actually I just stopped trying on makeown... the issue I was facing wasn't going to be fixed by it... I went back to the other route, fixed create-unit issues.... the only thing I want more from create-unit is a way to actually designate a 'name' of another unit when calling it from another script... not sure how that would be accomplished...
the fixes I made to create-unit included:
1. utilized arguments to get the location information to the createunit function so that it could properly place the cursor, over teleporting the unit from hell... gets around the rare, but frustrating mapdata fail at 0,0,last z that I had a few weeks past.
2. added an argument to setUnitToFort to clean up the verbose of other scripts that try to call it, left in the old \\LOCAL stuff to keep from breaking old scripts.
3. fixed a bug in the part of the age script that would fail if the historical_figure went over ~32,000 switched it to the proper call to find the historical_figure instead of trying to index it.
Now if I can get past the bugs that crept into another script, masterwork/succubus related....
anyone have a good script that will kill a unit that is in an actual cage? I've tried several unit.flags including scuttle, which is my favorite... I just love finding dead bodies... but the unit just stays in the box... I've got a script that teleports the unit out of the box... but it leaves a funky remnant of a unit behind.
nvm... apparently the teleport script I have followed by a scuttle does the job, the remnants in the cages disappear when their teleported versions die. Its a beautiful work too... created new unit based off information of the old unit, new unit set to civ/group, created on top of the old unit's cage, the old unit teleports out of the cage and insta dies... the new unit has a nice bit of terror and horror the first few minutes, sits there for half a month till it get hungry or thirsty enough or someone else with more discipline comes and gets the body. I giggled halfed the night about it...