((Here is the thing. Right now, Hilda has the lowest init of the combat, meaning pretty much every enemy will act before she can transform and flee. But because that would be a bit harsh, I will let the transformation happen gradually, Hilda gaining 15 points of speed with every enemy round. If she makes it through to the end of the turn, she has succesfully fled.))
Amazeroth reaches out to grasp Ashleys forehead! [14] vs [13], he grasp her, and induces an image of Ashleys greatest nightmare [11] in an instant, [22] vs [irr], trapping Ashley for 2 rounds inside her own mind. She sinks to her knees, her eyes wide in terror. Who knows what she might be seeing? The illusion is so painful, it deals 1 point of damage to Ashley - and thus to everyone.
Mhek'thagor, witnessing the attack from hilda on his master, and not pleased at all about it, tries to catch Hilda, who is currently at 30 speed. [5] vs [19]. It seems that is a waste of time however..
Wolf!Lizzy storms at Kyle, but is interrupted by Robert nearly running her over!
Beel'ymash clashes blades with Icarus! [7] vs [15+1], but Icarus defends valiantly.
Xamanoth does not release his grip upon Stella, sucking her life-force [16] vs [5] he sucks out 11 juicy hit-points, and Amazeroth flashes green for a moment as Stella serves as some sort of medical unit.
The Nomad expenses his mana to fire the ships main weaponry at Uridabash! [7] vs [4], he lands the shot, dealing [14*2] vs [4] 24! damage. Sweet revenge!
Winry adds a shield to Hilda! Which is nice, but ultimately only blocks physical damage, which is hardly Hildas problem right now. (-4 mana)
Icarus keeps using her mana , which is running low by now, to boost skill and strength, fuck you Beel'Ymash! [10] vs [7], she lands a hit for [4+4] vs [4] 4 damage!
Dalia once again tries to curse Amazeroth [12], this time getting the energy gathered immediatly, [12] vs [11], this time just barely overcoming Amazeroths defences! His speed and skill drop!
Ashley is caught in her own mind.
Kyle casts a buff on Dalia and Stella! They gain +2 speed and +1 Skill!
Kaiser gets in cover and shoots at Uridabash! [3+3] vs [8-1] but Uridabash evades him.
Uridabash conjures a storm cloud above himself [17]. For 3 rounds, it will blast 2 random enemy targets with moderate electric damage if they can't dodeg fast enough, starting with..Alucard and Ashley! [5][irr] Alucard is not lucky [14] vs [7+1], Alucard is shocked for 6 damage! Ashley can't even try to dodge, caught in a nightmare, taking [8] vs [3+1] 4 damage! - Fatal bonds share 1 damage with everyone.
Alucard slashes Swortimeaus (name canon for this form plz) at Qok'maloth, [11+2] vs [irr], who is too slow to dodge such an attack, and bgets hit for [5+6] vs [13]...no damage. Tough motherfucker.
Qok'maloth finishes his incantation, and curses Bartimaeus [11] vs [9], with a sensory link to Alucard. He now sees everything Alucard sees, over-riding his own sense of vision. In other words, now both Alucard and Bartimaeus are blind. This lasts for 2 turns.
Stella tries to get rid of Xamanoth, once again overheating her teeth for a dual attack! [4+3, 10] vs [3,3], dealing 14 damage as she tears out a lump of sizzling flesh from Xamanoth!