TWBT randomly crashes the game at twbt.plug.dll:twbt.plug_roundf+15D17 or twbt.plug.dll:twbt.plug_roundf+15D21
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE67 sub ecx, r9d
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE6A js short loc_7FFA1EECCEC4
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE6C movsx eax, word ptr [rbx+0AAh]
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE73 mov r8d, cs:dword_7FFA2098573C
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE7A sub eax, r8d
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE7D js short loc_7FFA1EECCEC4
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE7F cmp ecx, [rdi+0D8h]
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE85 jge short loc_7FFA1EECCEC4
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE87 mov edx, [rdi+0DCh]
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE8D cmp eax, edx
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE8F jge short loc_7FFA1EECCEC4
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE91 movsx eax, word ptr [rsp+32h]
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE96 movsx ecx, word ptr [rsp+30h]
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE9B sub ecx, r9d
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCE9E imul ecx, edx
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCEA1 sub ecx, r8d
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCEA4 add eax, ecx
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCEA6 cdqe
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCEA8 lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCEB0 mov rax, cs:qword_7FFA20985718
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCEB7 mov ecx, [rdx+rax] ;fires exception here
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCEBA mov rax, cs:qword_7FFA1FD85700
twbt.plug.dll:00007FFA1EECCEC1 mov [rdx+rax], ecx ;or fires it here
i.e. when it tries to copy from one array to another. At the moment when it fires exception 0xC0000005, rdx stores negative value big enough for further instructions to try to access memory out of data segments.
Using PeridexisErrant's Starter Pack 0.47.04-r07