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Author Topic: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.  (Read 176125 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1035 on: September 17, 2014, 12:18:26 pm »

My contribution to the mission consisted of trying to goop the Chef, finding the twist-ties and tying up the diner hostages ((despite TCM's claims)), which may or may not have saved them from Lerman's rampage, and attempting to fortify the diner as best as I could (by pulling the Venetian-blind-like metal curtains on the windows down), before getting teamkilled.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 05:21:37 pm by swordsmith04 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1036 on: September 17, 2014, 12:40:11 pm »

My contribution:

Leader of Basement team, fought controlled Faith;

Helped in the investigation of the Basement;

Helped in sending the information to Steve;

Helped in the destruction of the telescope;

Didn't fuck up greatly.
>Probably. They're bad news. Very good at hiding and very good at killing. Then again, no one is better at killing then the HMRC.

"Steve, they're trying to talk to us. We need an orbital bombardment NOW!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1037 on: September 17, 2014, 01:11:38 pm »

Pancaek, team cripple contributions:
-disarmed the chef
-Tested out the hatch on top of the building
-got both legs smashed in by possessed Faith
-Stopped Possessed Faith once by forcing her arms behind her back.
-Got head assploded by Lerman
-Went into the basement and tangled with Faith, losing one arm.
-got hooked up to eggs to upload data, also grabbed my arm on the way out

By the way, pw, how much of my synthflesh body will I get back when we're on ship? Total tally is two legs gone, head like smashed watermelon and one arm cut off (that I have with me)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1038 on: September 17, 2014, 01:44:31 pm »

-Helped ensure a modicum of restraint with regards to the diner's civilian inhabitants
-Discovered the sheath's remarkable reflective capabilities
-Helped confirm the sheath's complete blocking qualities, even to cameyes or when penetrated by wires
-Opened the door to upstairs with a key (we both know this is a challenging task for ARM personnel)
-Took out the long-distance blade slapper
-Tried to valiantly save a teammate with a minimum of damage (we both know this is always a terrible idea for ARM personnel, but maybe the thought counts...?)

Additionally, from last mission which I was told to bring up when doling out rewards for this one:
My accomplishments included helping to wipe out the southern forces with some unusually nice manipulator usage, accidentally ruining an ally's attempts to salvage a battlesuit by killing the pilot, hauling corpses, and failing to inconvenience medical or technical personnel in the slightest with my own squishy, shrapnel-laden flesh."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1039 on: September 17, 2014, 01:51:44 pm »

Faceplanted into upper floor shadow barrier after jumping off a roof thereby confirming its existence.
Explored the sewers a bit with my team.
Recovered the "Termite Rifle" safely.
Recovered "scuba's gear" because it was nearby.
Recovered the cultist "leader" so he can be revived on ship for diplomancing.
Fought in and survived "attack of the bodysnatched faith" unharmed.
Refrained from maiming teammates.
Recovered Faiths shattered remains.
Assisted in destruction of radiotelescope array.
Discovered how to access the egg data.
Streamed egg data to Steve and lead others in doing so.
Destroyed the eggs as per steves request.
Did not murder civilians or steal their possessions.

Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1040 on: September 17, 2014, 02:13:23 pm »

D'usse Resume:

*Subdued civilians in resteraunt. Transported them from resteraunt to safer structure. Eventually escorted them out of danger zone. Casualties: 0
*Covered teammates/doors.
*Incremental assisting fire.
*Stalked signs of bad guys, forcefully cocking shotgun.
*Generally stayed out of bigger, scarier, more capable people's way.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1041 on: September 17, 2014, 02:46:45 pm »

  • Ordered people around a bit.
  • Dug out Jack, who was buried under rubble.
  • Tracked Faith with drone.
  • Scouted telescope with drone and informed the team that it was moving.
  • Carried Headless around.
  • Smashed satellite dish in roof.
  • Used Gilgamesh to help keep the building from collapsing long enough for the team to evacuate.
  • Helped in evacuation, ensuring everything was loaded in the APC swiftly.
  • Stayed back to provide a distraction for the military helicopters.
  • Helped carry the APC out of there.

I am interested for Mission 17. ((It might be a good idea to put who is going where or who is interested in going where in the current mission page of the wiki.))

And a question if I may: Does Steve have any idea what happened this mission or why? What was going on with that telescope? Did they get anything out of Headless?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 02:51:53 pm by Parisbre56 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1042 on: September 17, 2014, 03:10:10 pm »

Valiant Deeds

1. Sneakily gained entrance to rear of Café.
2. Killed Murderchef and took his burnout amp.
3. Scouted sewer area.
4. Killed Scubaman and Bandages the Rifle Zombie.
5. Attempted to negotiate with police.
6. Get mind controlled and released the Kraken Faith/Anna.
7. Break mind control, and chill in the void for a bit.
8. Gain access to third floor.
9. Entered the ritual chamber.
10. Got teleported out of ritual chamber into space.
11. Chilled in space until pickup.

Think that about covers it.
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1043 on: September 17, 2014, 03:51:32 pm »


Flashbanged the team
Disabled half the team under influence of mind control with a machine gun
Wrestled with several teammates for control of the gun
Attempted to fight Faith, who chopped off his legs
Welded said legs to chest.
Sabotaged any hope of the police helping with another machine gun rampage
Shocked into unconsciousness.

Well, time for Lerman to run, I think.
RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1044 on: September 17, 2014, 04:42:06 pm »

Jack Catar's contributions:
Followed leader up to diner, worrying locals (-)
guarded door to weird basement (meh)
Tied up a dude and gave him to Flint (+ I guess)
Fired a whole bunch of namite at pursuing officials (+)
((I think that's everything.))
That's why you should always wear a seatbelt kids! You never know when a telekinetic assassin is going to cause your car to crash! Safety first!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1045 on: September 17, 2014, 04:54:54 pm »

stuff Yttra did:

* put Kyle's guts back in
* retrieved wounded/dead Kyle & Hasala to APC
* competently splinted Taddok's busted arm
* successfully disabled the posessed Konrad about 1 second too late
* assisted in successfully disabling the first posessed Faith
* retrieved wounded/gooped Lerman & Konrad to APC
* did some minor stuff like relaying messages and opening boxes
* captured a headless guy
* supplied namite for successful APC escape


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1046 on: September 17, 2014, 07:12:06 pm »

Cecil's stuff:

-Punched a door really good.

-Tried punching possessed team-mate but mulched legs and busted an arm instead.

All in all, not bad for a newbie up against a synthflesh berzerkercleric I think.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1047 on: September 18, 2014, 12:49:27 am »

That's a lot of listed achievements...but, erm, isn't it a bit subjective of how far one may value their own actions?
Huh, it makes sense in a way. Value of own action equals value they give you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1048 on: September 18, 2014, 01:15:48 am »

Contributions for K. Cruze;
+Stalled the murderous gunfire of possessed lerman
+Moved wounded around to prevent unnecessary deaths
+Moved APC to prevent loss in faith.v.everybody firefight
+Protected wounded from injury by gunfire with armoured teammates and riot shields
-Was possessed
-Led to possession of faith

So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 14: Cult investigation: A Storm Is Coming.
« Reply #1049 on: September 18, 2014, 12:08:57 pm »

Uih, retelling of meritorious deeds. The one thing that had to be connected to my past. Why.
Feyri stood among the others in the debriefing and gazed around through the external sensor system.
Provision of fire support in neutralizing the threat of Faith. That is all.

Be assigned to any mission either Milno or Jim or Faith is on.
Of course, the only method that works best, on paper, and is hindered by personal inhibitions connected to traumatic events.
This is just glorious.

5 tokens. Very Adequate. Good job not fucking anything up.

I will volunteer for the next mission. I basically did nothing but walk around and get my lungs burned, but, other than hitting a cat lady over the head, I didn't do anything bad, so... yay, I was just some guy.
You got ganked really early so it would be unfair to penalize you for the failures of your team. 5 tokens.

It's been a minute! Let's see...

-Tried to subdue, instead of kill, the Chef (his head got exploded)
-Found his keys (Why does no-one look for the keys?)
-Got friendly-fired, spent a few turns getting patched up (thanks yttra!)
-Tried to cripple whoever was possessed before Faith (Konrad, maybe? Too slow on the trigger, unfortunately)
-Swept the upstairs room to make sure no hostiles were being sneaky
-Babysat the APC after Escape #1

So, I tried to do right in my actions, but ended up being pretty low-impact (getting shot sucks) and I've got no alien swag to show for it.
Competent, but unfortunately Never quite in the right place to be terribly useful, beyond those keys. 5 tokens. Better luck next time.

So, what I 'did' this mission:
-assembled the rescue team on a notice shorter than most dwarves
-commanded the mission from then on, gave orders, made teams, yelled at people, etc.

I am questioning to pay you or not. Because paying someone to sit up in their ivory tower, commanding the peons while they lounge in total safety, sipping mojitos doesn't seem terribly fair. It might set a bad precedent to pay the commanders even when they don't get out there and work themselves. Then again, controlling people from an ivory tower is kinda what commanders are supposed to do. Hm.


Hey, crew, how much do you think miya should be paid?

My contribution to the mission consisted of trying to goop the Chef, finding the twist-ties and tying up the diner hostages ((despite TCM's claims)), which may or may not have saved them from Lerman's rampage, and attempting to fortify the diner as best as I could (by pulling the Venetian-blind-like metal curtains on the windows down), before getting teamkilled.
Pretty good. Not a whole lot that really influenced the mission terribly, but you certainly didn't do anything that made it worse. 5 tokens.
My contribution:

Leader of Basement team, fought controlled Faith;

Helped in the investigation of the Basement;

Helped in sending the information to Steve;

Helped in the destruction of the telescope;

Didn't fuck up greatly.

Fair enough 6 tokens. The main reason you don't get more is the fact that fighting faith isn't TOO hard for you.You're kinda made for it, so it's a bit less impressive.

Pancaek, team cripple contributions:
-disarmed the chef
-Tested out the hatch on top of the building
-got both legs smashed in by possessed Faith
-Stopped Possessed Faith once by forcing her arms behind her back.
-Got head assploded by Lerman
-Went into the basement and tangled with Faith, losing one arm.
-got hooked up to eggs to upload data, also grabbed my arm on the way out

By the way, pw, how much of my synthflesh body will I get back when we're on ship? Total tally is two legs gone, head like smashed watermelon and one arm cut off (that I have with me)
We'll repair you to full. It's the least we can do, honestly.  Ya did good work. Despite continuous damage and increasing immobility you kept fighting and were actively helpful against possessed faith even when it cost the loss of limb and potential death. 8 token.

-Helped ensure a modicum of restraint with regards to the diner's civilian inhabitants
-Discovered the sheath's remarkable reflective capabilities
-Helped confirm the sheath's complete blocking qualities, even to cameyes or when penetrated by wires
-Opened the door to upstairs with a key (we both know this is a challenging task for ARM personnel)
-Took out the long-distance blade slapper
-Tried to valiantly save a teammate with a minimum of damage (we both know this is always a terrible idea for ARM personnel, but maybe the thought counts...?)

Additionally, from last mission which I was told to bring up when doling out rewards for this one:
My accomplishments included helping to wipe out the southern forces with some unusually nice manipulator usage, accidentally ruining an ally's attempts to salvage a battlesuit by killing the pilot, hauling corpses, and failing to inconvenience medical or technical personnel in the slightest with my own squishy, shrapnel-laden flesh."
Is this because I forgot to pay you for that last one? Hm. Well we'll give you 10 and call it even for both.

Faceplanted into upper floor shadow barrier after jumping off a roof thereby confirming its existence.
Explored the sewers a bit with my team.
Recovered the "Termite Rifle" safely.
Recovered "scuba's gear" because it was nearby.
Recovered the cultist "leader" so he can be revived on ship for diplomancing.
Fought in and survived "attack of the bodysnatched faith" unharmed.
Refrained from maiming teammates.
Recovered Faiths shattered remains.
Assisted in destruction of radiotelescope array.
Discovered how to access the egg data.
Streamed egg data to Steve and lead others in doing so.
Destroyed the eggs as per steves request.
Did not murder civilians or steal their possessions.
The packrat strikes again. Not all of this is terribly useful, but the corpse at least lets us identify this guy, and the data on the eggs lets us hopefully decipher it and at least search for it later. The Termite rifle might be useful as well, if we can stop it from possessing people.

Over all your actions are fairly generic, but again, the loot you bring is good. 8 tokens.

D'usse Resume:

*Subdued civilians in resteraunt. Transported them from resteraunt to safer structure. Eventually escorted them out of danger zone. Casualties: 0
*Covered teammates/doors.
*Incremental assisting fire.
*Stalked signs of bad guys, forcefully cocking shotgun.
*Generally stayed out of bigger, scarier, more capable people's way.

5 tokens. Good effort on whatever you were doing, but it wasn't really mission critical was it?

  • Ordered people around a bit.
  • Dug out Jack, who was buried under rubble.
  • Tracked Faith with drone.
  • Scouted telescope with drone and informed the team that it was moving.
  • Carried Headless around.
  • Smashed satellite dish in roof.
  • Used Gilgamesh to help keep the building from collapsing long enough for the team to evacuate.
  • Helped in evacuation, ensuring everything was loaded in the APC swiftly.
  • Stayed back to provide a distraction for the military helicopters.
  • Helped carry the APC out of there.

I am interested for Mission 17. ((It might be a good idea to put who is going where or who is interested in going where in the current mission page of the wiki.))

And a question if I may: Does Steve have any idea what happened this mission or why? What was going on with that telescope? Did they get anything out of Headless?
The headless is going to be transported to Heph and placed in one of the containment cells. What they decide to do with him, I can't say. As per what happened, we assume that the man in the throne had his memories, or maybe his entire mind, copied into those egg machines and that it was broadcast somewhere. Where? We don't know. At this point though, don't be surprised if he shows up again.

7 tokens. Services well rendered.

Valiant Deeds

1. Sneakily gained entrance to rear of Café.
2. Killed Murderchef and took his burnout amp.
3. Scouted sewer area.
4. Killed Scubaman and Bandages the Rifle Zombie.
5. Attempted to negotiate with police.
6. Get mind controlled and released the Kraken Faith/Anna.
7. Break mind control, and chill in the void for a bit.
8. Gain access to third floor.
9. Entered the ritual chamber.
10. Got teleported out of ritual chamber into space.
11. Chilled in space until pickup.

Think that about covers it.

It was very stupid of you to charge in alone. But you did do a good job fighting your way out. And breaking yourself out of the mind control. We'll go with 7, since without your effort Auron wouldn't have been able to gather those trinkets of his.

Flashbanged the team
Disabled half the team under influence of mind control with a machine gun
Wrestled with several teammates for control of the gun
Attempted to fight Faith, who chopped off his legs
Welded said legs to chest.
Sabotaged any hope of the police helping with another machine gun rampage
Shocked into unconsciousness.

Well, time for Lerman to run, I think.
Mind control is something we can ignore. It's not your fault, not really; I won't hold it against you like I don't hold it against faith. The other things, however, are another matter. Blatant insubordination and endangering the lives of your team are not acceptable. Though, I must admit, not uncommon.

No pay this time. Try to do better next time.

Jack Catar's contributions:
Followed leader up to diner, worrying locals (-)
guarded door to weird basement (meh)
Tied up a dude and gave him to Flint (+ I guess)
Fired a whole bunch of namite at pursuing officials (+)
((I think that's everything.))
5 tokens. Fairly average after all. Good work with the thermite though.

stuff Yttra did:

* put Kyle's guts back in
* retrieved wounded/dead Kyle & Hasala to APC
* competently splinted Taddok's busted arm
* successfully disabled the posessed Konrad about 1 second too late
* assisted in successfully disabling the first posessed Faith
* retrieved wounded/gooped Lerman & Konrad to APC
* did some minor stuff like relaying messages and opening boxes
* captured a headless guy
* supplied namite for successful APC escape
Very good work for a newbie. We'll give ya 7. Good work on not dying or even being terribly injured.

Cecil's stuff:

-Punched a door really good.

-Tried punching possessed team-mate but mulched legs and busted an arm instead.

All in all, not bad for a newbie up against a synthflesh berzerkercleric I think.
5 tokens. You've got a good amount of gusto, but perhaps not the best judgement. Oh well. Good work regardless.

Contributions for K. Cruze;
+Stalled the murderous gunfire of possessed lerman
+Moved wounded around to prevent unnecessary deaths
+Moved APC to prevent loss in faith.v.everybody firefight
+Protected wounded from injury by gunfire with armoured teammates and riot shields
-Was possessed
-Led to possession of faith

Lets go...6. Seems about right.
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