Once again, plot wall prevents the mustaches.
((Vetoed. Ohohohohohohoh.))
Turn 2 ((FINALLY
Also, Araceli wasted her turn on oneshotting Lizzie. Yay.))
Ashley slashes viciously at Araceli's face, trying not to laugh at the various permanent marker drawings on her face.
[19] vs
[17-24], debuffing for
-10 Speed and -9 Strength and dealing
[6] vs
[1] 5 damage!Bartimaeus [13]
-6 mana fires a major detonation at Araceli!
[4] vs
[10-34] dealing
[33] vs
[3] 30 damage!Icarus [9]
-4 mana buffs her skill by +8, and jets towards at Araceli!
[23!] vs
[15-34!] ((Nerfing time)) She slashes her, dealing
[6] vs
[2] 4 damage!Garrett [5]
-4 mana boosts Stella's Strength by 4.
-6 mana curses Araceli!
[15] vs
[4] landing on her for
-9 Strength and -12 Speed! Araceli cannot move!
Kaiser [2] fails to injects nanomush into her bloodstream, costing him 2HP!
Alice slashes with her machete, landing for
[11+5] vs
[3] 13 damage!Spensir [11]
-6 mana surges his vitals!
Alucard continues charging his major inferno, adding a fun surprise! (PN, PM me details)
Hilda and Winry wig out!
Stella takes advantage of Araceli's lack of movement, and slams Araceli with her tail, for
[15+7!] vs
[2] 20 damage, catapulting her out of the building!She lands at the foot of the statues, battered and bleeding. She lets out a shrill, slightly alien scream, before glowing a brillant purple. The glow increases in size and brightness, before rapidly receding, followed by her exploding in a violet fireball, laughing all the while.
The smoke recedes. Both of the statues in the centre of the dome crumble and
another Ashfake, wearing a brilliant white wedding gown, slides out of the rubble. She has two swords, a massive blood-red blade, and a thick combat knife half the size of Icarus.
"Oh my~ Now I'll have to get more serious with all of you~"