((Why did Araceli take a -9 versus the curse from Dalia? Dalias curses dont need aim rolls, they are straight up mag vs resistance rolls, and Aracelis resistance was not debuffed))
((also, defence is a good stat guys. Only 6 defence?
((also what, Araceli has the same ability Icarus has? Okay...in that case, boosting a stat by 25% only costs 2 mana, unless her ability is less efficent than Icarus (as it should be!), or the buff actually lasts for longer than 1 turn))
((also, bam, 4th ooc part, though PN may hate me for not ommiting that: While Smurf overruled double-damage, he did agree that Aracelis weaponry deserves a damage modificator, +10 again non-void stuff, +5 against void stuff, so Hilda would have taken 5 more points of damage..edit: oh wait, uppercut, no problem then))
((bam, bam, 5th time. You forgot the speed penalty for dodging lots of consecutive attacks - Spensir would have hit))
Icarus feels like taunting Araceli for doing exactly what we need her to do in order for us to beat her, but instead just
boosts her skill by +8 again (-4 mana, 14 mana remaining.) and slashes at Araceli. Unless Araceli already teleported away, in that case, Icarus shoves Hilda into cover and instructs everyone to get to the stairs (which usualy have no windows)
Alice uses her machete to slash Araceli. Unless Araceli already teleported away, in that case she heals Spensir some more! (2d4+2 for 6 mana. Alice really needs better heals..))