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Author Topic: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")  (Read 9279 times)

Timeless Bob

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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #45 on: June 19, 2014, 06:33:24 pm »

Here's a thought: limit the total number of alternate timelines to the current number of Players. That way, we could just cycle the game files around from Player to Player and if any Player's fortress experienced a meltdown, that would close out that alternate timeline and open up space for a split in the one that has run the longest without a split.  (This way, nobody would have to wait for a turn.)
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2014, 09:23:56 am »

Here's a thought: limit the total number of alternate timelines to the current number of Players.

Ha, I thought about this but I think keeping it to just two for a while it will be easier to compare and contrast.  But if we decide it needs to be a little more chaotic we can definitely do this.  Also, this gives me an idea about having some sort of 'last fortress standing' competition where instead of splitting a game when one fails it's just eliminated.



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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2014, 09:25:10 am »

Had a thought about multiple turns though. If they are going to be a thing it might be an idea to consider limiting players to one or the other of the branches. This way we don't necessarily get the exact same thing occuring in both fortresses.

Yeah, I agree with that.  I think ideally this is how it would work.  I think I'll update the rules soon.


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2014, 05:22:46 pm »

Tomorrow morning I'll post half year update, everythings going fine (except donkey foal that was mutilated by weretapir ;))


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #49 on: June 20, 2014, 06:03:24 pm »

Hey, can I sign up for year iiib?


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #50 on: June 20, 2014, 10:57:28 pm »

Absolutely. You're added


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2014, 03:49:58 am »

My name is Tombsburials, Dhoor Tombsburials - The Gravedigger.
This is journal of year 243 at Sculptedpaddle.

Whole thing started in late winter year 242, our expedition leader, Gorgulak, locked himself in the room and didn't want to talk with anyone.

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Dwarves were getting nervous, no one was sure what's happening and no one knew what to do next, especially those new dwarves who arrived in year 242. Our founding six decide that we need new overseer, at least for the next few weeks, till Gorgulak steps out of his room. I volounteered, it suppossed to be few weeks but it stretched for whole year...

I took a look at our fortress, our walls and halls and found few holes... So first thing to do was to patch them. I dug many graves in my life because of such oversights.
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Few days after we managed to build walls that thing showed up:
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I've sent militia to kill it, but it did escape and killed our little donkey just before runnig away.  And that's how I realised that we don't have any pastures and our animals wander freely. No wonder that donkey got killed.

I thought that maybe Gorgulak just got some divine inspiration, I heard about such things happening before in Mountainhome so I ordered construction of Crafts workshop in Gorgulaks giant chambers. He immediately got in there and started drowing skeletons everywhere!  First horse was slaughtered (it was not enough), then Yak bull. He grabbed all the bones along with some dolomite and started his secret work.
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There it is, beutiful and somewhat terrifying. "The Primitive Trickeries" that name feels strangely appropiate.
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And most important - loks like Gorgulak new something about our Queen but didn't want to tell us about it directly. I don't know what to think about. One thing I know is that I had to bury many death children back in Mountainhome. Medics were saing that it was Cavern Fever that took their lives but now I'm not that sure.


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2014, 03:53:37 am »

Things got little delayed. I will post save in this afternoon/night, so next person can start his turn but journal will be updated tomorrow. :(


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2014, 06:05:34 pm »

Here we go:

Good news is that Gorgulak started to act almost normal after creating that helm. Almost, couse now his fascinated with bones, shells and almost everything that our butcher leaves. And he didn't want to get back to his job as an overseer... "Expedition leader - of course, an overseer - no. I have many, many boney things to put togethere"

After patching holes in the wall I've decide to alter our defences, or in other words, simply build a brigde and small, dry moat. (for the future overseer - in case some rock falls over my head - dolomite lever in dinnig hall activates the bridge)
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Huge migrant wave stormed our fortress so we have many hands to work. I've ordered some cleaning and rearranging in stockpiles and also appointed manager. And office for bookkeeper.
Some elves came along and we did trade with them. Some of the dwarves werent happy about that but trading with them seemed better  then killing them at the moment.

Early summer
Slowly everything starts looking nice and tidy.
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The other day our broker got mad claimed took bunch of gems and started his work, locked in jewellers workshop.
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When he finnaly got out he fell down unconcious with one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
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For five days no one could solve this until one of the kids took it down in about 5 seconds. Sadly, I don't remember his name.

Human caravan - we bought what we needed, sold what we didn't need.
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Maybe they will bring us some coal next year, there is abundance of trees but Itg called himself Tree Butcher so maybe they won't last for long.

And finnaly goblins showed up... it was inevitable.
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So it's time to draft more dwarves into military and build some kind of barracks. Sadly, only time when I had something to do with soldiers was when I was burying them. And last time I used axe in fight was so long ago that I don't remember when it was...  but we have many young, strong dwarves and some of them are even somewhat skilled in fighting so I'm optimistic.

Late summer

One of our new recruits did great job! Goblin managed to cut her hand but that was just a scratch.
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One goblin down, more to come. This victory showed that we are running low on weapons, armors and hospitals. At least one of this things can be solved almost immediately - hospital.

Early autumn

We need guard dogs! Goblin snatcher managed to get in and got away with baby..
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Our settlement atracts more and more dwarves. New bedrooms for everyone! It's nice to dig something that's going to be full of life for a change.


Caravan from Mountainhome, finally. We bought what we could, some steel, some weapons, food and leathers. They didn't bring any dogs. And we got ourselves nice trade agreement.
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We will try to melt what we can and do something with steel and iron. we are lucky to have skilled armorers and weaponsmith. And it looks like it's time to look for some ores to make our own steel.

Late autumn

Minkot Smoothmanors - engraver. Killed by lucky goblin who did escape.
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Bedrooms are almost done. I think i need to dig something for eternal sleep.

Kobold in the middle of our most crowded corridor. What the hell!
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But he was quickly disptched, I'm proud of my fellow dwarves.
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Another dwarf started to work secretly in his workshop and... fancy skirt.
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We have lost another kid...
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But in the long run were ok, I guess. There where four children born this winter, all boys.
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Late winter

There are some good news. We've found plenty iron ore veins, hematite and limonite, native gold and more!
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Fortress is in quite good shape.
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But there are few things to be taken care of by next overseer, especially roof over barracks and above ground walls and farms (which are non-existent)
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It was pleasant year, we made progress and hopefully someone more skilled in managing can take over. I will get back to what I do best - digging (graves particularly)
Last look...
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Dhoor Tombsburials


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2014, 06:07:46 pm »



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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2014, 10:04:39 pm »

Grabbing it now. Will re-go over the progress thus far and hopefully get some of my turn done tonight. Will post updates and save when totally done my turn.

Also are there currently any rules regarding past overseer's dwarf characters? I know some games don't allow you to change their labors and whatnot but the rules make no mention of it so thought I would ask.

@itg if we don't already have some and I can, I will request platinum from the caravan.

@Gnorm, escondida if you have anything particular you wish requested from the caravan and you let me know in time I will try and request it.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 10:32:26 pm by sal880612m »
"I was chopping off little bits of 'im till he talked, startin' at the toes."
"You probably should have stopped sometime before his eyes."


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #56 on: June 23, 2014, 01:27:42 am »

About Itg - he has done 1 stack of bolts already and we have 3 platinium bars;)


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #57 on: June 23, 2014, 11:02:26 am »

Also are there currently any rules regarding past overseer's dwarf characters? I know some games don't allow you to change their labors and whatnot but the rules make no mention of it so thought I would ask.

I would say if someone requested specific labors for their dwarf don't change them. I didn't have anything specific so you can change mine but escondida did.


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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2014, 02:20:21 am »

So it has been a somewhat eventful year. When I first arrived here in spring I applied for chief medical dwarf, I had heard there was a really good suturer around already so I didn't think I would get the position but my skill as a diagnostician was apparently highly values. From there it was a hop, skip and a jump to becoming fortress overseer.

After being appointed it was hard to tell just what to do, some things were set up in such an unusual way I didn't want to mess with them too much. Other things I never did quite get used to and need to put notes on just to remember the proper use of . After much deliberation I finally decided I would set myself a couple goals to try and achieve during my tenure here.

1 - Breach the magma sea.
2 - Build an above ground farm.
3 - Increase booze production.
4 - Set up magma-furnaces

With these in mind I set the miner's to dig a downward shaft. It wasn't long before we had breached the first cavern layer. Then the second and the third shortly after that. Finally after descending 140 levels we located warm stone. The arrival of the elven caravan signalled a small interruption of progress while our broker looked through their goods before finally deciding there wasn't much worthwhile there.

As spring rolled into summer, our booze stocks kept falling. To ensure that we would not run too low I ordered a small space enclosed on the surface and dug a tunnel from the main fort into the enclosed area. The farmers kept fighting about what crops to plant, one was adamant that they plant Longland Grass, another Prickle Berries, a third Fisherberries, yet another Wild Strawberries, and a final one Rope Reeds. Quickest way to solve this was to give them each small plot to grow their desired crop in.

Spoiler: Above Ground Farm (click to show/hide)

Mid-spring Logem Othosdeler claimed a glass furnace and started sketching glass, a quarry, stacked cloth, and stacked leather. After he gather all his items together he produced:

Shortly after he completed this we finished the roofing on some above ground structures. Just in time it seemed as we were beset by a goblin siege. Not being a good military commander I ordered everyone inside the fortress and tried to seal ourselves off. Unfortunately out bridge appeared to be a retracting one as opposed to a raising one. You would not believe how quickly the mason got to work to build some temporary fortifications so I could put together a rag tag squad of marksdwarves to assist out melee units. I must have insulted our regular soldiers because when I finally gave the order to go after the siege they seemingly held nothing back flattening the entire siege of goblin crossbowmen with only 3 injuries.
Dodok one of our temporary marksdwarves, a baby, and one of our militia captains, Bembul something. I was going to diagnose and begin treatment on these poor souls when I realized we had no soap. I a flurry I managed to get the requisite workshops set up and started towards producing some. In the meantime Dodok sought out inferior medical care, he has since become infected. Both the baby and Bembul recovered without incident.

We got hit with another set of weird demands mid summer when Kikrost Nomalmedtob wanted logs, metal bars, cut gems and bones.
He finished his construction in short order and unveiled:

Everything was good until the middle of summer. At this point we hit a spot of bad luck. While breaching magma for temporary furnaces we lost a highly skilled miner. Shortly after that we had a baby get snatched away by a goblin thief. I was so very close to being ousted from office. In the end the only thing that saved me was the fact that the impromptu vampire hunt I set in motion produced results. With a goblin siege out of the way and a vampire safely locked away things were looking up again for autumn.

Things were touch and go there for a while on the farming front but really hit stride in autumn and have seen a steady increase since then. We finally got our temporary magma forge set up down near the magma sea but when we started getting stuff together for a magma loader, so we could load minecarts with magma to take to our forges near the surface, Libash Ducimzagod shoved everyone out of the forge and said must have metal bars, some silk cloth, perhaps some cut gems, or maybe a bone or two, and of course some logs. There was little we could do but try and wait him out, luckily we had gotten enough done to start moving some magma to the surface.

Spoiler: Magma Loader (click to show/hide)

The dwarven caravan arrived and we had the opportunity to become a barony. I was going to decline but decided to look over who we had in the fort that might work. While reviewing candidates I decided not to upgrade but the liaison wouldn't hear of it and randomly selected the last name I mentioned. It happened to be our resident vampire. This could perhaps have all worked out if I hadn't just upgraded our mayor's rooms. As soon as Atir become our baroness she became absolutely miserable and began throwing tantrums all over the place. In an attempt to quell her temper I gave her the mayors current quarters and gave here a servant's burial chamber while a proper area was smoothed for her actual tomb. This seemed to help a little but not enough. Even though I eventually assigned wholly engraved rooms with masterwork furniture and tried to get her involved in her work she just kept getting worse. She sadly went insane and is now running around babbling in her locked chamber. After all the work that went into the rooms and the tomb it seemed like a wast not to use them so I gave them to myself.

Libash took forever gathering his materials and we were well into winter before he completed his artifact:

In the end we only managed to drag enough magma to the surface to set up one magma-furnace. It is a long ways down to the magma. However with the magma loader set up it should be simple for a future overseer to finish that task. As of now the state of the fort is as follows:

Spoiler: State of Fortress (click to show/hide)
"I was chopping off little bits of 'im till he talked, startin' at the toes."
"You probably should have stopped sometime before his eyes."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Multiple Timeline Succession ("Sculptedpaddle")
« Reply #59 on: June 25, 2014, 02:31:44 am »

This was a massive learning experience. I don't know if you want to continue with this save as I think I have destroyed any chance of a mountain home because the baroness went insane. Took me most of the turn to get the magma loader set up and even then I only managed to get one magma-furnace set up. So much time is wasted hauling carts up and down the steps.

A couple of adamantine veins were uncovered but I didn't mine any given how the barony ended up that was probably a smart decision. I set up hotkeys, and gave notes to most if not all levers. Didn't mess with the military or work force too much so it is probably horribly out of balance. Had a ton of kids born, I could have sworn I lowered it but they just kept popping up. The fort now has a male and female duck, and a boar and a sow. No ducklings or piglets yet but that is just a matter of time. I tried to butcher most of the stray animals and the siege and couple ambushes that happened killed some of the others. All told I am only aware of three casualties the miner who got burned alive and has been memorialized, the snatched baby, and the insane vampire. The militia is becoming attached to their weapons but with a little effort to set up a magma forge in the workshop area it should be possible to start producing at least iron weapons and armor.

And the save is here.
"I was chopping off little bits of 'im till he talked, startin' at the toes."
"You probably should have stopped sometime before his eyes."
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