Contact ARESTEVE, pitch the "ubiquitous branding" idea, get his advice on how many ARM-marker containers that do not actually contain ARM goods there should be (too many would make the Q'Bajans think we're just trying to promote ourselves by re-labeling things that aren't even ours, too little would limit the effects). Implement if feasible and there are no objections.
You want to just do the containers or should we include some t-shirts and hats?
Date for at least an update would be mission end. We're gonna move slow and careful with this one by default. Unless you want us to go all out!
Haha, lolnope, going fast will just result in Hep becoming the new sporeworld, after which we can go do that whole mission again, only this time it knows we're coming and what we can do. No thank you sir, slow and steady's the deal.
We can create FTL ships without space magic. They're just not as efficient and require a lot more space to accelerate. FTL was, after all, discovered before space magic. But yeah, we can buy ships from allies. You want to just buy up any FTL ship we can and basically just steal the parts related to jumping and stick them in our ships?
I guess that works, though I'd like to keep a safety screening/scrubbing, just in case.
Could we get the results from the following research from the science crews working on them:
1) Skylar' God-computer. We were able to take plenty of pictures of the thing, and we have its hard drives.
2) Gratesplosion artifacts and anomalies
- Hexagonal spike, glows blue with black swirls
- Blackish gray crystals
- Giant lump of spiky pollen with red glow
3) "Analyser Blob" sample from M9B. This is the 'organic computer' from the anomalous planetoid,the one we found at the end. This was researched by two science teams.
For paris: Here pw said doubling exoskeleton strength for assaultsuit:
However, ooking a bit further, here he said he wasn't exactly sure about it:
However however, since then the double strength of an AS exoskeleton has been referenced in action posts several times, and PW never objected to it. But that might be due to forgetfulness, maybe, so if you really wanna be sure, we could ask him. Hell, I'll add it to my Hep post.
Remember my exoskeleton research? Remember how you said that, for the new battlesuit (the assaultsuit) using it meant it was now about twice as strong? Is that still the case in the new stat system? If no, what, if any, advantages did that research net us?
Good choice.
Not quite sure what you mean by that?
1) We're getting close to isolating the configuration that allowed for some of the effects. From there we can go into possible uses.
2) if you can find it, link me back to the original posts where these were gathered. If not, Give me a bit to think on it.
3) These computers are quite interesting. They have the capacity to change form and actively recreate and reprogram themselves via what is essentially complex proteins that they seem to synthesize and recreate as they need. It's an organic neural network, but one that can adapt to just about anything given the right inputs and time. We think this might surpass any wetware computer we currently have, if done right, but there is the danger of the "pure AI" problems.
Stat wise? Nothing. Just that it would just be able to lift twice as much in game.
((Blargh, I'm so out of phase with this thing. Hm. Gotta do at least something I guess. I can't track what science and construction teams are doing what right now.))
Anton Chernozorov
> Okay, so the cost of the "robot overlord extractor" is dependent on speed. Let's say I want to design one to cost 10 token, and take a Battlesuit/Assaultsuit to orbit. How large, and how slow will it be?
> I'm pretty sure we should have at least one construction crew free at the moment. Start building a dedicated Metamaterials Foundry to up the bulk production of our special armors (and other exotic compounds) for use in spaceships, with a Contruction Crew assigned.
> And... I guess it's been long enough. How's the Experiment doing? It's been running since July 3rd, almost 5 weeks by now. Anton should be notified automatically of any anomalies by his wristcomp (unless half the planet falls into a fire dimension first).
Oh right, that experiment. Lets roll a black dice.
Well, lets do this when I have some time.
All the rest of you should pull up your robot pants and start running.