Cyber Dragon was Super Rare.
Whut. >.>
How am I supposed to make a bloody Cyber Dragon deck like this? Argh.
Hmmm, well, when I was doing Gishki for this, I ran into the situation that the lowest Duel Terminal rarity is Super Rare, and almost all of your aces rank at Secret Rare. Cyber Dragon's actually pretty easy, compared to that. ^_^
1. The 1400/1200 searchers were all Common - Shining Angel can tutor any LIGHT monster with 1500 ATK or below, and you can get a full set of three for just 3 DP. This includes Proto-Cyber Dragon and Cyber Dragon Zwei, both of which are only Rare. Cyber Dragon Core is Super Rare, but for free searching *and* CyDra replacement...
2. The Light - Hex-Sealed Prison is Common. For 3 DP, you get a full set of cards that can actually summon any CyTwin or CyEnd by bypassing the "Fusion Summon" requirement, because they don't Fusion Summon (they only do a generic Special Summon) if you use their own effect.
3. Likewise, Polymerization itself was a Common. Astonishingly, so is Overload Fusion, though with Future Fusion banned, it's a bit harder to dump into the graveyard for that delicious OTK.
4. Your most expensive ace cards, Cyber End Dragon, Cyber Twin Dragon, and Chimeratech Overdragon are a bit spendy at Ultimate Rare (50 DP). However, since it'll always be at hand in your Extra Deck, you only *really* need one for starters, and you can economize further by only going with two of the three - buy the third later.
5. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon is cheaper at Super Rare, and is also compatible with the entertaining (and cheap-as-dirt Common) DNA Surgery.
6. We're almost certainly doing story, not actual duels, so you don't need to optimize for dueling. That means that goofy stuff that worked in the anime, like the Cyber Barrier and Cyber Laser Dragons, can be pulled out by rule of drama, and you can promote to the actual power-cards later.
6a. For more practical economization, Cyber Eltanin is also only a rare.
7. Photon Lead (Common) + Inferno Reckless Summon (Super Rare) used on Proto-Cyber Dragon or Cyber Dragon Core pulls out up to three actual Cyber Dragons, not just "this card's name is treated as" cards. And you haven't used your Normal Summon yet.
Actually, I kinda want to use my Gishki deck would offer more scope for advancement over the course of the story as well...