"Will do."
Slip the cameye goggles on and scan around in x-ray, other modes as appropriate. See what's going on.
The X-ray mode of the goggles easily penetrates the flimsy inner structures of the building, letting you look through several floors up and down, the building appearing to be nothing more then a white square tube filled with a lattice of crisscrossing opaque pipes and wires, with a human skeleton just floating in space every now and again.
The hotel seems mostly empty with only a handful of people in the other rooms above and below you. Up a few levels on the...6th? Yeah, looks about right. On the sixth floor there are two skeletons standing side by side next to a door. They could just be loitering, but the room they're in front of has an occupant, who is pacing back and forth rather rapidly. That combined with the fact that they're both pretty big looking guys makes you more inclined to believe they're hired goons, not just idle goons.
(( Their dialect got the best of me, I think
Use datapad, check for wireless connections. If an open connection to the local net is found, look around for job postings in the area. Make particular note of any jobs in the Green Mansion.
Leave the TV on to a news channel while working, idly listen to current events and dialect
No internet connection here, or anywhere near by, at least wirelessly. Seems these people aren't too big on offering free wifi with every room.
The tv blathers on about seeing some local deity in the form of snackfood.
"Hmm. Oddly loud, don't like."
Stay ready to kill shit with the handgun.
You sit on the bed with your handgun on your lap, staring at the door. It's an odd sensation of wanting something to happen and, at the same time, hoping nothing happens.