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Author Topic: Harvestcoast - A new, smelly surprise around every corner [Turn 9 complete!]  (Read 42743 times)


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #255 on: July 20, 2014, 08:34:18 am »

We have a room full of bridges that I do not understand the intent of.

Room full of bridges was a failed attempt at an execution room. Feel free to repurpose it to your wishes.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 08:43:07 am by snackfox »


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #256 on: July 20, 2014, 06:35:31 pm »

Just a heads up, I'm going to be traveling for the next week or so.  I'll probably be back next Thursday, but if my turn happens to come around, just bump me up a year.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #257 on: July 20, 2014, 09:42:34 pm »

can I have Crazyduck's thought screen?also,how high does she have the armored skill?

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Her armorer skill is 'great.' She also has an infected lung so that'll probably end well.

Can I be redwarfed as LonLon? Any female dwarf. Name is an inside joke with a friend. My spirit shall live on!

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heh I made a dwarf named LonLon a milker I AM THE HEIGHT OF WITTISMS


Granite 1st, 158
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This is me. I engrave things. I'm good at it, too! I made this sceptre awhile ago...
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I don't, uh, remember making it! But I made it! Everyone says I made it! So I must have. Right? Um. Yes. Of course. Right.

So I was looking over the records we have cause I want to do something new, and cool, and hip right? What the 40 year younglings doing now a days? I may be a middle-aged mom but I'm a *cool* middle aged mom, right? So I was looking and I saw this!
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We have SO MANY caged beasties we can't train! I mean this fort is all taming the wilds and can't walk three steps without tripping over a milkspider (are those what they're called I'm not sure the Rainy Treaty didn't have any) but this so-called 'intelligent' creatures you can't tame! So I thought, hey, let's make a zoo! And we even have this room that... just has a bunch of bolts sitting around? Who needs that, right?

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So I started putting all the cages in that room! Not everything will fit but I'm sure it'll be the groovy new place to go 'chill' or...whatever the kids are doing! Right? that right?

While I was doing that Beirus - he's one of the militia captains, my husband's co-workers with him I guess - came up to me after seeing the plans for the zoo and said we need to do military training. And by military training, he explains, he wants to kill some unarmed goblins. He asked for a suitable room for it. I told him we had one.

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The necessary alterations will begin immediately.

Another problem we have is that -
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- a LOT of people are walking around with worn old clothes! And we have about a bajillion kinds of cloth, silk, and wool laying around! So I put the clothiers to work making new clothes for everyone! Yay! Shopping!

Granite 5th, 158


Spoiler (click to show/hide) wasn't my fault!

If that wasn't bad enough, we are out of coal! I told them to go smelt more! They... didn't think that was very funny, but we still have a bit of unsmelted coal lying around before we need to start burning trees for it. This didn't stop them from complaining for...a long time... constantly... that we were out of coal so I started working on smoothing out the metalworking workshop area. The other engravers chipped in since 'apparently the overseer of the fortress isn't allowed to work on things by herself' or something!

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I mean, *I* don't know how to smelt metal so it's not my fault! I've been running the fort for a week now!

In other... good? news, Zaerosz came up to me today and told me something interesting, wearing a very smug expression.

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I'm still not letting them out of their cages.

Granite 10th, 158

A thief showed up, stabbed a cheese maker in the foot, and ran off. His bag was empty this time, at least.

Granite 12th, 158

So remember how we need more clothes? Guess how many clothiers we have in the fortress.


Not one tailor, not a tailor's apprentice, not even someone that's did it for a summer in the human lands during school to pay for prickle berry wine. Nobody in this fortress has ever made any clothes before. I put a couple of peasants on the job but...seriously. 242 dwarves. No clothesmakers.

Granite 17th, 158

I've got good news, and I've got bad news. The good news is that coal production is beginning to resume!

...The uh, bad news? We've got a giant feathered pterosaur with poison breath in the lower levels of the fortress.

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See him there next to the miasma? ...yeah. His breath...spore cloud...whatever it is that the animals are breathing in, um, looks like it's making them rather stiff.

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At-at least they don't look so stiff so more, right? Oh no...

I told the markdwarves to go fight the beast since they could shoot it from far away. One of them listened. And a hammer lord and axe lord nearby I told them not to go. I told them not to fight it...

Thankfully, the spiders and dogs wandering the fortress slowed the creature down - it was getting caught up in the spiders' webs. The markdwarf and a random engraver who had a crossbow for some reason shot it full of bolts. The axe lord and the hammerlord moved in, and the hammerlord struck a mighty blow to it's chest.

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The beast soon bled to death on the floor.

But the damage was already done.

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Their flesh is already rotting away before our eyes. Mr Wiggles has no idea what to do with them. The dogs and spiders have already...

No wonder nobody runs the fort for more then a year. I haven't even run it a month yet and I've already killed some of our best soldiers. It wasn't my fault...I didn't know.

I don't want to write in this diary anymore. I need a drink.


so that was awesome glad I missed the pterodactyl in the unit list. and that the caverns were open.

we lost a legendary bone carver, the marksdwarf, the hammer lord, the axe lord, and that engraver who was a hunter, I guess? engraver got credited with the kill. thank god for the milkspiders otherwise that thing could have wiped out half the fort. none of the named dorfs died.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 09:47:30 pm by sensei_shade »


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #258 on: July 20, 2014, 10:09:00 pm »

Journal of Zaerosz Glovedinches, Former Overseer
17th Granite, 158

Five dwarves died in battle against that foul beast from the depths today. I've been trying to distract myself with the trolls, but... dammit, this is why we keep caverns sealed unless necessary. If we had a corridor filled with cage traps, with milkspiders behind some fortifications... even those warped horrors wouldn't be able to avoid the traps with their limbs tangled in a spray of spider silk. Just as long as the haulers wait until the webs have been cleared before trying to collect the cages, anyway.

On the subject of troll training... well, taming the trolls we've captured in sieges over the years is a lost cause; they're too loyal to the goblins. However, I've made some progress in reverse-engineering the training method the goblins use, so I'm starting to become more confident that we could train any wild trolls we find in the caverns, or any offspring these captured trolls may give birth to. I wonder if Houn Dhoor would like some war troll guards...
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 10:11:43 pm by Zaerosz »


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #259 on: July 20, 2014, 10:12:04 pm »

I would write journal entries too but I'M DEAD. Maybe I could play another year as LonLon (a milker, hahaha). I could take a second turn if we ever fall short of overseers / need someone to fill in for a bit.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #260 on: July 21, 2014, 12:30:25 am »

Oh, so thaaat was the problem with clothesmaking... anyway, I set up a small pitting for prisoner-soldier training fights system when I was overseer, can't remember if I took a screenshot of it. It's on the first and second levels down from the main workshop level, I think. The top part is on the same level as the main catacombs, that I know for sure.

Benev's Journal

Granite 20, 158

We've gone an overseer and the next one's reign has been going on for a little while since I last wrote, mostly because I haven't really felt the need to. Write, that is. I thought that I would next write when Capital was being worshipped in all their glory throughout Harvestcoast, but as I have had no access to materials to build worship facilities or spread the word of Capital, I have only managed to "convert" some of my own Guardsdwarves, and they only to the extent that they mention Capital in pre-training prayers to humor me.

Anyway, Snackfox wasn't a bad overseer, but I didn't see much of his work as I was spending almost all of my time training the Guardsmen, preaching, and doing other jobs, but I hear he built a few new rooms and did some other improvements. However, I don't know much about this, as I was on active duty training at the time, but late in his reign Houn, my friend, as well as the baron of these lands and original founder of the fort, "killed herself". I simply cannot see how this would happen, as she was everyone's friend, everyone was friends with her, and she was one of the happiest people overall I've ever seen. I heard she and Dhoor were planning their marriage as well... It just makes no sense. I guess snackfox had bigger things on his mind than keeping one dwarf happy, as the fort was seemingly constantly assailed by hundreds of goblins during his reign.

We're only twenty days into Sensei_Shade's rule, but somehow Osta got up into the fort. We lost five dwarves, among them one of my Guards (of course, the one who had gone the furthest towards Capital's path), and two of my direct colleague squad-leaders, who just happened to be among the greatest soldiers this fort had. We need a fortified position in the caverns to prevent things like this, and it needs to be held by marksdwarves, yeodwarf hunter-soldiers who fight to defend their homes and families! To move forward at all, I need to strengthen Capital's standing among the military. I'll be back soon with more.
And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the Assaulted Lanterns Magma Artillery' - King Id I of the Assaulted Lanterns


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #261 on: July 21, 2014, 01:44:02 am »

Wow, lot of things happend. I wonder how is Dhoor doing now, can I see his thoughts?


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #262 on: July 21, 2014, 02:51:56 pm »

My "suicide" was rather suspicious. I think this calls for a dramatic, gritty detective side-story.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #263 on: July 21, 2014, 08:37:43 pm »

17th Granite
God dammit! Osta escaped. I swore I'd ordered the caverns blocked off when she returned...
People seem to be suspicious of me, as Houn died under my rule, and she was the Baron. I have no idea what happened! She just...was sad! For no reason I could figure out! Seriously.
Sensei Shade, a fellow engraver, nice guy, is repurposing my execution room as a coliseum. Oh well, I really never finished it anyway. I was never into mechanics, honestly...
Will write more when more things happen.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #264 on: July 21, 2014, 09:42:59 pm »

Wow, lot of things happend. I wonder how is Dhoor doing now, can I see his thoughts?

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I could get up the update tonight, theoretically, but I want to not keep having month long updates cause otherwise this will take forever so I'll probably just finish up spring tomorrow.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #265 on: July 22, 2014, 09:25:53 am »

Turns out I'll be traveling longer than I anticipated, so I'll be back on Aug 6.  You can move my turn accordingly if you need to.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #266 on: July 23, 2014, 12:03:05 am »

Granite 26, 158

Life goes on.

A weaver got infected with the rot. I think what happened was she tried to get the milkspider webs that were covered in beast goop and paid for it. She's still lying around rotting away, and I tell nobody to touch the webs on that floor just to be safe. The miasma from the flesh rotting off the kittens and dogs still alive is everywhere.

But ummm happier things! I found another hilarious oversight to our clothesmaking industry. Since our 'clothiers' don't know what the hell they're doing, I told the leatherworkers to make shoes and gloves for everyone just to make sure no one else gets infected. They looked at me and told me there wasn't any leather. I looked back at them, and asked where was all the leather from the stray dogs and cats I've been ordering killed since I started overseeing? They looked really confused. I ask to see the tanner and they looked more confused.

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This one of the pages of my list of buildings we have and how many there are. Notice the problem?

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We don't have a single workshop for tanning skins. We do have tanners - I asked around and found a few - we just never seemed to think we needed to actually utilize them before. It's just a matter of putting up the shops and hopefully we still have some skins in the refuse pile still fresh enough to use but... Was every other overseer hitting elf booze or something? course none of the others let in a pterodactyl that spit out death spores...

Slate 1st, 158

It's a new month with new possibilities! I can feel the doom and gloom slide off my shoulders as I woke up this morning and I'm ready to go! And there's good news!

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This is one of our legendary bone carvers. He was in the middle of the hallway and got covered in the rot goop. His flesh is completely numb and he looks absolutely awful, like he belongs in a necromancer tower as opposed to a fortress.

But he's alive! There's hope!

I'm so happy I could just...

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...uh, tell the miners to go expand the refuse stockpile because we're running out of space there! I tried to get everyone together for a party instead, but... nobody came. So we're having a mining party! That's fun! Right? Maybe?

Slate 26th, 158

It's been quiet recently. Been moving a bunch of appropriate items to the new refuse stockpiles, and working on getting Beirus's gladiator pit or whatever he wants to call it working. Clothesmaking for the fortress is going slowly, but the new clothiers are gaining in skill and production should only go up from here.

I write today to make known a very fortunate accident. Since we're an animal taming fortress and all, we've got several traps like this one set up on the surface to catch wildlife.

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This one caught a goblin thief with a child already inside his bag! We got lucky. We've already lost one child this spring to the snatchers, and I would like it if we could getting anymore of them!

Oh, and Mr. Wiggles is sleeping in the refuse stockpile.

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I put in the order for the miners to carve out more bedrooms.

Felsite 3rd, 158

I was overseeing the mining out of the bedrooms - certainly *not* avoiding the miasma stink from the rotting dogs on the main floor - when Zaerosz runs up to me and shouts at me!

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I give him a look. He doesn't notice. Neither does my husband.

"Is it still in the cage?"
"..okay. Thanks Zaerosz."

He runs off again. I...go back to overseeing the bedroom mining.

Felsite 7th, 158

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Here's what the new bedrooms are looking like! They aren't very impressive - just holes in the wall - but they're certainly better then the refuge stockpile! The reason for the big awkward gap in the middle is because we found a coal vein, and we need all the coal we can get. We're actually out, this time.

...Also, Zaerosz ran up to me again.

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"That's wonderful Zaerosz. Is this one caged too?"
"Alright. I'll keep this in mind."

It's no wonder they forgot to put in a tanner's shop. Everyone here is a couple mechanisms short of a pump stack.

Felsite 15th, 158

Elves have arrived!

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I position some militarydwarves near the trade depot just in case the goblins get any funny ideas about steal all the...elf cloth, I guess? While that's going on, I am slightly surprised to see Toll Dwarf come up to me, considering we haven't had any interactions before.

"Zaes wanted me to tell you something. He's busy." I sigh.
"One of the caged trolls forgot its training?"

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She nodded.
"Why does he think I need to know things like that?" She shrugged. "Thanks anyway, Toll Dwarf." And then she walked off.
So many gray hairs from this job.

Felsite 23rd, 158

I did something a little... silly.

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This little room off to the side had a vein of lignite unmined. The miners hadn't mind it out because the stones were damp. I thought it was just because there was a little channel full of it a floor above, so I told them to mine it out. And...then water started flowing. Oops.

As you can see, though, I got the room walled off so everything's fine. Still...  :-[

Felsite 25th, 158

The fortress insanity continues. One of the fisherdwarves apparently went nuts from me telling most of them to stop fishing, and is now inside a crafts shop and muttering something in the old tongue to himself over and over.

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He's running around and gathering bones and gems, refusing to talk to everyone. My husband says that's exactly how I was while making the scepter. I think he's trying to mess with me.

Hematite 1st. 158

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And thank Armok for that. Hopefully, it'll be better than Spring...


I don't really think the other beast-goo dwarves are going to live. They're all in various states of blood loss, except that bone carver. No fucking idea why he didn't get the rot but got the rest of it, but whatever works. There's still miasma everywhere from the infected pets' flesh rotting off as they walk around, but it's finally starting to die off at the end there.

Steel and clothes production is moving along slowly, as is pretty much anything else. I traded some coins and an iron instrument or two for some exotic elf critters - a giant wombat, a wolf, and maybe a couple other things I don't remember. Nothing all that interesting but hey we've got 'em.

Also at some point before someone set up a pond...somewhere. Dwarves have been trying to fill it and keep cancelling the job saying it's inaccessible.

Trying to make the fort a bit more efficient - disabled carpentry off a lot of dwarves(almost every adult in the fortress had it enabled wtf) and disabled fishery from a lot of them. I'm not really all that good at efficiency so this will probably be about all I do.

Put a bunch of milkspiders in a pasture near the cage trap bridge that serves as our cavern blockade. Not sure if we'll actually catch a fb from it, but at least they'll stall anything that gets up there until the military can arrive.

Meant to get this up earlier today but life happened. I'll probably get the next one up Thursday or so.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #267 on: July 23, 2014, 12:40:45 am »

I would like to call Beirus' gladiator pit the "Slaughter Hole". Because reasons. Or maybe the "Thunderdome".
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 01:17:41 am by Beirus »
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #268 on: July 23, 2014, 12:46:00 am »

Instead of pasturing the milkspiders, may I suggest chaining them instead? They're liable to run away if they're just pastured.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 7 complete!]
« Reply #269 on: July 24, 2014, 01:48:43 pm »

I would like to call Beirus' gladiator pit the "Slaughter Hole". Because reasons. Or maybe the "Thunderdome".

If the latter, there should be a new rule that every new recruit has to survive a few rounds in the arena, before they're allowed to progress to regular military duty--you know, going beyond Thunderdome.

Is my dwarf still alive? If so, what are her thoughts and labors? I've asked a couple times before, but I think the posts got missed in the inevitable (insert "it was inevitable" here) stream of posts that is in the nature of forums.
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