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Should freshly entering mages be given +10/+10 worth of random essences?

- 19 (46.3%)
- 9 (22%)
It should be more than that
- 6 (14.6%)
It should be less than that
- 7 (17.1%)

Total Members Voted: 41

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Author Topic: Roll to Magic: Turn 268 The finish line  (Read 1213299 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4635 on: February 12, 2016, 04:40:02 am »

Turn 142

"Well, at least it made my job easy. Whitehats, Call in... The Nuke."

Keeping my hat on my head, I send out a call to the other Whitehats. Nuke this place, it's too far gone. Afterwards, out the portal I go.

Bernardo looked upon the dragon casting a shadow over the island. Whenever crime happened, it happened suddenly, and this was no exception. Oh sure, it was neither timebreaking nor mindbending, but this was still mostly official lands, and one wizard was about to raze them. Then again, the wizard had turned into a dragon at the moment, and law mostly did not apply to dragons for multitude of reasons, not least of which was high lethality of apprehending such criminals. Proper officer material was hard to find and took some time to train, and they knew better than to throw their lives away for no purpose. For Bernardo, the choice was clear here. He ran towards the portal, as he still had a duty here, there was still great amount of suspects to interrogate and criminals to punish. He disappeared within the light of center portal.

Use my secret affinity on Seva's wings, destroy them
Continue attacking the demon Mage with the help of all of my velociraptors
Falcon will keep attacking the beast,aiming for its eyes

nope, me and all my minions run through the portal

What the hell is that
"Ah well, why bother with pathetic speeches... Xazoliomuhr? I was extremely pleased by your service. Hereby, I declare our contract finished. You may save yourself or follow me to seek even greater crusades and many souls to reap - now, it's entirely your choice to make."

If distance seems reasonable, run to the Whirlpool. It's bad luck to follow the way you arrived, side-by-side with those you just tried to kill.

Otherwise, follow the road of the Damned, as seen by souls and shades venturing back through the main portal.

The world was going to die. It was time to leave.
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In most cases, careful thought about what to do next helped people more than wild panic. It was one of many reasons why assassins worked up close and personal rather than sending trained animals. However when the smart thing to do was to run in wild panic, animalistic instinct held a momentary advantage over human mind, and it was rarely visible as clearly as it was now. Before Blake could get back on his feet, Beast had already climbed out of the pit and managed a third of distance to the portal. Xazoliomuhr too, before Kahel finished speaking, had already made good progress towards the lake. Listening to inspiring speeches could wait for until it was out and away from Dragon's shadow.

Kahel looked at Ice demon swiftly moving away, and ran after him. Not for another inspiring speech of course, the demon merely managed to choose the same exit as Kahel did. As he ran to the lake Kahel noticed that waterline had receded some ten meters, revealing a plethora of water plants that were of very little interest to Kahel. He dived in the waves and attempted to swim towards the shining center. In practically no time immensely powerful currents of the whirlpool dragged Kahel underwater, but he managed to keep his mouth shut and his lungs filled with more air than water. His obsidian orb shone like never before, and Kahel felt a surge of strength, enough to get above the water and take another breath of sweet sweet air. But it was not all well. As Kahel neared the center of the whirlpool, the water became more inclined and he felt himself falling into the blue light. As the light touched his obsidian orb and staff, fire burst from inside once molten stone, only to be immediately extinguished and rock crumbled to dust.

Back near the Tower, Seva thought that it was well the time to move and whistled his pets close. Blake, lying in freshly dug dirt had other ideas. He had little chance to get out and have another go, but he still had a chance at spiting Seva. He rose from the pit, congealed his newly acquired power around his hands and lunged at Seva. The bird mage felt the attack coming, however. It was not too difficult, as he dodged out of the way almost entirely by reflex, after intense sensation of something wrong appearing just behind him. Blake's hands closed where Seva's wings just were and a flash of light and destructive magic washed over both Seva and Blake. It was too weak to harm either of two mages, but nearby grass withered away. Seva fled towards the center portal and vanished within the light, as Blake fell back into the pit. Soon, Illium ran by the by the pit and towards the portal, quietly hoping that nobody saw how he managed to mess up throwing a Molotov and set a part of wall next to himself on fire.

While Chorkinaan's away and Forric's distracted, I go up behind Forric and snap his neck, enhancing the snap with my magic. I then loot his corpse and run to the portal tile. ((Not actually gonna go through the portal or anything, it's just on the way.))
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Henry looked at the dragon and then at the portal. The portal was close, very close. Close enough to delay immediately running towards it. Forric was also close, and quite distracted by the whole dragon thing. Henry sneaked towards the distracted mage and positioned his hands in place for a quick twist. Forric noticed just a second too early and began moving, however the spell that Henry forged had compensated and the strike sent Forric sprawling on the grass with a dislocated Jaw, but still bit too alive for Henry's plans.

Actually, on second thought, new plan. Seeing that the lake is not only closer, but also draining into something the likes of which every living thing besides some mages is running towards, Chorkinaan immediately books it for the bloodied lake and dives for the receding waters in attempt to ride the currents to the heart, taking a deep breath before he goes under. If this spits me out underwater, I can always just create a super-non-dense brick with handles that I can ride up to the surface. If possible, Chorkinaan creates 3 or 4 essences on the way.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Chorkinaan had one look at the dragon above and took no time rushing off towards the shining whirlpool. Forric and Henry could work out their argument or die trying, Chorkinaan had better plans. The water was receding rapidly, but the currents became very strong just few meters in. Chorkinaan dived in the water and began swimming towards the center. The water nearly pushed him away from his goal several times, but Chorkinaan managed to hold on and reach the center. He disappeared within the blue light.

"Looks like that's one huge thing. I don't know what the heck is that, through..."
(I have a odd intuition about the castle.... Maybe i should go there and check? Wait a minute... that is not a good idea right now.)

Go into the portal. 5 essences, or until one collapse.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Eterna thought through his chances and decided that eldritch portal was likely far more survivable than staying on the island. Sure, the portal promised poison, maddening ghosts and tentacles, but all of those merely had a high chance of being lethal rather than being a guaranteed death. Without hesitation, Eterna rushed towards rapidly breaking apart bone arc and dived through it.

"Haah, damn mages..." Shias sighs. Then he follows the spirit's recommendation and escapes this place through the Forest Heart.

Shias looked through the trees with longing. Alexander was still there somewhere, among absurd numbers of trap pits. But he had ran out of time, and Shias knew better than to throw away his life by turning this hunt in a personal matter. Druid turned and began running towards emerald light in the center of the forest. The lotus on the altar was wide open, and the altar itself had disappeared within green light. Animals of all sizes ran towards and through the green light, while birds and seeds carried by wind disappeared within the light above the lotus. Shias wondered as to how to proceed without running over tiny creatures scurrying towards the portal, when a huge treant grabbed him and tossed him into emerald light just below where birds were flying through. Druid disappeared within the portal.

Cubearc felt immense relief, and laid upon the ground to gaze toward the stars. He would survive. He would thrive. He would live, and become a god.

Then the sky became dark. He saw true perfection. He saw true fear. He was going to die.

Time to GTFO. Grab Blake, if I can. Use my dagger to assist in this endeavor, if I can.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Cuberac ran without looking up. He didn’t want to look up. As long as he did not look up, it was a cloud and not five million tons of murder. As her reached the portal, he spared a look to the Tower nearby. Blake was there, lying in the dirt, alone, without strength to get up. Cuberac swore at his good nature, but Blake was not the one who had tried to steal his free will with a divine contract. Cuberac rushed towards him, and grabbed Blake with his one good hand. He grabbed Blake by one of his hands, as dragging him in any other way efficiently pretty much required two hands. It would had been a problem if the goal hadn't been so close. As it was, Cuberac managed to drag Blake into the portal without dislocating any bones in Blake's arm. All this physical exertion caused him to miss entirely that five of his shards were, for a moment, filled by more impotent rage than the rest.


We were bound to be triumphant until, almost all at once, we weren't. In a flash, when we should have been destroying the portal, we ended up being forced to retreat through it to save our own skins.

When we saw the mighty shadow traverse the land and heard the savage beast roar, we knew, we could never return to the world that once was.

The world had met its match.

And so, we ran for our lifes towards the portal into the distant unknown of eldritch lands.

And The World Died



Go through the portal as fast as possible while still defending from the eldritch stuff. Try to protect the other members of TOAM if possible.

Drag James through the portal to save his hide

"Well, looks like this is it. Save yourselves. I'm staying right here, spent too long on this island to leave it like that."
James says a prayer to the Duck, asking it to wake up and defend itself and its inhabitants. He shouts this prayer with as loud as he can, through his enchanted megaphone, and using his dragonbreath power. Not just to make the Duck hear, but to make all the other Duck Island's inhabitants hear in the hope they join in. Use all my shards for the prayer.

Then James transforms his cube into a coffin and gets in. It requires an opposed luck roll to destroy, no matter the strength of the attack, remember?

He makes a call to his loyal follower Grundar.
"Grundar! Save yourself, leave through the nearest portal. But before you do, I want you to get some seeds from the Tree, and a branch too. If I don't make it, plant those on the other side for me and David, alright?"

Assuming I have time for a spell, which I might not, just preemtively heal myself from whatever might happen. Again, and a third time.
The gambler pauses for a moment, hearing this, then stops just short of the portal.
"'m not lettin' ya die here. Mages are a violent bunch an' 'm not lettin' one of my partners die so easily."
The gambler lends his magic to James, granting his prayer the luck it needs to awaken the gods. Use the essence I've got, and +1/+1 in shards.
If the dragon's foot gets close or if the barrier keeping us alive is getting seriously weak, run through the portal, dragging James if necessary/possible.

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Skeliborn looked with at James with the sort of look reserved for things that make no sense. James felt like staying on the island. With the dragon. In a glass box. Gambler knew better than to try convince James, but Skeliborn was having none of this. Before James could do anything stupid, Skeliborn rushed him, trying to grab onto something that would make easier to drag the moron. James was having none of this either. He had a plan, but he had no time to explain it to Skeliborn, and thus, replaced explanation with a well-aimed punch to solar plexus. It caused no damage and gave him time to work. If he had cared only about results, it was as good as an explanation, but faster. Skeliborn collapsed on the ground as James pulled out his leafy megaphone and began shouting. Not just simply shouting, he called upon his draconic breath, amplifying his voice thousand fold, while Gambler bent luck to hopefully make the Duck care. The leafy megaphone sat out a wave of wind, the noise too powerful for human ears to register as anything but pain, and it flew off, spreading around the island and leaking around the edges.   

The land shook, and James moved swiftly to the next part of his plan. He sent a message to Grundar, and as that was all that he could realistic do, reshaped his cube into a coffin of a stasis cell and positioned himself within. When Skeliborn got back up, he noticed that there was a glass coffin lying in the dirt nearby. Unluckily for him, no beautiful sleeping princess was to be found inside. On the good side, someone who was not resisting was far easier to carry. Skeliborn and Gambler grabbed upon the edges of the coffin and carried the entire thing towards the eldritch portal while everything dangerous was too busy trying to flee for their lives.

Hey there, Machine God. It's been great, ya know? I never did get to rebuild that adamantine mech, or create pokeballs, or anything big really. I never even got to give my jet a Starscream mode. But just between you and me, I don't care. As long as I can be a part of this universe, a cog in the machine, I am happy. And so I make my final request... This world doesn't really have to end yet, right? Whatever happens is just a function of the machine. Make me a part of it. A part of this world, so that it may yet not end.

Final request to Machine God to be integrated into this world, to protect it from harm, to give it life. To give itself the ability to react to threats with all its might, even if only for this incident, and even if it doesn't work. As an offering, I give my body, my soul, and all I have made, in this world and those before it.

Oh, and, uh, in the case I'm ignored and still underwater while the apocalypse is happening, GTFO through the vortex. We do what we must, because, we can...

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Jiksap had known that this was a long time coming in a way only a true zealot could know. The end was coming. The shadow of doom had fallen upon the island, all life was trying to flee, but Jiksap did not want to follow it. He had done his part, and wanted little more than to keep the island going. It was a nice place, worth protecting and admiring. Jiksap offered a prayer to the Machine God, asking to be assigned as part of the island, to allow it to defend itself now and forever. Bit of ammo that managed to survive the destruction of adamantine mech floated past Jiksap, carried by a current. It smashed into red crystals that Jiksap was interested before and detonated, sending out a shockwave of unnatural strength. Bits and pieces of ammo crystal and rock embed themselves in Jiksap who himself was knocked unconscious by the explosion. His body floated up to the surface where whirlpool dragged him inwards and mad inventor disappeared within the blue light.

"The time to act is now, clearly. I wish that I had more time to prepare, but oh well. Some things never change."

Use my 5 +1/+1 Paleomancy essences. Morph myself into an, then get to the nearest portal and pass through it.

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Bob looked at the quicksand like mud in which he was stuck and decided against trying to dig himself out of it. It would take too long, and he had little desire to do digging through anything less ancient than what his magic reached. Just no interesting fossils otherwise. Bob chose instead to call upon one of his transformation spells, becoming a creature of legend, awe and unusually for such, provable existence. Ground was ripped apart as Bob's legs grew several times, just as his body grew to tower over the surroundings. Indomitable Rex stood for a moment, looking around curiously, before Bobasaurus Rex ran towards the center portal and disappeared within the light.

World Events
Dragon finished charging up its breath and opened up on the enchantment that surrounded the island. For a moment, flames of all kinds were directed aside through lines of binding magic, illuminating huge part of enchanted wall. Then, breath broke through, shattering the spell and letting the atmosphere out. Great wind formed as air escaped, and Dragon rode it off the island.

Sound rolled around the island, coming from eldritch fields it managed to reach the great duck that was beneath the earth, carrying island on its back. It heard the cry, and returned a fearful quack, as it saw the atmosphere drained, its world left exposed and mighty dragon fly off it. It quacked again n sorrow and rage as Dragon turned back at it, both seeing other as enemy, both guilty of a great crime to the other. However they were not alone there. Duck Island was far too small to create light of its own, it would be many millions of years until it would grow to such power. It had used light of another, and that another was angry. A'tuin was a gentle creature, but its might was great and its wrath terrible. It allowed the Duck to borrow light of its sun to nurture the young world creature, and had grown to like it over the years. To see it ravaged as such, hurt A'tuin and it chose to move to prevent any further harm. Great maw caught the dragon, crushing it whole, and tossed it into its sun to forever perish. Duck quacked in gratitude. It would take many years for it to heal, but heal it would.

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« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 10:38:55 am by DreamerGhost »
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4636 on: February 12, 2016, 04:41:49 am »

Remaining active wizards on the map:

Henry the Best
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4637 on: February 12, 2016, 05:40:55 am »

Oh. That universe.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4638 on: February 12, 2016, 05:56:06 am »

((I like the Disk World Reference DG. Well played))
((Batshit evil, pessimistic neutral and clumsy good cover nearly entire spectrum. Sadly, but optimists are a rare breed, that is currently running into extinction.))
((That tends to happen when you're optimistic enough to wait out the apocalypse. I wish them plenty of luck, but chances are they'll need it.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4639 on: February 12, 2016, 06:41:33 am »

((Did someone want me?))

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4640 on: February 12, 2016, 07:48:04 am »

((I guess that was quite different than from what I thought would happen... and Jiksap's not dead yet! Whoopee. He's also got mech ammo and blood crystals stuck in him. And my friend is now a genetically engineered carnivorous dinosaur.))

Hope that the portal didn't drop me off on land. Wake up. 3 essences if underwater. If not, find some and quick!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Venit leger cerebrum amissa
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4641 on: February 12, 2016, 09:15:22 am »

((Great work at overseeing our escape DG! Cheers for A'tuin!))

(Every time I try to say something lengthy, it never works... Perhaps, I should have one good philosophic conversation with a sane mage and finish with mad ramblings for a while... Staff is, sadly, lost, yet I remember quite clearly the process of its making. Repeating it same way again in the new world would be meaningless, yet with some experiments, I may achieve intended results...)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 01:41:00 pm by Sarrak »
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4642 on: February 12, 2016, 09:54:33 am »

I'm going to prepare two characters now. One for in case there are fonts of magic on the new map, and one for the case that there isn't.

Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4643 on: February 12, 2016, 11:52:16 am »

The Manipulator gazed in cold rage as he saw his minion tossed into a sun, and turned to the duck. Before, A'Tuin and the wards surrounding the duck had protected it... but now, the wards were broken and A'Tuin had spent a considerable portion of his power tossing the dragon into the sun. The Manipulator reached into the duck, and ripped out its heart. He then slowly so that everyone on the duck has time to escape crushed the heart while channeling his fury through it, causing the duck unbearable amounts of pain. Eventually, the duck died, and the Manipulator shattered its corpse into dust.

Spoiler: New Character (click to show/hide)

First action: crush four of my shards to put an extra point into Pot, then make three essences.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 01:50:48 pm by ATHATH »
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4644 on: February 12, 2016, 12:07:23 pm »

First action: +2 essences. Unless, y'know, we'll see our locations before we can act, which seems likely.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Venit leger cerebrum amissa
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4645 on: February 12, 2016, 12:34:57 pm »

Spoiler: New Character (click to show/hide)

First action: crush some of my shards to put an extra point into Dex, then make three essences.
((Specifying stat to raise costs six shards. Five for a random one and four for POT.
Also, why do you want so much POT with all your characters? As battles show, physical stats matter more at first.))
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4646 on: February 12, 2016, 12:38:07 pm »

((Actually, I think most useful stats are POT turn 1, and then STR and END for the win.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4647 on: February 12, 2016, 12:43:38 pm »

((Actually, I think most useful stats are POT turn 1, and then STR and END for the win.))
((For the warrior mage, SPD>DEX=END. And, maybe, CMP. If you rely heavily on magic, END>>CMP=DEX>POT. Only enchanters may benefit in short order from great POT. And they are very rare.))
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4648 on: February 12, 2016, 01:02:52 pm »

I'm going to prepare two characters now. One for in case there are fonts of magic on the new map, and one for the case that there isn't.

Fonts are a thing on the new map.

The Manipulator gazed in cold rage as he saw his minion tossed into a sun, and turned to the duck. Before, A'Tuin and the wards surrounding the duck had protected it... but now, the wards were broken and A'Tuin had spent a considerable portion of his power tossing the dragon into the sun. The Manipulator reached into the duck, and ripped out its heart. He then slowly so that everyone on the duck has time to escape crushed the heart while channeling his fury through it, causing the duck unbearable amounts of pain. Eventually, the duck died, and the Manipulator shattered its corpse into dust.

Not cannon.
First action: +2 essences. Unless, y'know, we'll see our locations before we can act, which seems likely.
((I guess that was quite different than from what I thought would happen... and Jiksap's not dead yet! Whoopee. He's also got mech ammo and blood crystals stuck in him. And my friend is now a genetically engineered carnivorous dinosaur.))

Hope that the portal didn't drop me off on land. Wake up. 3 essences if underwater. If not, find some and quick!

When action ends on first map I'll write up a turn of all those who entered portals apearing. And the fun immedietly distracting stuff that is around them, such as, say, ice cold water.

I'm considering adding extra combat spells to shard shop. As in, ability to cast more than one spell per combat round. Would that be OP? What cost should it be? Something to think about while the trio post their actions.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Venit leger cerebrum amissa
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 142 There is always a bigger fish
« Reply #4649 on: February 12, 2016, 01:36:42 pm »

I'm considering adding extra combat spells to shard shop. As in, ability to cast more than one spell per combat round. Would that be OP? What cost should it be? Something to think about while the trio post their actions.
((Extra spells would be detrimental for combat abilities, in my opinion. Either you lose all your DEX & SPD, hoping for a miracle, or lunge two half-assed spells. Enchanting yourself with spell-like abilities before battle is much more profitable.

I suggest using shards for one-turn +1 to all rolls of one stat. It can give you a hefty bonus, allowing to dodge a barrage of arrows or actually catch the faster mage before he runs away.

Another interesting way of using shards is correcting or altering existing spells. Like Kahel spending 7 shards for a proper ghost-form instead of an unreliable one. May be done with or without LUCK roll, but needs more shards in latter case.))
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.
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