Turn 57__________________________________________________________________
Etszu Warps himself into and throughout the Treant. All Essence.
If he succeeds, he attempts to take control.
CMP [4+2+1+2-2=7]
POT [2+2+1=5]
LUCK [7] {From chaotic essenses}
LUCK [6]Spell was executed without fault. haotic thoughts of magic were benevolent. And yet still, the power was not enough. Spell was just not powerfull enough to fuse the two completely. Yet spirits bent the magic, veered it away from the route that led to an lifeless abomination. After last of rampant changes subsided, what stood in the forest was a gigantic half man half ent, with a touch of dragon on human leg. Ent side proved somewhat numb to first Etszus atempts to take control, possibly because of shock.
Not as impresive this time
{Body type - Huge. +6STR -3DEX}
"My, my, this certainly exeeds initial expectations..."
Kahel smiled to himself.
"Now, a sphere is needed..."
I conjure a magical sphere from obsidian and trap immense energies of cold inside, trying to create a self-sustaining artifact supporting my freezing powers. ALL essences.
CMP [5+2+2+1-1=9]
POT [5+2+1+1=9]Kahel began molding another artifact, an obsidian focus for his powers. Voices were silent through the whole proces, possibly in awe. Smooth silica orb emerget from glowing molten rock, heat swirling in and out of it, power of influx easily manipulated by Kahels experienced hands.
{Orb of focus gained. +1POT.}
create 3 more essences
((Bolding your actual turn is reccomended)).
CMP [2+1=3]
POT [1+1=2]
CMP [5]
POT [6]
CMP [3+1-2=2]
POT [2+1-2=1]Endlessblaze continued masssing power next to the entry portal. Was he, perhaps, waiting for somone?
((I think you should stat the mech, if its not too late.))
"Come on, hold together."
Carve a way out of the worm with the mechs sword.
Shield is useless against this monster, so change it into a giant drill and drill my way out.
Use all non-chaos summoning essense to summon an adamantium jetpack onto my back. So I have a chance to escape if the mech is destroyed.
Then craft another summoning essense.
Check if the mech has a self-destruct button. I hope I won't have to use it, but it might be the only way.
((Mabye for the next one))
POT [1]
STR [6]
CMP [5+2+2-1=8]
POT [6+2+1+1=10]
CMP [2]
POT [3+1+1-1=4]
LUCK [9]STR [3+6=9]Shield changed itself into an unrecognisable mess of open cables and adamantine scraps. Sword cut few deep gashes through teeth and flesh before hiting something particularly hard and breaking. Now, more than ever, it was time for plan B. Some deity smiled upon wise decisions of James that day, summoning portals complying and granting him a easy to use adamantine jetpack, instruction manual taped on for those who couldnt figure out two button system. Titan also proved surprisingly compliant, it's core built by an engiseer who realised the danger of such thing falling into wrong hands. There was an entire sepperate pannel dedicated for core overload controls, timer and all. Several bleeps and warnings indicated that the worm had just cheved off titans left leg.
Moving out of the way proved easy, as the wrm sudenly got distracted by something from inside. Good, that meant that titan was not yet lost, it was still functional enough to cut away at the beast from inside. Though one should not rely on situation remaining the same.
((I really want that worm now. Or maybe I'll investigate whatever jacked with the obelisk.))
"Crimson, one of the obelisks seems unstable. Let's get away from here. There's something I sensed that might have messed with it. I'm going to check it out."
Fly to check out the thing I sensed. Make two essences on the way.
"Up we go."
Now head up and check around. Find any sign of that thing that messed up the obelisk. Also, make two forces essences.
LUCK [6]
CMP [6+1=7]
POT [1+1=2]
CMP [1]
POT [5]CMP [2+1=3]
POT [5+1=6]
CMP [5]
POT [4]Direcctions in aether are uncertain, as it streches through all creation, with co convenient markers such as sun or gravity. Try as he did, Jase couldn't reliably say in which direction the being was. Duo of mages took to the air and away from obelisks. It started snowing.
"Just as *cough* planned. *cough*"
Well then, steal aspect of Strength from the beast.
(( I feel sad for you))
CMP [2]
POT [1]Ishin tried again, and this time his spell went entirely nowhere, as eertion in physical realm obstruted mages concentration on channeling power into his magic. Which was probably for the best, seeing as threads of magic attached themselves to entirely wrong aspects in the first place.
Flash of light from the main portal announcedd arival of another mage.
Azenfar the Quick Death entered the competition, his favorite knife nimbly moving around his fingers. Close ccombat or long range sniping, none could escape his ire.