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Author Topic: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Poof.  (Read 746628 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7485 on: July 09, 2014, 05:47:59 pm »

Then Kyle is still bored.


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7486 on: July 09, 2014, 05:48:30 pm »

((Oh god, Ukraine is going to get fucked AGAIN))
Alucard stares at Amazeroth as his lenses glowed a darker red. Bartimaeus stares at him as well.


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7487 on: July 09, 2014, 05:55:46 pm »

The creature pressed it's thumb against Alucards forehead, who instantly sunk to his knees, overcome with images and sounds that finaly formed a coherent line of events.

He finds himself in the ruin of what once used to be a small store in London. SERT forces had built a small center of command here for the upcoming operation. Alucard chuckled a bit
as he saw the headlines on the old newspapers. Had been the last ones before they stopped printing and evacuated. He was not for a moment disoriented by the fact that he was missing his right arm,
as well as Bartimaeus. In fact, only few faces of the old group were around. Alice sat by a radio station, idly scribbling on a notebook that stood next to a black-framed picture of Icarus.
Kyle was making last adjustments to his power armor, so much bigger than the one he currently wore. The pauldrons would put a space marine to shame. The wall was decorated with the severed head of a fallen enemy.
Oddly enough, it looked exactly like Kyle. Hilda was leaning over a plan of London together with Kaiser. It did not appear odd to Alucard that she was inside the ICARUS-05, her core retrofitted into its

"Any news on the reinforcements?"

That was the third time Hilda had asked the question. By now, nobody bothered answering anymore. The last news they had was that they had the wild hunt on their tail. Everybody knew what that meant.
Shame about Stella. They could have used her help right now.

"We will have to do it without them. This may be our last chance. Dalia gave her life to land that blow on Targunitoth. She is currently right here, gathering the blood of all the dead in the city in
Wembley stadium to renew her body. She is vulnerable during that time. We have to make it count."

Kyle interrupted.

"If we can make it past Nirraven that is. Remember what happened last time?"

"We learned from that time Kyle. Regardless we have to do this. As long as Targunitoth persists, the sleepless army will never sto-"

He was again interrupted, be Alice shouting into the microphone. "Can you hear me?! Come in group Delta, come in!". She paused for a moment, then took off her headphones with a sigh.

"They broke through. The citadel of fire is about to be overrun."

Alucard was visibly taken back.

"What? N-no. That can't be. Zeuz and Horus were taking care of that. The two of them together should have at least been able to drive Widarc'hal off."

"She showed up there. They had no chance."

Alucard leaned on the table for a bit to regain his composure. The implications of that loss were staggering. This was an entirely new kind of warfare. Not a clash of nations and interests, but warfare against life itself.
He sat up again and tried to hide his hopelessness.

"Nevermind that. We have to move out now and bring down Targunitoth, this is the only thing we can do now."

The group was about to pack their things, as the ground shook. A metalic echoing sound that has grewn all too familiar over the last months radiated through the halls, putting panic into everyones eyes.

"What? The reports said she was last sighted over Asia how does she even kn-"

A high pressured stream of a molten uranium-tungsten alloy cut through the store like a knife, ending Kyles life before he could end the sentence. An enormous, spotlessly white mechanic tentacle the size of a cargo ship tore the building out of the way.
Alucards last impression of the vision were Belkelels large red eye, and pain.

"̢T̴his ͡is th̕e͡ fuţu̢r̡e t̸h̡a͡t ̡m͠ig͟h̛ţ ҉a̡wait͏ y̸o͢u͟.̛ ͟B̵ùt no͘t ͏al̶l͞ ̛i̧s ͝lơst̛. ͟S͘a̢f͠e ̷yơu͢r̀s͞èlf.͜ ̷Be̡c͝ome̵ m͟y s̷e͞r͏v̴aņt, ̡and͏ per͢f͟orm ̶a t͟a̛śk ͠f̷or͏ m̡e̡, a͝nd ̡yo̧u͢ ̕will li̢v̡e ̴ętern͞álý."
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7488 on: July 09, 2014, 06:02:52 pm »

Alucard's lenses glowed brighter and he balled his hands, clenching at nothing.
 "No. That will not be the future, over my dead body.
I would sooner die than serve you, scum of creation itself. I am already immortal! You will not succeed. The gods will rebel, Caes herself... You are waging full war on creation! ARE YOU A FOOL!?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7489 on: July 09, 2014, 06:07:32 pm »

((I can already smell this has a foregone conclusion. Caes will win, being Caes and the creator of every damn thing ever in the verse, but everyone else will die in the process and fuck the RotMG world up- or what's left.

Damn, well, I fucked up not turning this into Puella Magi.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7490 on: July 09, 2014, 06:13:13 pm »

Amazeroth was barely paying attention to Alucards words. They meant nothing to him. He just stood patiently, until the ant before him stopped weaving it's antenna in protest.

"͜I̕ am̕ ol͞d͠ Alu̡c̶ar̛d́.̶ V̶ery͘ ̀old. Ţh̕i̵s̷ ̛is̢ n̸o͜w ҉th̨e҉ 13th͞ crèa͟tion ͡t̨hat̶ w͢e̕ ͝are͟ ͜ha͏rv͏esti͏ng,͏ and҉ eac̷h ͢t҉i͘ḿé ̨it͟ bec̡om̛e̛s̨ eas҉ier. I̕'̡d l͜ik҉é y͟ou t͞o͞ ͝s̢i̕t do̡w̶n ̶fo̷r a ̡c͏o͟u̴p̷le of̛ ͡mi͝n͝uteś,͟ ͜br̨ea̡th,͘ ̷cl̢òse yo͟ur ͡e̢ye̕s,̵ an̵d ̶con̨sid̶e̵r jưs̷t how ̀i̧n̶si̕ǵn̡fi͏çan͢t̵ ̧I҉ ̨fin͞d ̕y̢o̵u͟.͝ N̶ow ̸l͏i̷s̛téņ up͞, ̶bec͡a͡use̡ ͞t͡he ̛follów̸ing determ̢i͟nes̸ i̴f҉ ̀yo͜u wi͞ļl b̢e͢ ̨al̸l̕owe̸d̢ ̧t̨o͢ b̶e͟co̷mȩ ͘m̛y͘ ͏s͞ervan̵t͟ ̷a͏nd̸ c̕o͢n͜tin̡ue͘ to̷ r͢ese͞arch̀ t̀h͡e̸ ͢voi͡d an̶d͟ it͘'̕s͡ ͜sȩc͘ŗeţs ̀fo͠r͝ e͞t͢ęrn͡ity̡, or̢ ̢if ͟y̵o̵u͟r͝ exi͢st̨a͝n̵c͡e cea̶s҉es̴. M̶ìlenn͜a̸ ago̕, ͞ma͞n̴k͠in̕g͢ ͝ma͟d̵é a͏ marv̡e̕lo̕u͘s͞ ͟inv͡e̷n̸ti͡o͡n̢, ̷th͡a͜t͠ all̸o̢wed t̷he͞m ͟to ̀s͞t́òre ̨k̢no͡wl͟e͜dg̶e͡ ͠li͘ḱe͜ ne͏v̸e̸r͘ ̴bef҉ore̵. Pa͏p̧e̢r͢. ̡The̢y ͠e̶ņt͢r͢u͝st t͝o it̕ t͢hou̶sa̢n͜d͝s ̨of̷ ͢yea̡r҉s͜ of҉ ͘k̕no͠ẃled̀ge. C͞a̢l͞l i͏t ̀a͘ ̴l̷it͢tļȩ ex̀peri̕m̛e͜n͝ţ, ̧I͜ seve҉ręd͡ a̴ p̵ar͜t ̵of͜ ̸m͜y͢ ès̴se͢nc͏è,͘ ̨a̧nd ͜s̨nuck ̧it ̷i͟n͟t͟o͘ ̶c̸ŕe͡a̕ti͘o͡ņ ̵in th͞e ͘f͠orm of̴ a d̸emon͏, to ͏d̢ev̡our̛ all t͜ha͏t k̛n͘o̡wl̢edg͏e a͜n̸d̸ deli͟ver i͞t͘ to͞ ̀me. B҉u͏t͢ as ͘c҉r͏e̵atio͏ǹ ́i͏s̨,̵ ̢t͠h͘e͠ ̢demon w͞a̢s ̸usurp͡ed b̴y ̕it bef͜ore it evęn ̶beg͟án̢ t̵o̶ ̴th͝i̶n̢k,̨ ͞and ̨I ̧l̷ost͝ a̕l͠l ̶c̢o҉nt͠rol͜e ̛I̶ ͡had óv̡er̨ i҉t.̴ I a̴lrea͠dy ͠fe͡ared ͡i̶t ͡w̴o̕u̕l̀ḑ be͏ ̢lost̷,̨ b͜ut ̨t̵o͜ m̛y sup̡r̀i̢s͜e͘, w͜hąt̷ ͏did̕ ̧Be̷el'Y҉ma̸sh ͜t͢ell͢ m͟e̢ ̷w҉h̵en ̨you̴ s͜umm̷o̢ǹe͜d ͟her̨ t͘o͠ ҉f̵ìg͜h͡t̕ s͏ome̷ ̕g̶od͝? ̴That̸'s̵ rig͘ht̡,̵ ̧th̷ère͝ ͏s̶hé ͟w͝as,҉ the co҉ḿṕe͡nd͠iu̷m͏ ͢r͠ìg̢h͝t͠ ͡i͞n your livin͝g̕ ro͘om͝.͞ Yo̕u͢ ͜h̴av͡e͜ ͞o̧ne̷ ̴ho̸u̶r ̧t͟o͟ b̀ind and ̶sur͟rén͜de҉r tḩe͡ comp͞e̸ndiu͢m ̸t͡o ͟ḿe, or͜ ̵I ͞w̛il҉l҉ ̴j͢uşt c͠o̷me ͢a̷nd̸ t̴ake͠ ͟he͡r ̀an͞d ͢ęnd̛ ͞t̵ḩos͜e ͞w͜ho w̢oul̢d͟ ͢d̡e҉ny ҉h͜e͠r͜ ͏fr͟oḿ ̵m̀e̵. ̢ ̧

̵O͜ne ḩou̕r.҉"

With that, he vanishes from sight.
((also, caes not interventing immediatly would be nice. saves the plot from being deus ex machinad by god-characters that deny any and all plots))
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7491 on: July 09, 2014, 06:14:47 pm »

((Shit, the Sultanes are Reapers now? Better hope someone's left us Prothean level shit.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7492 on: July 09, 2014, 06:18:22 pm »

Kyle goes to play some Payday 3.


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7493 on: July 09, 2014, 06:19:57 pm »

((Shit, the Sultanes are Reapers now? Better hope someone's left us Prothean level shit.))

((*shifty eyes*

Also, throw the compendium into the void and explode it for the lelz.))

RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7494 on: July 09, 2014, 06:31:00 pm »

((*shoves the compendium into a different verse altogether*))


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7495 on: July 09, 2014, 06:34:12 pm »

((What compendium?))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7496 on: July 09, 2014, 06:35:17 pm »

((Sen. Demon who absorbs information from paper.))


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7497 on: July 09, 2014, 07:05:19 pm »

... Sen is off doing normal stuff due to not realizing how important she just became. She is also looking for Albretch because reasons.
Quote from: Discord
Suika, Drinker of Sake - Today at 9:11 PM
"...I really don't know why Cu chulainn made that last promise because he is physically incapable of keeping it in his pants, it is like his junk is some kind of unruly seamonster or moray eel telescoping out of its holster and harpooning ladies left and right"
Johnny Jokotaru sent Kars down under


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7498 on: July 09, 2014, 07:14:40 pm »

 "...very well."

Alucard opens a portal and steps through. Bartimaeus remains.
 "So. How are things..?"

Alucard steps through.
 "Where is Sen? Where is she!?"


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Alucard dun goofed
« Reply #7499 on: July 09, 2014, 07:15:58 pm »

Sen waves at Alucard.
Quote from: Discord
Suika, Drinker of Sake - Today at 9:11 PM
"...I really don't know why Cu chulainn made that last promise because he is physically incapable of keeping it in his pants, it is like his junk is some kind of unruly seamonster or moray eel telescoping out of its holster and harpooning ladies left and right"
Johnny Jokotaru sent Kars down under
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