Expedition Leader's Log
One of our planters is struck by a secretive mood. The base is acacia wood. We'll have to see what he makes.
Today I ordered over 900 items atomsmashed. Today is a good day. More phoenix chicks hatch. Many babies are born. One of the mothers was Fallenangel, who I didn't even know was a woman. Oh well.
Magma lovers rejoice! I have ordered the digging of the main stairwell down through the caverns all the way to the magma sea. I had to change its course many times in order to not break into the caves. Then right as we are about to reach the magma sea, this happens:
It can't reach us, but I'm going to set up an FB trap using the millstone I made. But which cavern to build it in?
I have begun construction on our magma forges. We are not truly imps without the magma from whence we came! Unfortunately, the walk is long and I think we will have to build a small fort down there to support our smelters. The first six smelters are built and told to melt things. In the floors above I think I will put stockpiles for metal bars and things to be melted.
Somehow a kobold managed to make it all the way to the farms before being found by an implet. What was he going after? He got burned to death and one of our farm plots got set on fire.
The guy with the secretive mood went melancholy. Then a goblin ambush led by an elf spearman showed up and shot the hell out of a hunter. This time I sent the military immediately instead of waiting. On the way out, some crossbowmen found two snatchers in the entrance. They get burned and shot to death. Then the same crossbowmen find an ambush of swordsmen led by an elf hammerman. They burn and shoot these guys to death too. Imps are hardcore. Several imps die, but during the battle a recruit wounded in the last ambush cuts the head off a goblin with an adamantine axe. Then a snatcher kills a wood burner before he has time to react. He is burned to death by civilians. A flaming kobold leaps from ambush and dies.
The assault begins on the other squad. A recruit is shot in the head. The spearelf is hit by a fireball only a few steps from an unconscious spearman. From this assault, there is only one casualty but many wounded.
Well, it's Granite now, so on to the next overseer.
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=8723Things to do:
- finish the FB trap
- expand the magma forges
- slab the mason's ghost in the entrance
- chain some singe deer in the entrance so thieves can't scare the citizens
- replace the captain of the guard as he is paralyzed and a great mechanic