Suggestion: A toothed axe/toothed spear/scimitar warrior society arms. It kinda sucks that those are the 'traditional' orc weapons and there isn't a warrior arms set that uses at least two of them. Maybe 'Horde Champion' or something like that for the name, I dunno.
Seawolves are scimitar as I think you know.
The Falcons are jagged spear & bola. Originally envisioned as something like the Orcish version of light husaria. I am thinking of swapping their sidearm to something more distinctive since kobold culture has claimed and renamed the "bold-bola" (lol? kobolds are kind of awesome). Maybe a flachette gun or atlatl. Bonus random item that has very little to do with orcs: the words "corsair" and "hussar" are thought to have a common root in a latin term for a sanctioned pirate/privateer ("cursarius")
I just didn't have a particular idea/inspiration for a domestic jagged axe kit, or great axe, for that matter. I guess axe & tomahawk would be useful at least if not particularly creative.
Cavebear is the axe-skill society, of course it doesn't count entirely since it's foriegn. Uses a jagged axe to create but actually it attacks more like a Dwarven battleaxe. Kind of a discontinuity.
Hmm, kind of an oversight that the damascene doesn't have any options at all for axes other than tomahawks.
Random side note, unless someone objects I'm probably going to scrap the "Rebalance Project's" non-society CORSAIR_ARMS, partly for design efficiency reasons because it is essentially the same thing as the preexisting Bayonetted Pistol. And also for economy reasons, because removing the common pistol from Freelancer's guild actually made it much harder to craft the real Seawolf arms. I have no problem letting the Freelancers guild or Tinkerer craft bayonetted pistols since apparently there's some demand for that.