The acid effects to those that did not wrote a turn are such:
Trewque/Bob T. Baker
(LUCK 1 END 4,3) - You are almost out of luck as you are out of breath. Acid does minor mild damage to your skin, and while you manage not to breathe lungful of acid, you are asphyxiating.
END (3,6)
Your Deinonychus does not take well to the acid, but manages not to breathe it in, meaning that acid mostly just dirties the scales. Utharaptor absolutely loves the acid, and swallows a good gulp of it. Acid does no damage to Utharaptors stomach, but the dino is now drunk.
(LUCK 4 END 1,3)
You are shit out of luck and even more so out of lungs. Acid takes you completely by surprise and you inhale enough to risk health problems even if this was water. As this is not water, your lungs now have huge holes in them, and there is a great deal of blood mixed with acid in them. This is not helped by your skin suffering mild acid burns.
H4zardZ1/Dest Eterna
(LUCK 7 END 3)
You luck out and still have enough air in your lungs to not prompt reflexive breathing in. Somehow, acid does not screw you over too terribly, causing only minor burns. The real fun part is what happens to acid that gets near your scepter. Luckily for everyone involved, acid is unconducive, but that does not stop it from boiling into gas upon contact.
You suddenly find yourself into a different room from before. There are no mages around, and only thing in the room is a chair on which you are currently sitting. Symbol of Isha appears before you, and you know that someone just tried a surprise death party on you. There is a door leading outside, and it is open.
(END 3)
Troll was surprised by sudden disappearing of light, and almost panicked when he understood that the liquid was acid, but managed to keep himself together, both figuratively and literally. As no panicked flailing occurred, Grundar's regeneration managed to keep up with acid, copious amounts of food Grundar had eaten not too long ago granting resources needed to do so. This, of course could only last so long, making the troll more and more terrified.
Seva's Velociraptors
(END 2,4,1)
Seva's velociraptors had rather radically different reactions to the acid. One of them simply froze in fear, making it come in contact with the least amount of acid out of three, making damage so minor that it did not penetrate the skin, although most feathers were lost. Another began flailing wildly, suffering mild burns, while third panicked so bad that it almost drowned. It was not a good day to be the largest velociraptor ever.
The rolls shown are unmodified, but I added the mods before writing results.
Now for the bad part.
Due to needing to write quite a bit of code, go to an event as I promised to people and study for a test that happens on Monday, I am unlikely to have enough free time to write an update until Monday. Meaning no update today and possibly no update on Sunday, unless I am feeling particularly good about the test. As I will need to through about 500 slides worth of info, that is unlikely. I’ll probably still have enough time for responding to questions and PMs, so if you want an idea/secret mass murder plan checked, go for it.