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Author Topic: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Poof.  (Read 746666 times)


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7470 on: July 09, 2014, 05:12:24 pm »

The nexus serpent gurgles in contentment. The ground beneath Alucard turns into a small lake of salt water
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7471 on: July 09, 2014, 05:17:21 pm »

"Huh. And another AI? H-how many did he m-make?"
RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7472 on: July 09, 2014, 05:22:23 pm »

"What, noo, she is an Elf."
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7473 on: July 09, 2014, 05:23:22 pm »

"That... What? Tentacles made an elf? How does that work?"


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7474 on: July 09, 2014, 05:24:54 pm »

"You know us for what, a whole week now? And yet you ask those silly questions. You are more stubborn than most people."
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7475 on: July 09, 2014, 05:26:51 pm »

"The little bastard made life? Well fucking done to him."
RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7476 on: July 09, 2014, 05:27:11 pm »

"And you told me basically nothing about anything. I still have no idea who Lunette is, and I would put it past Tentacles to make himself an elf."


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7477 on: July 09, 2014, 05:29:47 pm »

Alucard draws his hand downwards and opens a blackened portal, accompanied by the sound of tearing.
 "All of my life's work has led to this moment. Thank you, everyone."
Alucard steps through with Bartimaeus, closing the portal behind him with a shimmering of the air where it closed.

He steps down on the vast expanse of grass and shrubbery of the Ukranian steppe. He sets the Nexus Serpent down and begins to draw the intricate circle around the ancient artifact.
 "You are the first person to have ever attempted this, you know. Unwravelling the enigma that is souls? Not even Francis could figure it out, and here you are. I won't come with you--even getting near that orb of condensed potential energy will tear my essence to shreds. If you don't come back for whatever reason, then I suppose this is a goodbye."
"It is possible that our bond may sever when I enter the core. Magic is only possible because the mortal realm and the other planes are distant from the core. That is why many denizens of the void are capable of bending reality to their will--time manipulation, mordite evocation... I guess I wouldn't have been able to do this, much less live without you. Goodbye."
Alucard shuffles a glove into his pocket and pulls out the shard of the very core of the universe--pure white and glowing. He lets the Serpent eye it before allowing the artifact to consume it. He looks up to the blackness of the sun, casting a shadow over him.
 Perfect, he thought,  Shys'm Caes will not know a thing.


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7478 on: July 09, 2014, 05:36:34 pm »

Soundtrack for cutscene

The creatures six intangible wings flutter in anticipation as you hand it your offering. As soon as the serpents spiral maws had closed around the shard, it is overcome with a rythmic pulsing, growing and expanding with every throb, to finaly encompass the entire periphery of your vision. The more you gaze at the creature, the less defined it's appearance becomes, until the image in front of you cracks like a broken mirror in one sanity shattering moment, and you realise that the incomprehensible vision before you was never meant to be seen in this world. You could immediatly tell that this incantation was worlds above the little portal opened for Lunette.

A pulse of sheer energy emenates through the area with a deafening blast, throwing you around like a ragdoll in a hurricane. Trees are uprooted like twigs, and a wave of dust is lifted of the ground. The serpents reality defying nature turns the ground into obsidian, cracking it in a perfect fractal shape as the wave of energy returns back towards the center of your incantation, only to be repelled outwards again, pulsing, throbbing like a breathing organism. With each moment the pulses grow shorter, the wave of energy concentrating more and more, until it finaly releases in a blinding column of pink light towards  the eclipse. The sheer force unleashes dents the ground underneath forming a hexagonal crater.

Either a second or an hour later, you were unable to tell the difference anymore, the column of light reaches the eclipse, engulfing the moon, the sky, the entire world in the bright pink light. The column of light disappears, as a spiral pattern slowly becomes more and more clear on the surface of the moon, slowly unfolding. The path had opened. You ready yourself for your journey into the unknown, as a movement in the portal lets you hesitate. Hands. Hands of surch an absurd size that your brain denies any cooperation in trying to figure out whom they may belong to. Fingers from behind the portal wrapping around it's edges, stretching it, forcing open reality with a force that quakes the ground beneath you. The nexus serpent screams in ear-shattering agony as it's maw is torn apart from within. Liquid void drips from the portals edges unto earth, dissolving the ground as it comes into contact with it, leaving the ground pox-scarred like a meteoric shower.

Finaly, with the eclipse stretched to encompass almost the entirety of the sky, a single ball of sheer blackness drips unto the world, landing in front of you with a release of void energy that deconstructs all form of matter in the area around you. As the blackness dissipates, the energy condences into twelve figures - eleven of which dart away over the horizon as soon as they took shape. Only the twelth figure remains. Standing at about four meters tall it stands, mummified and incredibly thin. Its four arms stretched out in a welcoming gesture. Behind it, the portal closed, the moon moved on, and the sun light returned as if nothing ever happened.
Amazeroth had arrived. And he was not alone.
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7479 on: July 09, 2014, 05:41:50 pm »

Kyle yawns.


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7480 on: July 09, 2014, 05:42:28 pm »

Alucard's lenses shifted to a blood red for anger, and then to a deep blue for fear. He collected his senses and the lenses on his mask grew red as he growled, standing up and staring at Amazeroth.
 "Amazeroth! This is NOT PART OF THE DEAL!" he bellows out at the sultane.

Bartimaeus stands back, grabbing Alucard by the shoulder.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7481 on: July 09, 2014, 05:45:00 pm »

"͡Y̛oú h̵ave͢ ͏op̴en̛e̸d͝ ̴t̵he͝ ̡ga̢t̸e̵. And iń ̛doi͏n̢g͏ s͟o͏, ̸brou̧gh҉t u͘po͜n the ͢e̡nd̛ ̢o͢f ̸th̀e ̡wor̡ld͞. ͟But̢ ̶h͠ow̢ co̢ul҉d you̕ have ͝knówn͢, w̧h̸en ͟y̛ou̵r f͏utur̸e pre̕f̸e̶rs ͘to͠ be̶ ̷si͡l͡en͝t.̕ M͜y͢ ̢f̷u͜t̀ure̡ s͜p̧ea̵kş t̨o ḿé wit͟h̛ ̸e҉very ͘pas̡s҉i̕ńg̕ ̛m̶om͞ent́.̸ ̶Y͠o̡u t̢ake n̷ó ҉bla͜m̢e.̵ Th̴i͞s̡ i͢s̸ ̀th͟e ͘in̢ev͏itab͟l҉e con͏cl̕usion͜ ͞ơf ͞a p͘ĺa̡n̷ t́ha͜t w̵as spu͘n f̴o̢r͜ ͞o̢ve̢r̕ ̷3̵ ͠m͘ile̷nni̷a. When̨ I ͢lea̧r҉ne̡d o͘f th͜e s̴er̛p̧e̸n̡t, I k͟ne͝w wh̡at ha͢d̡ ͜to͞ be̸ ̕d͜o̴n͜e. ͘I ͟w҉r͘ote̛ d̨ow͟n t̵he̡ ̧f͏irst şcr͟i̡pt͡ ̴o̶f̨ the̴ d͘aim̷o҉ni̕co͟n and hurl͏ęd i̛t́ ͠i͞n͟to͜ crea͘ti̷on, ̷gra̷ntin҉g͞ ͘unt́o ͢th͞e ̷m͜ortals ̧t͞h̡e͏ fo҉rbidḑen͘ knowl̵ed͝ge o̡f s̕um̧moning̨ ̡us ͜ţǫ ͢d͜ơ ҉t͜h҉eir ̴b̢i҉d͡din̶g. I̕t w̡as͘ o̕nly ͞a matter o̢f t̵i̕m̕ȩ u͡nti͝l͟ ruthle̵ss c̵u͟rio̧s̀it͜y ͘àn͜d ̡the͞ ̵t̶h́ir̶st ̕f̨o͜ŕ p͝ow͜èr ̀ẃo͘uld ̕l̢ea͜d a҉ ̀summon͞er ́i̡n͡to m͠y a̕rm͜s ͝to ͢do ́m͜y bidd̸ing̵. T̀he͏ ́shar̷d wòu͘ld ͢h҉ave ̡n͝e͝ver̕ ͜o̷pened a ͏p͟a̵t̨h̕ ̶to th̶e̶ ̢wor̕lds̕ ҉core̸ ̛-͢ th̛a̸t̢ i̷s҉ n͟o͜t̸ poss̕ible͠. ͜ ͡As ̡a rew҉ard̕ ͝for ͢y͠òu҉r ͝s͢ęr͝v̸ìc͟e͟s̶ all͠o̢w҉ ́ḿe̡ ͏to g͟i͞v̨e yoú ̶a ͠sho͏r̶t,̶ ͡s̵ho̡r͠t͠ gli͡mp͟s̵e, ͠o̡f̸ ̕t̸he ͝fu͟t͟ure t̀hat I h͟av̴e ̸s͡ée̴n͞."
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7482 on: July 09, 2014, 05:45:52 pm »

Kyle stabs Azamouth.


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7483 on: July 09, 2014, 05:46:42 pm »

((kj, I swear to based god))
RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls v3 IC: Lunette
« Reply #7484 on: July 09, 2014, 05:47:00 pm »

Kyle is on a different continent
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos
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