Plot: What the hell are we actually supposed to be doing?
That was a big problem last time, Prophet has said that he has been planning something, though.
I recall mentioning something a while back but nobody ever really said anything about it.
Character dev: Or, How to Make a Better Character in Three Days
Is this for you? Ask Kevak! Use the skills you used to make Mitzi and Whatsherface.
Inventory: What can we use? How will inventory be handled?
I say we should have the traditional [Item] Get! type system and post a short thing on the end of our posts with our character's inventory/stats/health
Sub-systems: In case Kevak's system isn't complicated enough for some reason.
We'll need to wait until Kevak gets done.
Enemies: Are we fighting anything at all?
Yes, though it's generally nothing set. Will likely be dungeon/plot related.
Organization: Who's gonna keep track of this? And how? Are we going to use a Wiki? Are people actually going to contribute to that Wiki? ( Unlike my game, for example. )
Wiki would be okay? And probably not, since people seem to hate contributing to Wikis.
Possible Dungeons: Very rich topic of debate.
Already had some ideas, see: Phantom Train. Please present some?
Does my character actually get laid once he stops being such a jackass? Does the friend he drove away come back as a villain?
Up to you, obviously. It's your character. If you want the friend to be a villain/character not controlled by you, PM info to Prophet.
Characters: Beyond just sheets, WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE!?
You find that out in the game. If you mean "are we special?", yeah, probably. Could be handled in a way that draws all of us to one location.
Hell: Are we going to have it in this game? What will it be like?
Likely different afterlifes.
Rules: Are there any? Or is it a massive free-for-all with a stats system?
Don't be a moron. Be reasonable.
Speculation about Kevak's system: He mentioned something about trainers and masters or something. How soon are we going to see them? How long's that gonna take? Etc.
Depends on Kevak and Prophet. I don't recall him mentioning that.
Money: Is there going to be a universal currency?
Hopefully so!
Fan-art/Concept Art: Are any of you that dedicated? Will it be necessary to map out these places? Is Prophet going to do so?
I have no artistic abilities, fan art would be cool. As for maps, I dunno. It could very, very basic with just a web of cubes and room names.
Other people's turns now?
I like KJ's suggestion of units of weight.