Why are you reporting a crash here when you're not using DFHack? A white box (which should be a readable error message) is almost certainly a raw problem, if DF starts up normally, so that should be reported in the thread of the graphics pack you're using. Also, what bugs are you referring to? I haven't noticed an unusual number of new bugs in 0.40.23, unless you're referring to the DFHack libstdc++ problem.
Phoebus doesn't do OSX releases (he doesn't have the OS, I presume) so he wasn't able to do anything about it when I did report to him. I've noticed the complete absence of shellfish and vermin despite there being nothing wrong with their raws, crashing upon generating coin information, and this issue, and those are just the ones I can remember right now.
Tell me more about the libstdc++ problem. I have that file in my DF libs, and when I open it I get:
Last login: Sat Jan 10 17:26:05 on ttys000
/Applications/df_osx/libs/libstdc++.6.dylib ; exit;
computer:~ emans002$ /Applications/df_osx/libs/libstdc++.6.dylib ; exit;
-bash: /Applications/df_osx/libs/libstdc++.6.dylib: cannot execute binary file
[Process completed]
EDIT: Turns out it was my raws. Now I just need to figure out why on God's green earth I get stuff from my modded raws floating around in decidedly unmodded downloading instances.