How many of you have hit a point in DF, where literally nothing can provide a serious challenge to you? When was the last time you lost a fort to invaders (or similar nasties)? Have you enjoyed the beautiful tropics and rain that causes your former friends to turn into blood-thirsty thralls hellbent on killing all living things?
I know I have. My current embark takes place on a terrifying glacier, with undead, with thralling cloud. Oh. And I dug down into all 3 caverns at 4 corners of my surface, to allow the nasties from below to come up and play on the surface! And all I had was a simple door blocking the heart of my fort from the outside horrors.
Oh. And all siegers had 15+5 skills, and 'strong' armors, dwarves had 0 skills. I also generated with 240 civilizations to ensure I had a lot of !FUN! arrive. No trap halls, no lava, no drowning, no hellfire turrets or anything 'op'. All I used was 4 dwarves who trained naturally inside the fort, with hosh-posh mix-n-match armor I acquired from traders.
Needless to say, After 700+ kills between these 4 without even being BRUISED... I realized MWDF is simply too easy... for me at least.
The Challenge:So I am proposing a challenge to you, faithful Urists! I will accept any challenge you propose (that can be feasibly be achieved). Anything. Whether I can only embark in X biome, have to build in the sky, have to use a bunch of naked villagers to wrestle my enemies to death, not being allowed to wall off my entrance, anything! Try me. I will take on the challenge, keep a quick document of it (if desired), and show any 'fun' events that pop up from the challenge, even streams if it gets interesting enough to bother.
The more twisted, unique, and interesting the challenge - the more FUN there shall be all around. I dare say if we get enough good ideas, we can evolve this into a challenge-library for those seeking such harder FUN from the game.
Below is a quick, easy to copy and paste 'challenge suggestion' form I did up cuz people are lazy.
Challenge Name:
Biomes Allowed:
Good, Neutral or Evil Embark:
Population limit (max for challenge):
Challenge details:
Throw at me what you got, and I shall crush your challenge! (Assuming it's not idiotically impossible ;P).
* The post is a total mess, poorly written, and I'm well aware.