And yeah, what USEC said. In the last thread we had rolls with a plus, and it made it so that with a high enough singular stat, you could become untouchable. As there are a lot of players, boss-characters needed relatively large stats to avoid being immediatly swarmed and torn apart - which resulted in them being entirely invulnerable.
so we came up with this. It's not ideal, but at least this *can* allow for powerful enemies without making them entirely overpowering. I took great care in balancing this battle, and kept track of health-totals on both sides. Most of the time, it 's almost dead-even. Well, a lower total does hurt the PCs a bit more than the NPCs, as their health is spread out more among them, but well, some effort guys. It's a boss battle afterall.
I think the only reason why the PCs are actually at a disadvantage though, is that there is little coordination, strategy or in fact, any sort of communication going on. Everyone just kinda picked a target and then repeats "I slash" every round. With such a fighting style, yep, it's going by statistics - and that is dead even, with the inevitable conclusion.
Usualy in the past thread, it was Icarus who mostly came up with strategies, or at least tried to pinpoint what out focus should be on, but in this fight I try to keep that down. Since I am already GMing the fight, I'd find it not appropriate when it's my own PC that also provides the key to victory, in some sort of masturbatory finale. Icarus wins other peoples plot, and other people win my plots
((and yes, feel free to let Spensir arrive. What better way to actually introduce a character to the group than by being a big damn hero! ((unless the character was literaly made during combat for that purpose))