I was trying to make a speed boot. you know, a speed boot, like in Nethack well I made the following item
[NAME:speed boot:speed boots]
and the following creature[CREATURE:ARTIFACT]
and I used the following scripts in onLoad.init
modtools/item-trigger -itemType ITEM_SHOES_SPEED -onEquip -command [ modtools/add-syndrome -syndrome "speed_boot" -resetPolicy ResetDuration -target \\UNIT_ID ]
modtools/item-trigger -itemType ITEM_HELM_SPEED -onUnequip -command [ modtools/add-syndrome -erase -syndrome "speed_boot" -resetPolicy ResetDuration -target \\UNIT_ID ]
and while it does seem to work to equip the boots(although it seems work simply by picking them up. is there a way to fix that too), when I take the boots off it does erase the the syndrome, but the charecter is still extra speedy. how do I fix it?