I prefer to use short names, it is more readable and I don't want to have to remember which number is which tileset.
more important thing: I can copy-paste [OVERRIDE:34:B:WORKSHOP_CARPENTER:Workshop::leocean:16] in my overrides, and I can't do the same with [OVERRIDE:34:B:WORKSHOP_CARPENTER:Workshop::5:16] because 5 (or any number) is probably used by other tileset.
Well 5 would be the tileset that is used there. It's written like this in the overrides.txt.
Loading additional tilesets
File names are relative to the data/art folder
Id is an arbitrary string to refer this tileset later
[TILESET:Vanilla DF - 24x - Items.png:Vanilla DF - 24x - Items.png:
2] (this is mephs item overrides)
3] (then this is my extra set of overrides that override some more items and such)
If I wanted a fourth tileset (technically fifth) it'd be something like this.
And as I said
0 is the font tileset (curses or w.e text, it can be same as 1 but these two rely on your init while the others rely on what's in the overrides.txt),
1 is the graphics font (phoebus/mayday/ so if you were taking things from the other ones you'd write it like this.
[OVERRIDE:34 (tile you want to replace):B:WORKSHOP_CARPENTER:Workshop::leocean (tileset that you want to use, # or the name it seems):16 (new tile you want to use)]
@Mifki/ @argh226 I think he is using the LNP and doesn't like the curse font it is currently using. He could just use the Spacefox_16x16_text.png font tileset that comes with twbt 5.17 and then change his Dwarf Fortress 40_13 Starter Pack r3\Dwarf Fortress 0.40.13\data\init init.txt file to [FONT:Spacefox_16x16_text.png], [FULLFONT:Spacefox_16x16_text.png] which is what I think he wants.
Clément you mind pming your overrides.txt so I can check out what you've done with some of the buildings and maybe the overrides tileset you are using. Or even post it here, we really should get a thread somewhere so people have a better place to talk about the overrides tilesets.