Use godly powers to create another reality, said reality would be completely under my control. +2
+2][6] You create a reality the size of a large planet, with quite a few cracks at the edges.
Use godly powers to recreate reality from scratch
I am a reality. I really don't want to be "recreated". So I oppose this!
I must taste this coffee!
[4] It's fairly good, but could be improved.
Respawn as something interesting and that will involve me making fun choices.
I don't think I can reliably execute success for this action.
Kill Beirus
Kill Beirus
Oh hell no. I haven't even done anything in this reboot. Kill Paphi first with self-replicating coffee. However many points he uses +5.
I am assuming Paphi's later action means that these actions are not intended to be executed.
Kill Beirus
Oh hell no. I haven't even done anything in this reboot. Kill Paphi first with self-replicating coffee. However many points he uses +5.
Reassemble Beirus's pieces into a nightmarish tapestry in voidspace.
That is repairing Beirus, or at least sufficiently close that you need 5 points to do it.
Repair outside of reality.
[1] You render it beyond your abilities to repair.
bigjaredmonkey: 3
Nunzillor: 11
poketwo: 16
Paphi: 5
AoshimaMichio: 3
Generally me: 7
High tyrol: 7
Beirus: 10
Sarrak: 3
LuckyKobold: 7
Before first reboot, at turn 85.
Can teleport self as free, rolless action.
Can teleport almost anything.
Always had only one arm.
Is a greater god, but anything made with said godhood will cease to exist as soon as that power is lost.
Very outside of reality.
Understands many variants of geometry.
Knows how to use all kinds of magic available to mortals.
Rules all realities.
A reality, in infinite pieces.
Torn into smaller shreds than usual.
Has self-replicating coffee.
A reality.
Torn into shreds.
A god.
Use of their divine power has a good chance of damaging reality.
High tyrol
A repair horror.
Elephant Parade
A wizard.
In an unstable area.
Altered laws and "inevitable" events
poketwo gains vast amounts of power.
Outside of reality
Heavily damaged, and not repairable by the repair horrors.
bigjaredmonkey's reality
About the size of a large planet.
Under bigjaredmonkey's complete control.
Repair horrors
Eldritch horrors created for repairing reality.
Can survive almost any damage to reality.
Have free will.
Think art should not be made.
Cannot make useful minds.
In the future of an alternate timeline.
Know where and when the players start acting.
Have a virus that extracts the minds of those it infects and gives it to them.
Not zombies.
Broccoli mages
Mages made of broccoli.
Believe themselves to be perfect morally.
Believe anyone else who does not live up to extremely high standards to be evil.