Yeah, I think I will steer away from something as complicated as that, seeing as how the health screen already does a good job. Not that I don't think it would be awesome to have included, but limited time means I would rather work on other things instead. Maybe after I release it, if someone is interested, they can try and put it in themselves.
I was just thinking that it might be nice to be able to select a syndrome or interaction and learn more about what it does. Say I select "Beast Sickness", it would tell me what affects it is having on the dwarf (e.g. Pain, severity X, time to peak Y, time to end Z, etc...). I already have all that information, I just didn't want to put it on the main screen because if you have 4 different syndromes on, each with 5 different effects, you quickly crowd out the screen. But putting them in their own screen is certainly do-able.
Also, with different colors related to the rusty/very rusty skills, I could make attributes appear in different colors depending on if they are above or below normal, depending on if there is a syndrome affecting them. That way, at a quick glance, you could see if a syndrome is lowering your Dwarf's stats, or if they are just an usually weak Dwarf.
Edit2: If a skill is not activated on a dwarf and have experience on it, is it gonna be shown on the list?
Currently it takes all of the skills of the Dwarf, active or not, as long as they have some experience in the skill.