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Author Topic: Harvestcoast - A new, smelly surprise around every corner [Turn 9 complete!]  (Read 42752 times)


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Re: Harvestcoast - The Odd Little Fort By The Sea
« Reply #120 on: June 20, 2014, 12:26:24 am »

Just a quick notice for everyone keeping track of this, it seems that Zae hasn't been around for the past few days - he's got some irl stuff to attend to and should be back in a bit. (Just in case someone needed him for whatever reason, seeing as he's the one running this thaang.) I should really get off my ass and draw something to help keep things moving - any suggestions, by chance?

And seeing as Captain Archmage isn't taking his turn right now, it looks like it's me next, so I guess I'll get started on that asap. :D
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 01:05:16 am by Hounskull »


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Re: Harvestcoast - The Odd Little Fort By The Sea
« Reply #121 on: June 20, 2014, 02:06:28 am »

good luck,houn.give'em !!FUN!! ;)

if you want to draw something,try drawing an artifact.maybe the door with the engraving of the queen.but then again,i'm sure you'll find plenty of inspiration in your turn.


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Re: Harvestcoast - The Odd Little Fort By The Sea
« Reply #122 on: June 20, 2014, 02:56:42 am »

It's going surprisingly smoothly.. ahaha..ahahha....AHAHHAHA...


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Re: Harvestcoast - The Odd Little Fort By The Sea
« Reply #123 on: June 20, 2014, 04:43:46 am »


Internet got cut off after my mother forgot to pay the bill.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Harvestcoast - The Odd Little Fort By The Sea
« Reply #124 on: June 20, 2014, 04:53:23 pm »

I'm making progress I swear, already in early autumn - but this is me right now:
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(Not actually me but p.much. I adopted a stray kitten that I found, oops)
So there may be a few kitten related delays but IT'S HAPPENING.

Do I post teasers? Yes I post teasers.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Harvestcoast - The Odd Little Fort By The Sea
« Reply #125 on: June 20, 2014, 09:45:30 pm »

For what is essentially a glorified picture book scattered with long rambling passages is coming your way.


Houn’s Journal

1st of Granite, in the year 154.

When I was sent to Harvestcoast with the other nine dwarves I was expecting a happy existence down in the tunnels. I even brought my own pick. I wasn’t expecting to be sat behind a desk in a strange office and given a bunch of papers and orders and reports to sign.
Trying to read this mandate, and what the hell is that letter there, that’s not a ‘q’. Isn’t cursive supposed to be superior to regular script? I feel like the person who wrote this was fighting off a drunk centaur with their free hand. Dwarvish is hard enough to read as it is without the author apparently finishing the entire thing without his quill leaving the paper once. I have to squint to read anything and this office is an absolute mess.
How did I get here? Well. I’d woken up early to get a bite to eat before starting my work. I took one step into the dining hall and two rather smartly dressed dwarves stopped me and asked if I’d like a promotion.
They seemed pretty desperate to promote someone so I just sort of went along with it. Didn’t want to be rude. Then I found myself titled as ‘Overseer’, sitting in this chair that’s too small for me, contemplating my life choices, with a serious craving for ginger beer.
They tried to hurry away, but I stopped them - “Honestly, I feel like you just said to each other ‘lets pick the first dwarf who comes through that door’ and it just happened to be me. All I wanted was some plump helmets and a pint”
They didn’t argue.
“You’re the first awake! It shows you’re resourceful! Energetic! We need people like you!”
“No I was just really hungry”
They pointed to the special breakfast delivered directly to my quarters and that was the end of that.


I always see all these educated sorts walking around taking notes and writing letters in the dining room. So I figure it must be the thing to do when you’ve got important .. business-like .. stuff to attend to. If anything, maybe it’ll help me clear my head. An entire fortress to oversee. Where to begin?

Well. I may as well make myself comfortable. I think I’ll plan out big long list of things I want done.

Firstly, the security in this fortress is terrible.

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What is this? A single door? Standing between us and the forces of vile darkness? Some nice cage traps, sure - but I think it’s time we built a drawbridge. I think I’d be able to sleep better at night knowing that our lives don’t depend on that creepy bone.. thing.

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There’s been some shocking news recently that our Queen, Ezum, is actually a vampire in disguise. I’ve heard a lot of talk questioning whether or not a random dwarf in a tiny fortress like this could actually know the truth. But I’m yet to see anyone actually do anything about it.

Looks like I’ll be commissioning the creation of a royal throne room and quarters, should we ever decide to invite our mysterious lady into our midst. Harvestcoast has grown to become a fine city now, surely in a few years time it’ll be big enough to attract her attention?

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As a dwarf that enjoys a solid meal and a good drink, I find the small size of our dining room rather upsetting! Now that I have a little power though, I’ll be making plans to change that immediately. A new dining hall, with plenty of space for all of us. Maybe some nice statues, smooth floors - a few pretty engravings. It’ll feel just like home.


For some reason, the laws defining which areas the civilians are allowed in during a siege or other emergency haven’t been updated, so I’ve extended the range of the burrows to cover the rest of the fort that we’ve dug out in the years since those rules were first enforced.
Maybe we should test out our civilian alert soon, make sure that everybody can get inside the walls fast. You never know when those goblins are going to strike.


2nd of Granite, 154

Oh, by the gods. One day in and the news has already been spread around the whole fort - Houn is in charge. I have a line of dwarves outside my office, each with their own demands and ideas.


“We need more tables, my children haven’t anywhere to eat!”
“We can’t cut down every single tree on the map” I explain.
“That sounds like elf-talk to me, no elf talk”, chides the disgruntled farmer.


“I want to start a club for admirers of Louse Men” Benev grunts.
“Louse men… specifically?” I ask, “.. are.. are admirers of other beast-men allowed? I quite like Sparrow men?”
It apparently hadn’t occurred to Benev that he might struggle to find others that share his oddly specific interests.
“.. I suppose,” he hesitates, “though obviously Louse men will be the main focus…” .


Dhoor stormed into my office earlier.
“We need a proper hospital,” he barked, “Houn, we need a hospital that isn’t made out of sand and clay, I’ve seen too many wounded. It never ends.”
There was no arguing with the urgent and somewhat deranged look in his eyes. A hospital it is. I worry about that dwarf sometimes.


Note to self - have two crowns made for Led, Mayor.

He’d better like them, he almost lost his life coming to issue a mandate for their construction. It’s the middle of the bloody night and apparently Led must’ve had some sort of prophetic dream that drove him to sprint to my office in his bedclothes, and barrel through the door whooping “they’ll be made of obsidian! With rose quartz! And gems, lots of gems! Crowns! Crowns!”
Dhoor apparently had some sort of war-flashback and leapt out of bed, half naked, to fight off the ‘intruder’. I had to pry my “gallant hero” away from throttling the Mayor, who was still babbling (or more, gurgling) about crowns.
Led was so consumed in his desire for crowns that he didn’t seem to care that he’d nearly been choked into unconsciousness just a few minutes ago. He sat me down at my desk and sketched out the crowns he wanted.
“Why two crowns?” I asked him.
“WHat, what do you mean why two crowns? There has to be two! No less, no more, I need two crowns. In my dream, there was a two headed were-Iguana feeding spoons to a baby centaur with bees for eyes… It was very symbolic, I woke up crying because at the end, the Magma Crab didn’t get her bucket of trees back, don’t you see?”
I was too tired to care. Two crowns it is.

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Nearly a month has passed, and my very basic addition to the fortress security has nearly been completed. It’s a small bridge just wide enough to allow everyone through, including our merchants. I’m actually confused as to why the trade depot is underground, and am considering creating one on the surface, especially to accommodate those rather picky elves that come through sometimes. Letting them too far into the fortress always seems to results in fights breaking out.

The bridge is currently being linked up to a lever in the new dining room - which is still under construction. It’s right beside the door:

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5th of Slate, 154

We’ve got a lot of lazy old dogs lying around and getting fat. I’ve assigned a few trainers to get to work readying them for war. It’s the middle of spring, and most dwarves are giving me odd looks for being so paranoid about invasions. They want to enjoy the warm air and the new baby animals - but I know those Goblins are out there…
Maybe it’s just all this talking with Dhoor. He’s lovely I swear, but sometimes I catch him just staring at his steel war axe, blankly, absent mindedly polishing it with an old cloth… Maybe he needs a holiday…

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Meanwhile, Beirus the Second stood up on a table in the dining room this morning and proclaimed his love for his weapon. He deemed it the best war axe in the fort and wouldn’t hear a word otherwise.

16th of Slate, 154

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It appears that we’ve interrupted some Centaur beach-goers. Or perhaps their idea of ‘fun in the sun’ is chasing dwarves around whilst brandishing random bits of driftwood in the air. A squad has been sent out to shoo them off, or so I’m told.


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Dhoor assures me that dismembering live Centaurs is a vital part of a healthy and prosperous relationship, and that I should be very proud of him for being such a dedicated partner.
The Centaur threat has been kept at bay at least. No deaths on our part, just a lot of dead Centaurs…

28th of Slate, 154

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A group of migrants have arrived, but for some unintelligible reason, they just stand there on the borders of our territory. I’m considering sending a squad of dwarves out to investigate, what a strange sight…

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It’s the 1st of Felsite now, and more migrants are appearing. They trickle in slowly and wander about, like they’ve escaped from some terrible fate outside of our sights, and are too exhausted to walk. Some of them have made it to the fortress, I’ve sent out squads to bring in the rest and search for stragglers. None of them want to answer any questions as of yet. I have a sinking feeling in my gut, could this be to do with our vampiric queen?
They seem lost and confused, what on earth has happened to them?

18th of Felsite, 154

A Kobold thief was sighted nearby our new bridge. The little bugger never got inside, but we didn’t manage to catch him either. Those sneaky things are so fast on their feet. He’s gone now though. I need to station some war dogs at the drawbridge for next time.

19th of Felsite

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I have calmed down a little now. The bridge was raised successfully. We did a quick headcount, and we believe that everyone made it into the fortress safely. Our drink stocks are looking a little low however, but I’ve decided it is best not to mention that to anyone…

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This is not a very good situation. No. Not at all. I do not trust in the strength of twenty dwarves to fight off this Siege. This irritates Dhoor somewhat but he’ll just have to live with it. I don’t know. I’m not a military commander. I won’t send out twenty dwarves into dozens of skilled Goblin warriors, Rutherers and Trolls.
Best to wait it out. Hide underground. I should’ve ordered more traps to be set up on the outside.
I’ll do that as soon as they’ve left. First thing.

… they will leave, right?

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Oh gods, Sibrek has been possessed by some otherworldly force, and has claimed a craftsdwarf’s workshop. She’s slamming her fists down on the bench screaming for bones, cloth and gems. We only have bones to give her! We try to calm her down and offer her polished stones and metals but she won’t have them - nothing but gems will do. I have sent a group of dwarves to go rifling through our stocks to search for anything that could be suitable.

Praise the gods, we’ve found enough!

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I’ve no idea how this happened, our fortress is walled up “tighter than a camel’s arse in a sandstorm” - or so the other dwarves have taken to putting it.

25th of Felsite, 154

Our watchdwarves report that five of the enemies numbers have been caught in our traps. Five that we can see anyway. I hope that more have been captured, maybe enough that they’ll decide to turn around and leave? It’s barely been a week but I can barely stand knowing that all those Goblins and warbeasts are up there waiting for us to break.

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They appear to enjoy the surf for whatever reason. The ocean is nice to look at, but I can’t fathom why any sane creature would ever want to put a toe in it. Some of the dwarves have taken to peeking over the battlements to get a better look at them. They just roam around in the tide all day.

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The collection of beasts and Goblins are our gates are less interesting and more terrifying, however. I am incredibly pleased with my decision to extend our defenses. All this time underground is also reviving my love of digging again. I feel that once our throne room and royal quarters are dug out, it may be time to begin delving into the depths again!


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A small map of my expansions so far.
To the left, a small hospital has been carved out, with a few beds placed. It’ll replace the old one and hopefully be a little more sanitary and comforting to it’s patients. To the right, the beginning of a larger dining hall, with the older one converted into a food stockpile. I’ve left room for more passages to be dug in order to easily expand the living quarters.

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Work has also begun on our royal quarters. At the very top is the throne room, soon to be floored and smoothed, already with two thrones and statues in place. Directly beneath it, the four chambers are to serve as our Halls of the Dead, and will be filled with our coffins. It should serve as an apt warning to our Queen if she ever arrives - that we know what she is.
Beneath all that, are the enormous chambers that will serve as the royal bedroom, mausoleum and dining room.

1st of Hematite, 154

It is now Summer, and we are still under Siege. Our food and drink stocks are standing well. There has been a little tension in Harvestcoast but so far all appears to be going well.
Sibrek, the possesed dwarf from a few days ago, has chosen this day to begin a mysterious construction at her Craftsdwarf’s workshop. It’s a struggle to set curiosity aside and let her work in peace. Why did she wait so many days to begin alongside Summer? We shall see soon, hopefully.

4th of Hematite, 154

Those goblins sure love the ocean. Maybe they’ve never seen it before. They’ve been in there for a solid week now just jumping over waves and kicking sand at each other. They must be really bored. Actually, I’m starting to think that this isn’t a Siege for them, but a holiday. Maybe they think that Harvestcoast is an ocean resort and have come to kick up their heels and relax for a few weeks.
I caught Zaerosz taking bets on how long it’d be before they started building sandcastles. Six more days, I said. By the 10th of Hematite, there will be a sandy scale replica of Harvestcoast’s outer walls sitting on the shore, complete with bits of Centaur carcass and driftwood.

6th of Hematite, 154

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I don’t know how to feel about Sibrek’s creation. A horse bone cabinet with a picture of itself on it. Of course, we all stood around and clapped and congratulated her on her brilliant construction - and it is of the finest quality. But the image.. of itself… on itself… and it goes on and on into tinier images of itself. What a strange thing to put on a cabinet. I’ll put in the soon to be Royal chambers, I’m sure our Queen will enjoy it… for a short while anyway….

10th of Hematite, 154

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So there are no Goblin sandcastles just yet, I’ve lost my bet… but there is something out there…
It’s too far away to see clearly what it is, but it doesn’t look good. The goblins don’t seem to mind it though… it’s standing on top of a partial skeleton of a dwarf, or so the scouts say…

I’ve been informed that this may be the corpse of the were-bear that invaded a while ago, and that I need to get some sleep before my paranoia spreads to everyone else.

22nd of Hematite, 154

The Siege remains unbroken. It is not completely a bad thing, however. Our food and drink supplies are still stable, and our progress on the new quarters and throne room is flying ahead. It will not be long and we will begin to dig deeper into the earth. There is nowhere else to go, after all.
I’ve ordered the construction of a new Still, which has many dwarves in high spirits already. It’s gone up already, fastest I’ve ever seen dwarves work - and our booze production has increased significantly. Looks like we won’t have a problem with drink shortage at all. I’m glad I never mentioned it to anyone.

2nd of Malachite, 154 - Mid Summer.

It’s strange. I’m actually starting to feel rather cosy with those Goblins lurking about up there. It’s quite amusing to know that they’re up on the surface mucking about in the waves and we’re down here pottering away like we always have.
The Militia are becoming somewhat restless, but for now at least I have convinced them that we can wait this one out - there’s no need to do anything stupid, like charge into a force ten times their size.

It doesn’t look like any sandcastles are going to be built soon, so the bets have moved on the whether or not a trade caravan will arrive soon. The most popular vote is for Elves to show up within the next few weeks. I think though, that most of the betters just want to see a caravan of “lanky pricks” get bowled over by a pack of hungry Trolls.

7th of Malachite, 154

There was a huge commotion up on the surface today. One of the cooks decided to spend their break up on the walls shooting bolts at Trolls. It didn’t turn out well for him. A group of Goblin crossbowmen spotted him from up on the hill and opened fire. We’re trying to figure out a safe way to get him back underground now.

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The cook wasn’t the only one up there taking pot shots. Benev, you idiot. Maybe I should’ve let the militia out. It seems that everyone just got bored, couldn’t stand being held captive in this fortress any longer. This Siege needs to end. We can’t get Benev down from the walls. He can’t move, and it’s too dangerous to send any help to him right now.

15th of Malachite.

I can’t believe it took so long to get Benev and the others down safely. I’m terrified that they won’t recover properly, they need their rest now.
Luckily, no one was killed by the crossbow onslaught. I think it may be for the best if we all remain completely underground from this point on, at least until the Siege is broken entirely.

Benev has somehow managed to fracture his guts. I’m.. not entirely sure what that means but it certainly doesn’t sound pleasant. Despite all this, he seems to be content with things. Perhaps we should work on catching a Louse Man friend for him, though I have no idea where I’d find a creature like that…

It has come to my attention that Crazyduck has also been wounded by the Goblins, though her injuries are not too severe. A gash in her chest and a… broken lung? She is recovering in the hospital now.

5th of Galena, 154, Late Summer.

It looks as if this Siege is nearly broken. More than half of the enemy has left our land - many are stuck in cages and from the walls we can count only a dozen or so invaders wandering around. The militia are eager to wipe them out but I am hesitant. I don’t trust this situation - I feel it may be a trick to lure us out of our tunnels. I don’t want to be dealing with an ambush, so under the ground we will stay, until every last one of them has either left or is our prisoner.

19th of Galena, 154

I’ve finally bowed to pressure. I am going to allow the Militia out the gates to take on the last dozen invaders. I hope that I have made the right decision.

22nd of Gaelna, 154

The Siege is finally broken! We have opened the gates and chased away the last of the goblins. Our war dogs took care of a few goblins that managed to get across the bridge, but that was as close as the Goblins got to our fortress.
I cannot express how glad I am that the siege has ended. Icecoon has even organized a party in the dining doom, something I never expected that strange butcher to do. It seems we’re all in high spirits now - fresh air flooding in through the stairwell, dwarves bringing in the cages full of prisoners, trees being felled and plants being gathered.
A lot of animals have been slaughtered by the goblins but no dwarves have been killed.
Benev appears to be healing well, as are all the other dwarves who were injured by the crossbowmen.

Time to get this fortress back to normal. No more lingering cloud of despair. I’ve consulted some of the nobles and we all agree that it is high time we started digging far down into the earth.

22nd of Limestone, 154, Early Autumn.

Migrants have arrived once again! Just in time too, as we begin excavating deep into the earth.
Some nutcase who must’ve ruled over this fortress in it’s earlier years has decided to build a spiral staircase down into the depths. For the simple life of me I just cannot get my head around it, and will be using some nice basic stairs up and down stairs from now on.

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Partway down the staircase, I have created a small tunnel which will be lined with traps and easily sealed off by doors or the construction of walls. A raising bridge will also be added for extra protection, should we need a few moments to finish walling the depths away.
At least this time, no one is looking at me as if I’m paranoid.

3rd of Sandstone, 154,  Mid-Autumn

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I really don’t know how this happened.. I just got the news today that two of our number had died of thirst. Did they refuse to drink? Did no one bring them their water? No one seems to know.
We’ll have them buried right away. Glad I had those Halls of the Dead carved out. \\

22nd of Sandstone, 154

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The lever controlling the small raising bridge in the depths is at the top of the new dining room. If for some reason we need to quickly block up that passage, we can raise the bridge - which will give us time to build a wall across the hallway.

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Our engravers begged to be let loose on the royal chambers in progress. I gave them a few weeks to work on it before I went down to inspect their progress.
I suppose.. we can always smooth it out or floor over it if it’s terrible…

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Yes, considering our secret plans for the queen, this is entirely appropriate.. but I can’t help feeling a little.. queasy when I look at it.

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Yet another depiction of said deity in our Queen’s chambers… perhaps going a little overboard..

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Apparently they also felt it was appropriate to engrave an image of the very door that caused us to learn of our Queen’s true nature. Almost as if saying “WE KNOW”.

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I’m not sure that it was entirely necessary to document this event in such detail, but it’s there now….I hope that no one shows Benev…

9th of Timber, 154

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Somehow, a Donkey got into one of the bedroom and died there. No one wants to clean it up, but we’ll have to get rid of that foul miasma somehow..

12th of Timber, 154

A caravan of Dwarven merchants arrived, but are displeased with having to haul their goods into our fortress through all our traps and tunnels. I’ve ordered a Depot to be set up just outside the walls, hopefully it will be finished before the merchants become frustrated and leave.

14th of Timber, 154

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I was just down constructing coffins with a few other workers when I was approached with an offer to recommend a Baron! I had a few suggestions for other dwarves, but in the end my own name was put forward for consideration. I feel.. odd, about recommending myself for such an honor, but I won’t complain.

15th of Timber, 154

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An ambush! Curse them! I’ll send out the militia at once to dispatch them.

A snatcher has come too! Everyone is in a panic, scrambling to get back into the fortress.

And a second ambush! This is simply unfair… Is this the beginning of another siege. I’m praying that the militia can hold them off, and that everyone can get inside safely.

We have driven them out successfully, and nothing more seems to have come of it.

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One of our axedwarves took it upon herself to run screaming at the entire force, got peppered in bolts but still pressed on. After she sliced into a few of them, the goblins turned and fled.

2nd of Moonstone, 154

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A most prosperous time indeed, but I feel like my time as Overseer of Harvestcoast is winding down now.
I’m getting tired of giving orders and signing papers all day. I want to be back down in the mines where I used to work. Seeing all these fine ores being brought up from our new tunnels makes me miss the old days.
Perhaps it’s just the early winter setting in, no one likes the cold. At least our wood stocks are looking good, plenty to keep the fires roaring through the cold months.
Maybe I’ll start the search for a suitable replacement for myself. This time, it won’t just be the ‘first person to walk through that door’.

4th of Moonstone, 154

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A dwarven child has claimed a craftsdwarf’s workshop.. So late in the year, I wonder what sort of strange thing they’ve dreamt up. Probably bored stiff from sitting by the fire all day keeping warm.

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We shouldn’t have let the child’s work distract us - we’ve lost one of our own. I’m feeling rather discouraged - even more reason to step down from the role of overseer and promote a fresh face.
I’ve decided that as I am now a baron, I will commission the construction of a fine quarters for myself, and settle down happily there as a simple miner once more. Maybe I’ll even get married?

14th of Moonstone, 154

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It’s looks like the presence of the centaurs has left it’s mark on some of our dwarves. Even the royal chambers have a number of images of centaurs striking down humans and dwarves - and now a masterfully crafted figurine of the same thing! If only centaurs were a little less rowdy…

23rd of Moonstone, 154

I have decided to prohibit the export of crutches from our fortress, as we are in need of bulking up our hospital supplies. I’d like to hand this fortress over to it’s next overseer in an acceptable state, with plenty of food and drink and ample supplies - I hope I can keep it together for the last few months.

9th of Opal, 154

In an effort to help out with preparations for Springtime, Led - Mayor, has mandated the construction on three millstones. I’m sure they’ll be.. helpful in some way. I’ll leave that to the next overseer to decide what to do with them…

20th of Opal, 154

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We’ve made an incredible discovery, massive system of caverns deep beneath our fortress. From the tunnels nearby them we can hear all manner of strange animal noises - and can already spot an abundance of ores and odd looking trees and plants.
I’m absolutely ecstatic that this discovery was made so close to the end of my time as overseer - it means that in a littler over a month I can hand over the reins and get down into the tunnels, exploring the depths.
We already have the beginnings of a safe tunnel further up, but I’m going to create a narrow entrance into the caverns surrounded by traps just in case.

2nd of Obsidian, 154

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It is late in winter and we have mostly completed our narrow entrance into the caverns, surrounded by cage traps that are under construction. There is another short hallway on the level above this one that can also be lined with traps and other ingenious solutions to whatever problems we may face.
I’ve been thinking hard about who to nominate next as overseer, and I have a few dwarves in mind. I think … someone with military experience.. someone who knows how to handle a siege or an invasion of any sort. I’m just a miner, and that’s what I’ve done - dug and built and dug some more. But the fortress can’t survive like that forever. If something awful does creep up from these enormous caverns, Harvestcoast needs to be ready for it.

On an unrelated note, Benev has been wandering around planting seeds with a fractured spine. Apparently he’s done lying about in bed and is refusing to sit down and rest while his body heals. I’ve no idea how he puts up with the pain, but he seems rather happy despite it all.

16th of Obsidian, 154

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Just when things were going so well! Goblins! All over our borders with their beasts and their weapons. The civilian alert has been sounded, everyone is rushing inside to avoid the invaders.
At least we have the caverns to occupy our time and our thoughts. They can linger up there as long as please - we have mining to do.

Gods, the bridge was raised just as a pack of nearly twenty trolls came rushing around the walls. I think we have everyone safely inside. There are so many of them out there.

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This is bad, very bad. One of the goblin “civilisation’s” main leaders, General Snodub, has arrived at our doorstep with her army. Some of the older dwarves recognized her as they ran in from the hills. She appears to be riding a massive elkbird, and is heading a troop of Goblin Crossbowmen.
What a way to end the year. What a perfect reason to hand command of the fortress over to someone with greater military sense than I.

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Our fortress is entirely surrounded by Goblins. For the first time in my life, being underground is making me feel somewhat claustrophobic.

1st of Granite, in the year 155, early Spring.

I have given command of the fortress over to Dhoor. I trust him to guide Harvestcoast safely through the next few months as we fend off this vile siege.
Currently, the fortress stands safely and securely, with plenty of food and drink to last us through these trials - even if we cannot go above ground to breathe the fresh spring air.
The civillian alert is still active, all dwarves are currently confined to the main fortress for their own safety.
I am eager though to get down into the caverns where I belong, mining and digging. I look forward to it, and wish the best of luck to Dhoor.

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My challenge to the next Overseer/s!
(I got started on murdering the vampire queen, it counts for something)

Short term - Kill or capture the Goblin General Snodub.
Long term - MINE THE SHIT OUT OF THE CAVERNS. (get me in there)
Extra long term - Capture a forgotten beast. Put it in the throne room. Make it the Mayor. ? ? ? ? ?. Profit.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 09:56:18 pm by Hounskull »


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Re: Harvestcoast - The Odd Little Fort By The Sea
« Reply #126 on: June 20, 2014, 09:46:11 pm »

aaaand just making a quick blip here for when I get the save uploaded hhhhhhh

And here it is -

Have fun partying with the Goblins!  ;D
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 10:15:37 pm by Hounskull »


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 4 complete, need overseers!]
« Reply #127 on: June 21, 2014, 02:33:12 am »

Nice update,houn.the proposal for barony came to me too.i appointed one...and now they make the same proposal to you?whaaa?


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 4 complete, need overseers!]
« Reply #128 on: June 21, 2014, 03:11:19 am »

Nice update,houn.the proposal for barony came to me too.i appointed one...and now they make the same proposal to you?whaaa?

Yeah I have no idea lol, there were no other barons appointed when I got there either. No idea what happened there ahah.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 4 complete, need overseers!]
« Reply #129 on: June 21, 2014, 03:21:04 am »

Maybe the queen ate the previous liaison before he had the chance to announce my choice?


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 4 complete, need overseers!]
« Reply #130 on: June 21, 2014, 03:29:18 am »

Nice update :) downloading, i think i'll finish my turn about  tuesday/wednesday.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 4 complete, need overseers!]
« Reply #131 on: June 21, 2014, 03:39:17 am »

Wow! You did very well!  ;D
"This is a well crafted billon statue of Urist McChickenlover.
The item is a well-designed image Urist McChickenlover the dwarf and a chicken in billon.
Urist McChickenlover is embracing the chicken."

Colony Alpha <<<Warhammer 40k, Squats, Orkz, Eldar and more... >>>


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 4 complete, need overseers!]
« Reply #132 on: June 21, 2014, 04:45:14 am »

Maybe the queen ate the previous liaison before he had the chance to announce my choice?

ahahah, most likely  :) I wouldn't be surprised actually.

And thanks guise  :D


Continuing my tradition of at least one drawing per update.
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How did that Dunmer get in here?
This time I thought I'd draw the Goblin General on her Elk Bird. Or at least, my interpretation of Elk Birds.
As it's sort of Wyvern-like and lives in caverns, I imagine that it's wings aren't really for flight anymore - more for use as big shields.
And for smashing into things. yayyy!


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 4 complete, need overseers!]
« Reply #133 on: June 21, 2014, 06:27:51 am »

That elk bird looks Bad-Ass!i always thought them as simply ostriches with horns,but your interpretation is better.


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Re: Harvestcoast - Centaurs Hate You [Turn 4 complete, need overseers!]
« Reply #134 on: June 21, 2014, 06:45:00 am »

That elk bird looks Bad-Ass!i always thought them as simply ostriches with horns,but your interpretation is better.

 :D thanks! I usually think of them as dorky goose/duck things with horns that stagger around / are really un-co and honk all the time lool.
But for the sake of the Goblin General I changed that up a bit ahaha.
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