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How did you lose your first fort?

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Author Topic: RIP: Your First Fort  (Read 4543 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2014, 11:04:29 am »

T'was the beginning of the first second year.

I was going to build a well by channeling out some path from my river into my fortress.

I had already moved underground.

I channeled into the underground by accident.

All hell broke loose when they were drowned that year.

!!FUN!! was had.

¤MASTERWORK¤ Dwarf Fortress - V.3 -
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #31 on: June 14, 2014, 01:12:24 pm »

I dug into the underground river and drowned some of my dwarves, then elephants rampaged through the fortress. I didn't know how to irrigate farms properly and died in the first year. This was back in 2d times. +fun+!

Edit: also a lot of digging out adamantine. "Just a few tiles... just a few more..." then the "You have dug too deep!" message and end.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 01:15:06 pm by Caz »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2014, 01:24:54 pm »

The fort was all one z-level, no stairs, and there was no bridge/gate or door at the entrance, it was just a hole in the mountainside. Of course, the goblins eventually showed up, and since there was no military, they killed everyone in the first ambush.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2014, 01:41:07 pm »

My first real successful fortress was built underneath a waterfall.  It actually re-routed the water to flow through the entire fort, giving everyone happiness.  It was pretty awesome if I do say so myself, and I put a lot of time into it.  Then one winter a goblin siege decided to use my frozen sewer system that was the outflow of the waterfall to waltz into my base and kill everyone.

Lesson learned, eh?
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2014, 03:41:44 pm »

It was overwhelmed by goblins.
Dwarf Fortress: Threats of metabolism.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2014, 09:57:31 pm »

In my first fort:

I found out that dwarf fortress does a fine job of equalizing water levels due to water pressure. Many dwarves found out that they can't breathe while submerged in liquid.

Immediately after, I learned what the buildingdestroyer tag means, as the single rock door that blocked entrance to my fort was blasted apart by trolls. About 30ish out of 40ish remaining dwarves were slaughtered, and the rest barricaded themselves in the industry area. I tried to tunnel a back entrance to the food and booze, but they went crazy and murdered each other.

The End
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2014, 12:40:09 am »

Whoa... Good old times.
I was trying to get the sence of game...
Embarked in a forest. Plain forest without any mountains.

Dug a hole in the ground with a stairs going down.
First two layers were sand. (silly me, was upset by this fact, didn't knew about that sand was dug a lot faster than stone will...)
My dwarves quickly made some doors, beds, meeting hall...

Everything started to derail when booze was over in mid-winter.
Dwarves became angry and annoyed.
I have tried to prepare a tunnel from a frozen river nearby into the fortress, and when spring came dwarves merrily went to the newly constructed well to drink at least a bucket of water...

Too bad I have not heard about sturgeons before that.
Two dwarves got ripped apart by a bloodlust fish and it had a pick stuck in its fin. It got a name instantly (I do not recall it, sadly).
One of ripped dwarves were our expedition leader, so I aroused another one to that position, however it went into the room of previous leader, and started undressing himself all over the fortress, and then jumped into the same well stark naked. Sturgeon layed waiting there.

I thought that this will end my fortress, but migrants have arrived, to see four depressed dehydrated dwarves sitting in the meeting hall, doing nothing, as we had no additional picks to dig, nothing to eat, nothing to drink and three fresh deaths in their memories. Everything was over when winter came for a second time. Well got frozen, booze and food supplies bought from elves were quite low, dwarves were depressed. Our new miner went berserk in the middle of a party, causing all meeting hall to become a bloody mess hall instantly. Three survivors slowly bled to death while trying to clean the hall of the remains of their "passing acquaintances".

I have had very tragic first experience, you see.
But that was awesome, anyway. I understood the depth of game, and second fort thrived for 5 years before catsplosion... but that is another story.
"So the merchants arrive to see blood and vomit everywhere, us hauling corpses en masse to the graveyard, a couple rampaging elephants


DwarfFortress Boatmurdered.
Part 17 by StarkRavingMad.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #37 on: June 17, 2014, 06:05:18 am »

"Alright! Let's start! Now hmm. Uhh, was there supposed to be a mountain here? How do I mine? Can I not mine down? Screw it I'm out of here".

Then reclaimed when the wiki told me I was being stupid. Then fell to goblins because "military" was beyond the grasp of my comprehension (more accurately, weapons were). Then reclaimed. Fortress fell for good when Goblin siege attacked, and in the broken remains of my fortress, "The Forgotten beast Whatsitsname has come!" Only a cat stood against it.

  • First death in 10 minutes to not understanding how stairs and ramps work, RIP Urist McTrainingWheels. Your mining skills were missed. Your ghostliness was not. Lost body somehow, ghost stayed until fort was lost.
  • First Goblin Ambush went as follows: Goblins show up, send militia after them, militia dies, anyone outside dies, gobbos lose like one man; I panic and mass everyone else in Entrance room for last stand, then click around furiously. After a few minutes I notice the death has stopped, and realize all goblins who didn't die (read, about half. Few goblins) were caught by the cage traps in the entrance hallway I was advised by the wiki to make.
  • First Tantrum Spiral hit when I first got to winter and realized they would need water (Farming confused me, so brewing took a while).
  • Never really got a metal industry going at all. Maybe smelted a few bars, but that's it.
  • After reclaiming the second time, Gobbos were hanging around like friendlies. I imagined I was the Fort Gov't in exile, and sent my fledgling militia to surround, and beat to death, isolated members, reclaiming the fort.
  • Overall, lasted a few years.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2014, 09:11:37 am »

God, this was so long ago. I don't think I actually got the game over screen until my third or fourth fortress. The others were all "Attempt to comprehend this game, fuck something up, realize I'm not good enough to fix it (or it's not easily possible like a flood/magma flood), give up."

I do remember one very early one that I gave up on. I learned about smoothing and engraving stone on the wiki and excitedly designated all my fort for smoothing. It wouldn't work. After like fifteen minutes of trying, I finally learned how to 'k' over my walls and learned that my whole fort was in soil instead of rock. I rage quit and started a fort in a mountain. I think that one was my first serious fort, which fell to various megabeasts over a few years.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #39 on: June 17, 2014, 10:46:07 am »

I dug straight down,and discovered a cavern. Imagine my joy when i found gold inside!
Unfortunately for me,it was also occupied by troglodytes,who caused mass panic and insanity.I was able to create an artifact millstone at least.
I am a Goober.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #40 on: June 17, 2014, 10:49:41 am »

I stopped to just put what I had learned to use on a fresh embark. I probably did that on the first 3 fortresses.

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #41 on: June 17, 2014, 12:00:16 pm »

It was winter, the river froze and i didn't know that dwarves actually don't need any water if you have booze.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #42 on: June 17, 2014, 01:36:28 pm »

My first fortress was named "Archlens".
I still to this day think fondly of that fortress, it was a good learning experience  ;)

Until.. of course.. the day a one-eyed humming-bird-like titan singing songs of fire came and burned up EVERYTHING.
First the elves were unhappy (who cares).
Then the dwarves were unhappy.
Then I foolishly sent squads to apprehend the beast. Oh the fire.... everywhere...

Everyone jumped ship after that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2014, 03:54:15 am »

Before playing the game, I had read the wiki and I learned how to do things. I'm still a bit fuzzy on how to actually train the military.

Funny thing about not knowing how to train a military, goblins will kill you. They will kill you a lot.
Accidentally made over 5000 copper maces once. I have no idea how that happened.

The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Cerol Lenslens

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RIP: Your First Fort
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2014, 08:53:04 am »

Back in the 2d days, my first fort was phenomenally successful considering I didn't know what I was doing. All my dwarves constantly starving but being replaced by migrants at a slightly faster rate. Unicorns everywhere. The narrow halls were filled with cattle thick enough to trample the naked mole dogs that kept springing up, and I had a psychopathic tough-as-nails sheriff named Cerol something or other, which explains my fondness for the name.

Eventually, I dug too deep and hit a glowing pit, and I couldn't seal it up in time. The frog and tentacle monsters weren't a match for the endless hordes of cows and were quickly trampled, but the Spirits of Fire were so hot that the cows caught fire at a distance, and proceeded to ignite the fort. The sheriff actually injured one, as they were no match for him in combat, but he quickly died of heat exhaustion before he could finish the job and eventually everyone burned to death trying to loot his flaming body.
"I've got a plan, hear me out on this one... I want to almost murder you."
"Boy, sure wish as Queen of the entire realm I had somebody to help me out with this. Advisor, tutor, anyone who knows what the hell they're looking at really.

Alas, the life of a Queen is a lonely one. Do the things with the whatsit."
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