, yes, sorry about that, George doesn't seem to understand that he's not allowed inside the store. Anyway, hello traveler! My name is Francis and I run this fine establishment, and the town's shipyard as well, what can I do for you today? Anything specific you're looking for?"

Scroungin' Roll: Hard TN (9) vs 2d6 = 4; Failure

You spend a few hours searching the town for 10mm rounds, but find none, the place has either been picked clean by now or there just never have been any of those rounds in this town before. Its possible, but then again there was fighting all throughout the Maze during the Last War so who knows ...

Longshot Luke
Persuasion Roll: ???

You quickly head out as the others disperse as well though your goal is quite different than the others as you begin to talk to anyone, and everyone you can find in the town telling them that if they need help you're the person to turn to. Its not long before something comes of it as you're met by a short, stocky man wearing stained leathers as you wander back through the town towards the Wishbone, the man glances about nervously before speaking out,

"I ... I understand you're offering to help people good sir, and I am in dire need of some assistance because my very livelihood is at risk, my name is Markus Hitchook and I am a merchant that brings foods and oddities all throughout the Maze. I've been doing well until just recently, my operations have come under the focus of a group of pirates it would seem and my last three attempts to get to Brasburg have turned up failures with my boat limping back into Graston wounded and with many of the guards I hired wounded or dead. Now no one will accept a job as guards for me, they say ... they say I've been cursed and that I bring only ill fortune to those who work with me. Please, without your help my career as a merchant and very likely my life will be over ..."

Kagan Ducklin
Persuasion Roll: ???

You head down to the docks, and start talking to the various fishermen, merchants, miners, and more that are milling around the water side either prepping to leave or just arriving in town. All in all you're met with either cold shoulders, or people telling you to fuck off, either these people just don't like outsiders or the situation is getting to them but either way it doesn't look like there's much more you can do here.

Knowledge Roll: ???

You spend a good half hour trying to predict there weather, and by the time you're done you have one outstanding prediction. Its gonna rain, be sunny and 90, be slightly cloudy, or its gonna hail. You're not quite sure which.


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2014, 03:56:05 pm »

"I wouldn't like workin' for a jinx, but you sound as tho' you really need help and those pirates oughta be caught sooner or later. I'm gonna hear the others on what they think. Do you have anythin' else me and the others should know of?"
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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2014, 05:25:02 pm »

Explain that, while I would certainly appreciate some compensation, and my actual effectiveness would be improved either by some needed medical supplies or the resources to purchase it, compensation is not actually required from those who can't afford to spare the resources - and, after all, it is certainly in my own best interest to have the town where I am staying maintain its armed protectors in good health.

I would be happy to diagnose the soldiers for free, explain which if any supplies I might need to see them through (and the regular cost), and let them decide whether my services are worth compensating.

As to why I am willing to let them decide my compensation rather than setting some high price for my services, thats a long story, one I look forward to telling, but if the men's injuries are as bad as I've heard my life story is probably best told during or after theykve been seen to.

If still distrust me, I request you send out the doctor you have on staff, let him talk to me and decide if my skills might be useful or not, rather than turning me away while men suffer - perhaps he has already done everything I could do, perhaps? If the men are so well seen to that my presence is not required, I will simply be on my way, to see if there are any who are less well off and might benefit from my ministrations.


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2014, 08:08:08 pm »

Zeke blinks as the mechanical contraption skitters past him and then pauses when confronted with the shopkeeper's helm.  Though he's slowly getting used to the strange technology of the future and has had prior experience with mad scientists of the past, the sight still makes him uncomfortable in a way he can't rightly describe.  Shaking his head clear he puts his brightest smile on for the shopkeeper, then remembers that his brightest smile tends to scare people off and stops.
"Howdy, uh, Francis.  I was lookin' to strike a business proposition, o' sorts.  I guess y'could consider me a bit of a gunsmith, y'see, and seeing as bullets're worth their weight in gold these days, I was thinkin' I could take yer scrap metal and powder, 'n make some rounds for ya, fer pay o' course.  Whadya say?"


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #42 on: June 29, 2014, 10:58:25 pm »

Alex will remain at the bar, listening to the rumors and making sure that his squires don't get out of hand.

Mr Wrex, please do not eat my liver.


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #43 on: July 03, 2014, 12:39:59 pm »

updoot now OneDwarf.


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Re: Black Waters IC Thread - A tiny town called Graston
« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2014, 12:41:05 pm »

See if I can get some work fishin'.
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