OK, so you're using the LNP (and I assume it's the r07 version for 0.43.03), that's useful info, since the LNP usually works. I'd try to re-download the LNP and reinstall it. Note that you shouldn't reinstall the LNP over the top of a previous installation, but rather create a new folder or you may end up with old things screwing things up. Since the LNP contains DF there's no need to install that one separately or on top of LNP (and doing that can break things since you'd overwrite configurations tweaked by LNP).
While the error message doesn't tell either me or you much, others may get something out of it, and it definitely tells anyone DF didn't e.g. just fail to try to start.
If it still fails after re-installation, I'd first try to use the UI to disable DFHack to see if DF starts without it, and if doesn't, I'd try to start it manually (go down into the "Dwarf Fortress 0.32.03" subfolder and double click on "Dwarf Fortress.exe"). If that works, I'd shut down DF, go back to the UI and re-enable DFHack, but not start DF from there, but rather start DF from the subfolder again. Enabling DFHack replaces a .dll that is going to be used by the "raw" DF as well.
Basically, you want to figure out whether the issue is with DF, DFHack, or the LNP (for each of them it's likely to be in conjunction with your particular computer and/or configuration).