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Should freshly entering mages be given +10/+10 worth of random essences?

- 19 (46.3%)
- 9 (22%)
It should be more than that
- 6 (14.6%)
It should be less than that
- 7 (17.1%)

Total Members Voted: 41

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Author Topic: Roll to Magic: Turn 268 The finish line  (Read 1213280 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 140 The rain of fails and din of battle
« Reply #4515 on: February 04, 2016, 12:22:00 am »

((Not even the most powerful beings can erase what's already gone.
I hope he does continue after a player wins.
He could just repaint a few tiles if a disaster happens, like what happened when the Spawning tile was turned white by the ice dragon, or when the energy vortex fused with the forest.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 122 Strange tomes and Old enemies
« Reply #4516 on: February 04, 2016, 12:23:28 am »

Use a knowledge spell to find EXACTLY what to say (and how to say it) in order to convince the Tome of Earth to help me. Don’t rely on luck for anything- just use magic to uncover whatever happens to be the perfect thing to say.

Use my +1+1 knowledge essence, 1 +1+2 knowledge essence, both my +1 POT knowledge essences, and 3 +1 CMP knowledge essences on the spell for a maximum bonus of +5+5.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 140 The rain of fails and din of battle
« Reply #4517 on: February 04, 2016, 01:34:01 pm »

Craft three essences, then ask Jiksap if he's alright.
This may prove quite difficult as I am now underwater, attempting to tame a magilectric eel through manipulation of its fortunately organic mechanism brain.

Actually, come to think of it, I should totally get into bioscience. Symbiotic wings organism on my back? Amphibious breathing? Become Mr. Fantastic?? The possibilities are endless!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 140 The rain of fails and din of battle
« Reply #4518 on: February 04, 2016, 02:32:27 pm »

This may prove queite difficult as I am now underwater, attempting to tame a magilectric eel through manipulation of its fortunately organic mechanism brain.

Actually, come to think of it, I should totally get into bioscience. Symbiotic wings organism on my back? Amphibious breathing? Become Mr. Fantastic?? The possibilities are endless!!!

Become Mr. Fantastic??

Become Mr. Fantastic??

Become Mr. Fantastic??

((Stealing this.  8) ))
I think I just retroactively murdered a less lucky version of myself from a parallel universe. Also do I still have a baguette?
Are my memes dank enough for you?
Thanks to the internet-cromancer, my internet has been revived. I'm back, baby!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 140 The rain of fails and din of battle
« Reply #4519 on: February 04, 2016, 07:34:08 pm »

Ever had vacation, and then forgot which day of the week it is?

Because this is what happened to me. The update should be tomorow, unless I mess up further.

As for endgame and one player winning, I have a plan for that. It will be more interesting than "You are a winrar, cogragulthuns", I prommise that.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 140 The rain of fails and din of battle
« Reply #4520 on: February 05, 2016, 10:05:00 pm »

Turn 141

"'Lright, needs magic ta use tha tentacles. 'T's somethin' ta work on, at least."
Stab the tentacles that try and touch me, starting with the one that's holding me (and possibly Skelliborn, if it's not too much danger). Avoid getting hit to the best of my ability and back away from the tree a bit in order to reduce the number of attacks coming at any given time.

Attack the tree with Vortex Bane repeatedly until the tree dies a bloody, bloody, death.

((Essentially Berserker State))
"There, all better. Try to be more careful cause Duck Island's a dangerous place and I might not be there to heal you next time. Now I gotta go help those two fight the portal, it looks like they might be losing."

James transforms his omnicube back into a full sized chainsaw and runs to help Gambler and Skeliborn. Heal any of their injuries then chainsaw any hostile tentacles.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Skeliborn quickly got back on his feet and charged the tentacles. They writhed around him, attacking from all sides, but Skeliborn managed to avoid the attacks and cleaved away three tentacles. Gambler was not having as much luck, tentacles did not give him the chance to get up, and he was forced to roll to avoid being sliced. Gambler did not roll in time. First tentacle slammed into his left shoulder, pinning the mage to the ground and cutting deep wounds in flesh. Entire arm flared up with pain as poison began to spread, and tentacle began draining blood through the blades as if they were some bizarre serrated straws. Further away, a tentacle that was drained of magic shuddered to life again.

But Gambler was experienced in such situations (or overcome with adrenaline), and managed to ignore the left shoulder for the moment as to parry the other tentacles away. Luckily for him, they were all aiming for upper body, had any attacked his legs, they would had been out of reach of his stiletto, and Gambler doubted that a good kick would discourage them. Although he managed discourage other tentacles from partaking in tasting his blood, few managed to get a few scratches on left side of his stomach, and Gambler could feel his entire left side going numb. But he held out and he held out enough.

James' glass chainsaw shredded the tentacle that was draining Gambler, and James tore out the part that remained in the wound. Gambler swore in pain as removing tentacle tore out some extra flesh, but James placed his hand over the wound and the pain slightly subsided. The wound was still bleeding, and Gambler was still feeling both pain and numbness from the poison, but he could move his left arm again. Less than half of the tentacles remained, and with a competent healer he merely needed to outlive the vampiric tree. To further improve matters, Nihilum had reached them, and he seemed to have a protective ward of some sort, which, knowing his particular skillset, probably doubled as Gateway to the Void. The tree was as good as macabre set of furniture.
{7/15 tentacles remaining}

Summon a cluster of healing cubes, use all essences. Consume as many healing cubes as I need to fight properly as soon as I receive them. Attack Kahel, if I can.

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Cuberac stopped moving. He concentrated, he discarded evrything he could, supressed the pain, the fear and as much of lightheadedness as he could. He focused on one particular spell and he cast it with all power he could manage. It was not a whole lot of power, as he was still horibly injured, but a pile of red cubes apeared before Cuberac. There was no time to doubt wether or not the spell had failed. If it had, Cuberac was as good as dead. He crunched the cubes between his teeth, they proved to have taste and texture of chalk, and swalowed, followed by another mouthfull and another until no more cubes were left. Cuberac risked a glance at his arm. It was still covered in blood, but it did not seem to be bleeding anymore. Cuberac checked, and while his arm was still horribly maimed and entirely useless due to lack of about half the bone structure it needed, it was not bleeding anymore. He was not bleeding to death anymore and that felt like the best thing ever. Then the effect of shock began to pass and Cuberac had to fight the need to throw up.

Jiksap eyed the serpentine aquatic creature with interest. Such creatures were rare, and it was a shame that many were often killed merely for being dangerous. Speaking of danger, if other supercharged animals are about, being alone is likely one of the worst predicaments. He reasoned now was time for another experiment.

Attempt to tame other organic mechanism. With magic.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The problem with being mad inventior, is that most of the time, the inventiors fail to appreciate complexity of the object as they are taking it apart with a sledgehammer. Biological organs were complicated enough, and the brain was most complicated of them all by a wide margin. Jiksap attempted to instil friendliness into the eel, but what he found was an uncountable number of patterns which were unhelpfully unlabeled and presented no clear way to accomplish what he wanted. The eel however, being a magical creature, not only managed to notice that someone is messing with its brain, but also managed to figure out that that particular someone was most likely the mage that wasn't here a while ago. The eel did not like the impromptu brain surgery prospect and expressed its dislike by attempting to take a bite out of Jiksap. Its alarmingly large teeth bit into Jiksaps mechanical hand, but luckily failed to penetrate anything important in there.

Me and one velociraptor will continue the attack on the demon mage
The falcon and another velociraptor will attack the beast
The last velociraptor will attack the guy who just threatened to kill everyone

"Hello everybody! I have an important announcement to make! I AM GOING TO GO ON A MURDER SPREE! Starting with sword guy and his minion! And his other minion! Then I am going to kill the bird-winged guy that's killing my ally! And his minions too! Then I'm going to kill someone else, just for fun! Actually, no. Demon summoner guy, get out of dodge. I'm going to do something absolutely horribly a bad idea."

Beast continues the beatdown. As for Old King Coal... quicktopic action.
"Dammit! Can somebody take me seriously and fight like decent mage should? Why are you always running away?!"

Deep, dark anger swelled inside Kahel's chest, feeding on his bloodthirsty plans of minion studies and growing sense of supremacy. If left unchecked, it would change him soon enough... But as for now, his mind was centered on relieving the Duck of several irritating mages.

Kill opposing mages, starting with Bone Master and his ally.
I Bless Kahel with the Law to aide in his endeavors until he begins using the Law for other purposes.
"Dammit! Can somebody take me seriously and fight like decent mage should? Why are you always running away?!"

Deep, dark anger swelled inside Kahel's chest, feeding on his bloodthirsty plans of minion studies and growing sense of supremacy. If left unchecked, it would change him soon enough... But as for now, his mind was centered on relieving the Duck of several irritating mages.

Kill opposing mages, starting with Bone Master and his ally.
Well then I will use my secret affinity on Seva's wings and dodge the raptor.

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Seva and Kahel were first to act, and Seva took the opportunity. The hellfire had died out almost completely, and one of the raptors easily jumped over the flames. The bird mage chose to use his considerably more dense fists against Blake this time, and the effect was immediate. Although it helped that demonologist was in too much pain to dodge, Seva felt that it was his quick thinking that made the most of it. His punch sent Blake reeling backwards with a cracking noise in his chest, where velociraptor strategically placed a bite in one of Blake’s shins, which caused him to fall backwards right into the pit which Beast had created. He'd live, sure, but he was out of the fight if only for this moment. The Beast was also beset by creatures that Seva had summoned, but its thick hide made them less than a distraction, and he swiped at Seva, trying to grab him and bring him down. The bird mage was observant and agile, however, and dodged the attack without much trouble.

Just beyond the shrinking ring of flames Kahel was doing his best to stab Old King Coal somewhere important, however King had seemingly given up on attacking and did his best dodging. He practically walked backwards as he dodged every strike of Kahel's blade, however he took one step too far and walked on still burning hellfire ring, where his clothes on that leg began smoking. This was not his primary concern, or any concern at all, as Xazoliomuhr had given up on shooting spikes and attempted to catch Old king with very sharp and cold claws. This attempt also didn’t work out too well, as Old king dodged each strike with unnerving agility and even more unnerving smile.Meanwhile, Bernardo took upon himself to help Kahel, and cast a shell of law magic around him. The shell would enforce physics, making any one spell that passed through it virtually powerless… Including Kahel’s own.

Old King Coal jumped backwards, creating a gap between Ice demon and himself, a gap enough to pull out his trump card, his secret weapon, a heart of a mimic. In hands of a common man, it was a dangerous substance, as it could transform them into many forms of animals, and was often the beginning of were-curses. In hands of a wizard, it was an immensely dangerous weapon, as innate powers that coursed through every wizard removed almost all restrictions when choosing a being into which to morph. And Old King was far too insane to choose anything even remotely reasonable. He popped the heart into his mouth and swallowed it whole without even bothering to chew. His body split into tiny strands and flew upwards. A moment later, a shadow covered the island.

{Ten seconds of this.}

A prismatic dragon appeared on the island. The description extremely huge did not do it justice. incredibly massive did not come close. Incomprehensibly colossal was the best description mind could give, and it was still merely nearby the truth. Dragon's right front foot rested on the ash lands near the volcano. It's left front claw dug gashes into the earth in northwest plains. Its back feet gripped the base of southeast mountain and leveled hills in the southwest respectively. Its wings covered the sky.

Dragon looked around curiously. It had appeared here, for some unknown reason, with all memories before right now too foggy to access. Its left front leg was injured and was bleeding slightly, though it could not remember why. It seemed to be located on a tiny patch of land in a great expanse of nothingness. Then it noticed something absolutely horrifyingly terrible. Something so unjust and inappropriate that it shook it to its very bones. There was a box around it. It was trapped in a space where it couldn't even really stretch its wings to full length. Someone or something had the astonishing lack of smart thoughts and had the arrogant idea to trap it. Dragon carefully nuzzled to the magic shell that surrounded the island to make certain that there indeed was a barrier, as it seemed too absurd for it. It was still there, it was no illusion, no nightmarish dream. Dragon took a deep breath and opened the passages deep in its throat to the draconic breath, the greatest destructive power of any dragon. First it would break this pathetic box, and then it would break whoever made it.

Go up one tile, sneak behind Forric, and hit him on the head. Empower the forward kinetic energy of my punch, leaving the backwards kinetic energy alone.
Chorkinaan swings his blade with a slight frown. Huh. Well, I suppose a weightless sword sounds better on paper than it does in your hand. I guess some modifications are in order.

Using a +1/+1 essence, Alter the physical properties of the sword to give it weight as if it were forged of iron, but not gravity. (In other words, it has inertia, but it doesn't fall.) Move center of mass close to the tip of the blade, so that its wielder's strength is magnified in the strike. (Like swinging around a half-empty bottle of soda)

Then give the shield a similar amount of inertia (without gravity) using the +1 pot essence.

If there's time after that, attempt to foil the would-be assassin north and west of here by attempting a sneak attack of my own on him.
(To be clear, I'm assassinating an assassin)

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Henry was wrought by doubt. Sure, he was best at sneaking, but that was dishonorable. He didn’t need to sneak; he could win in honorable combat. But he didn’t need to engage in honorable combat, he was too good at sneaking for it not to be an option. He wanted glorious combat. He wanted to show off his sneaking. There was a dilemma, but before he could solve it, he had reached Forric. There was an option of a bit of both, and Henry's body took that option before his brain could decide if it was a good idea. He empowered his hand with the tiniest bit of magic and lightly tapped Forric. He'd know henry was good at sneaking and magic, but chose honorable combat. Why would that matter to a guy he wanted to kill did not quite manage to get through Henry's mind before the action. Forric reacted to the tap with a roll forward, getting a few meters ahead before sprawling in the dirt and looking upwards with something akin to fear. Henry looked at his hand for a moment. Sure he was good, but that seemed more akin to some sort of religious experience, and he wasn't a god yet. Why did it become darker here?

A minute behind in the past and a bit of distance away, Chorkinaan was trying to add some mass onto his equipment. The blade became fair bit heavier, although slightly shy of what he wanted. The shield however, shuddered, and instead of gaining mass, lost a dimension, and then the impossibly flat object that used to be shield fell straight through the island, never to be seen again. Chorkinaan swore, but rushed on ahead after Henry. There were some fighting here, but they all chose to do battle, While Henry was trying to get someone who seemed to simply want to be left alone. Chorkinaan managed to reach Henry and Forric just as Henry tapped Forric which provoked entirely unreasonable reaction from him - probably work of magic - and Chorkinaan charged forward to deal with the honourless sneak. Henry noticed Chorkinaan coming, and readied himself to dodge, but that proved almost entirely unnecessary. Something vaguely leg shaped that occupied more space than most villages dug into plains nearby and Chorkinaan almost dropped his sword in amazement. Just what the hell just happened?

+2 essences.
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Even from the chamber in which he was Gloomier heard the rush of wind as a mass of air was displaced. It would seem that the battle outside was getting rather intense. Though from what he could see, it became strangely darker outside of the Tower. Not really dark, but a bit darker, as if there was a shadow covering the land. Was someone throwing around some top class magic?

Nature is persistent. The mage will be found. Eventually.

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Shias continued his search through the forest, but besides few extra pits in which he managed not to fall into, he found nothing of interest. Suddenly, he heard the rattle of branches as the arcane wind that the one spirit he had met inhabited moved around him. "The fate has taken a most destructive turn. You must flee, or you shall perish. Forrest heart connects to all forests, it shall open you a path out of here. Hurry, there is little time" And with this warning, Pavasaris fled towards the center of the forest, possibly to show Shias the way, possibly to flee himself. A tremor came from North, and Shias noticed that the forest suddenly came alive, and many creatures began moving southwards, towards the heart.

"Let me try this..."
Create a electric ball that is made from really small sparks. Throw it at the tentacles.

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Eterna too wanted to help out the wizards in destruction of the portal guardian, even if only out of gratitude for James. However, he had just dealt with one stomach wound and had no desire to experience it again. Helping from afar was still an option, and one he chose to undertake. Yet barrage from a distance can be tricky, as Destra was now experiencing, ass the electricity he conjured suddenly drained through his throne and into the ground. But before Eterna could swear, something impossibly large landed on the hills nearby.

Craft three essences, then ask Jiksap if he's alright.

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Bob was entirely unalarmed by his legs being trapped in quicksand, this was hardly something to be bothered about, he could dig himself out later and it was pleasantly cool if one didn’t mind standing in blood. To Bob, such matters were trivial, though he looked intently at the waves, searching for traces of his friend. The blood was rather obscuring the view, but if Jiksap needed help he'd surely use something that would cause some exciting effects on the surface. Suddenly, it became darker, and after Bob decided that this was probably not a cloud he looked upwards to see what it might be. Being stuck in quicksand immediately became more relevant.

Use a knowledge spell to find EXACTLY what to say (and how to say it) in order to convince the Tome of Earth to help me. Don’t rely on luck for anything- just use magic to uncover whatever happens to be the perfect thing to say.

Use my +1+1 knowledge essence, 1 +1+2 knowledge essence, both my +1 POT knowledge essences, and 3 +1 CMP knowledge essences on the spell for a maximum bonus of +5+5.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Viznor focused on possibilities. Specifically the possibilities of his relationship with the living tome of earth. They had come off on a bad start, but he felt that it could still be mended. he cast out his net in the pool of possibilities, looking for an answer as to how to stop the book from hating him. There were a few ways, one of them was a honest desire to learn earth magic contained within, although that would take too long to be of practical use in the death match. Another was an apology and return of the book to a practitioner of earth magic, which needed a practitioner of earth magic, of which there were none nearby. There was also a possibility of someone respectable (read: powerful) of earth magic practitioners/ related creatures vouching for your innocent intentions. You yourself could swear an oath on your power that you would not try this on anyone ever again, but that would limit your abilities in the future. Then, for some reason, pool changed, and all possibilities now began with words "We are getting out right now". Viznor broke the spell and glanced at his solid knowledge book. The cover read "Run".

World events

As the gargantuan dragon appeared and darkened the skies, some strange things happened around the island.

Part of the volcano seemingly exploded, and something within began glowing with red light. The volcano itself spat out a cloud of ashes, and possibly several dozen magma rocks, as lava began flowing from one side.

In the middle of the bloody lake, a vortex formed once again, now even larger than before. Blue light shone from the depths, as water began receding from the shores, dragging with it dirt, water plants and fish of all kinds.

Within the forest, emerald light shone through the trees, somehow unobstructed by neither numerous tree trunks nor any foliage. Wind rushed through the tree branches, gathering seeds as animals vacated the edges of the forest.

The entrance portal flared to life, tearing open a fog covered window to someplace else. Numerous enchantments that were supposed to hold the gateway shut against even the strongest of magic’s were quietly burning away.

The portal in the middle of eldritch fields reopened and began glaring with purple and brown. Ghosts of things that could have been, creatures of nightmares and living shadows rushed into the portal from the places that reside just at the edge of one's eyes. Bone surrounding the portal cracked, as tentacles began bashing against the structure that supported them.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4521 on: February 05, 2016, 10:06:23 pm »

I had fun writing this one. Feel free to link something that represents you reaction to thiss turn.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4522 on: February 05, 2016, 10:08:30 pm »

Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4523 on: February 05, 2016, 10:20:22 pm »

"Well, at least it made my job easy. Whitehats, Call in... The Nuke."

Keeping my hat on my head, I send out a call to the other Whitehats. Nuke this place, it's too far gone. Afterwards, out the portal I go.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 07:51:11 pm by Salsacookies »
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4524 on: February 05, 2016, 10:24:30 pm »

Use my secret affinity on Seva's wings, destroy them
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4525 on: February 05, 2016, 10:26:17 pm »

I had fun writing this one. Feel free to link something that represents you reaction to thiss turn.


why would you do that

why would you ever do that

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4526 on: February 05, 2016, 10:31:51 pm »

((I'd like to propose a new, temporary alliance: Wizards Against Dragons. I'd also like to extend an invite to all players who aren't teamed up with FoU.))

edit: oops, doublepost


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4527 on: February 05, 2016, 10:34:18 pm »

Continue attacking the demon Mage with the help of all of my velociraptors
Falcon will keep attacking the beast,aiming for its eyes

nope, me and all my minions run through the portal

What the hell is that
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 04:43:37 pm by DAPARROT »
I should probably introduce the actual plot soon
7/11 guy, bringer of the apocabeepse. Uplifter of threads. Herald of the hive.


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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4528 on: February 05, 2016, 10:46:56 pm »

Well well sell, so another catastrophe strikes. Hopefully it's a dragon because I would love to get me some dragon scale equipment.

Then again, its probably just the eldritch tree calling for reinforcements.
((Batshit evil, pessimistic neutral and clumsy good cover nearly entire spectrum. Sadly, but optimists are a rare breed, that is currently running into extinction.))
((That tends to happen when you're optimistic enough to wait out the apocalypse. I wish them plenty of luck, but chances are they'll need it.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 141 The time to panic is now
« Reply #4529 on: February 05, 2016, 11:13:48 pm »

((Love your characterisation of Henry.))

Tell Forric that Chorkinaan was trying to kill me and convince him to help me. If someone accuses me of trying to kill Forric, counter by saying that I would've done more than give him a light tap on the shoulder if that were the case. If I succeed in convincing Forric, gang up on Chorkinaan and kill him, doing the same thing I tried to do to Forric. If I fail, I run back to the central portal.

Actually, on second thought, new plan. Seeing that the lake is not only closer, but also draining into something the likes of which every living thing besides some mages is running towards, Chorkinaan immediately books it for the bloodied lake and dives for the receding waters in attempt to ride the currents to the heart, taking a deep breath before he goes under. If this spits me out underwater, I can always just create a super-non-dense brick with handles that I can ride up to the surface. If possible, Chorkinaan creates 3 or 4 essences on the way.
While Chorkinaan's away and Forric's distracted, I go up behind Forric and snap his neck, enhancing the snap with my magic. I then loot his corpse and run to the portal tile. ((Not actually gonna go through the portal or anything, it's just on the way.))
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 11:53:31 pm by Andres »
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.
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