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Author Topic: Hephaestus No Longer Exists: Crater thread.  (Read 188543 times)


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #450 on: August 17, 2014, 06:10:05 pm »

My internet died 3 times trying to do this. Short posts today.

Anton Chernozorov

((It was August 31st for the shipyard with the crew working, and September 6th for the mass driver. I haven't asked for a timeframe on the Merchant yet overhaul because I've had no concrete idea what that will entail.))

Assuming another Construction crew works on it, and the whole thing is primarily overhauled while in space using parts salvaged from wrecked ships, how long would the FTL overhaul of the Merchant take?

edit: As per Simus' reply, put the Mass Driver project and the Merchant's overhaul into production, with a CONSTRUCTION crew assigned to each. The construction crew assigned to the Merchant will also, as a side effect, have to perform a survey of the debris and wrecks we have in orbit in order to locate and assemble the parts required for the overhaul.

((Also, since I've nothing to do in the meantime -))

Minor Tinker project - Take the Gungnir rifle, strip off the Tesla saber, and fit a spark gap on the front instead. Under the barrel, fit a capacitor bank just large enough to produce a lethal-strength instant electric discharge equivalent to maybe one second of Tesla Saber power.

The idea is to have an infinite-charge laser rifle that (when it's not firing) stores up power for a lightning discharge that's closer to a real lightning bolt, instant instead of continuous, with a side effect that it's cheaper to produce and has a lower token cost. Get an estimate on the token cost of such a weapon if it were mass-produced and added to the Armory.

((Theoretically, it'd cost something like 6 token if assembled by hand. 2 for the rifle, 2 for the generator, 2 for the capacitors and various stuff. Right? Could probably be lower than that in mass production.))
Two crews. How about this: it will be done in time to go see the sword when the missions are over. Good? Good.

Sorta like the bluebuzz from Crossroads (Check the Limbo thread)?


((I think it's fair to say that this is probably my fault, pw. I pestered Syv to ask you again because there was ambiguity on some points. If there's any sort of punishment you had in mind for him for this I feel I should be the one it's pointed at. But thank you for answering nonetheless..))

((@Syv: so yeah, looking at the new data we have from ARESTEVE regarding sods, and seeing how it doesn't always line up with what you projected (such as 3 to 1 ratio instead of 10 to 1, chances of robot-countermeasures being high, and flesh sods advantage for guerrilla on backwaters), would you like us to retcon some of Saint's messages? Or how would you like to handle that? You could have him send a new message incorporating the new information. Also, sorry for setting pw's hounds loose on you, but now at least we are on the same page with correct information).))

Hmm. I dunno. You're gonna have to go a bit more indepth with what you mean. Like, have him design armor and then incorperate that metal into other stuff?

1) I mean what kinds of designing we, the players, can outsource to ARESTEVE. For example, say I want an upgrade to generators so that they can produce more energy for same money (to have better lasers without increasing cost). Should we technobabbble to that, or can I just ask ARESTEVE to do that for me (of course, I'd have to think of a logical way for him to go about it, like how I described the steps to be taken for that armor).

Another example: could I ask ARESTEVE to design a bunch of new small-arms? What about new exoskeleton designs for various uses (one as a basis for Mk.III-like suits, one to use as a basis for new battlesuit, ...) or vehicles?
The big advantage to letting ARESTEVE do things is that we can just discus on what we can do in terms of game balance, instead of breaking our heads over technobabble and pseudoscience (for example, we can discuss on a game-level what kinds of bonuses and drawbacks the new exoskeleton can have, and at what price).

Another way to phrase this question: what kind of things do you really want us players to still design ourselves (e.g. "You have to design all the new weapons and suits yourself, but components can be done automatically").

The jump  point? It's a bit outside the solar system, and occupies an area the size of a small planet, through where you hit it doesn't matter.

((Holy carp, this is MAJOR news! I thought it'd be lightyears wide (and thus hard to defend), but an area that small should be rather easy to defend. If we take the size of earth as a guideline (12 756 km diameter, or 1.08321×1012 km3) that means we might be capable of completely locking that space down, to the point we can even use short-range weapons (regular missiles, maybe even fighter-like contraptions).))

You can have him design anything, but the more of an advantage it will be, the longer it will take. You don't have to technobabble it either. Just say what you want, I'll give you a date. Just remember that it's me designing it so it might not be exactly what you envisioned.

((Why am I the only one to get red text?

Radio, as you know I hate being wrong, so I'd just like to say that I did clarify the 10-to-1 number back when PW first gave it. link.  It seemed too good to be true back then, too. :P

Anyways, as far as Saint's messages... yeah, let's just retcon them to not have happened, or abstract them.  I specifically prepared for being wrong about the things which could have been incorrect ('properly set up robosods'), but wasn't prepared for the ratio itself to change.

Although, I would like to say that PW's statement saying a counter to robosods would be found also applies to flesh sods.  If they're a large threat, then something will be found.  That said, how's an even split as far as fleshpits go?  That would be an end product of 25% flesh, 75% robot on tne battlefield.

Alsoalsoalso, in happy news, we finally got new wifi!  Expect the wiki to be updated within the day, and my actions to follow shortly afterward.))
The red is those posts the committee had an issue with.

There is an actual committee by the way. It's not just me fucking around. They've been convened to keep an eye out for unbalanced things. And kneecap people who try to take advantage of my normally kind hearted, good natured, self

((Wiki updated.  Apparently I actually had set orders to start expanding the fleshpit stuff, so yay.

FYI, two construction crews are idle from what I saw, unless I missed a production order.  I'd one be used on the shipyard, and the other on the mass driver, so we can start building up an orbital presence ASAP.))

1.Send a reminder text to Simus asking if she reviewed my weapon design yet, and if I would be allowed to produce a few prototypes for testing.

2. Load up the Power suit, and a few of our smaller infantry weapons that use only 4 TPU or less.  Make some quick and dirty modifications that remove their onboard power sources, and instead get power from the suit.  Would this overall reduce, not change, or increase the cost in tokens, assuming the user buys two or three guns?

3.Look at the laser rifle- specifically, it's intensity feature.  Assuming one supplies twenty TPU (the maximum setting, and 250% the power draw of a cutting laser) to it for an extended period of time, does the gun break?

4.Try supplying only eight TPU, the same as a cutting laser.  How effective is it compared to a cutting laser?

5.How effective is it at 20 TPU?

2. That depends on the longevity of the user. Remember that half the time people buy new weapons before they never need to reload.
3. Yes.
4. about equal, though the focusing is inferior and it will break down.
5. Pretty damn effective until the gun melts.

Is there any footage available here?
Here? No. But it exists. Perhaps you should ask simus to ask miya to ask to get some so that a certain group of people can go steal some and get it to you.

((Syv, I think this might be PW's way of telling you to knock it off with the massive posts. At least while he's in hermit-mode.))

What about interior layers, stuff like biosensors and such? Also, are we looking at any increase of cost for the poor sods (and not the fleshy automaton kind) aboard the Sword, if the new suit is just like the MkI only MCP-based, and using the radiator system from the more 'advanced' Mk suits? Also, out of curiosity, what how long would it take a science team to analyze the Small Purple Hexagon, Diagonal Line ("Some sort of small, spherical seed pod") artifact I have? Can we even use them to analyze Nyartifacts (after all, they've probably been over them before - maybe they just tell us what they know?)?

Saint, I'm rather impressed with how effective that shard rifle looks like it performs. Makes me wonder what the original version is rated for, if it fires shards about 12 times as long. Only here's a problem - you've set it up to work in tandem with a suit to provide power to it, so it's not usable on its own. While I can see utility in letting suits provide power to things that need a large amount of it, it also provides an additional point of failure - and from the power requirements you put down, it doesn't seem entirely needed. Also, that is an almost hilariously oversized magazine, which would make whoever's using the rifle basically dedicated to it. Perhaps something on the gun itself, but leave the massive tank as an option?

Anton, you have permission to use the two construction crews that you're requesting.

The biosensors are simple things, just electrodes on various parts of the body. Or, really, in the case of ARM it's using the data from your implants.
You could probably switch the insulation systems out and the cost would even out to 0 through mass production.
I dunno if I should allow that...part of the thing that lets Nyar's artifacts exist and be really powerful is that they are mysterious and difficult to abuse TOO badly.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #451 on: August 18, 2014, 12:42:29 am »

Anton Chernozorov

Two crews. How about this: it will be done in time to go see the sword when the missions are over. Good? Good.

Sorta like the bluebuzz from Crossroads (Check the Limbo thread)?

((Bluebuzz, bluebuzz... yeah, sorta. Except the targeting light can cut you in half you're unlucky. :P Plus it only works if there's some kind of atmosphere, although you could still just jam the spike with the spark gap into someone's side for the same effect. What'd that cost in tokens, if it were mass-produced?))
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #452 on: August 18, 2014, 06:44:42 pm »

((Eh.  So, when I trick people, I just have to trick four or five people instead of one.  I doubt it'll be much harder; Piecewise is already pretty smart.))

1. Look at the laser rifle.  Assuming I fired it at maximum (x5) intensity for only a single second, then left it to cool for ten seconds, would it take permanent damage?

2. If not, how much would it cost, in final-product-tokens, to modify it to be capable of such?

3.Regardless of the price, I'd like to test it.  Shoot it at the head of a guy in a MK I.  How effective is it?

4.Test it on a battlesuit.  We know a 'passing sweep' with a cutting laser causes it to glow red hot, so what does a full second of concentrated fire at 250% the strength do?  Can it ruin a joint?  If it's diffused a bit, can it blind/destroy cameras?


5. Can we make/use things that are from the Crossroads game?

6. If I gave the Testament an onboard power system, and scrapped the suit, would the rifle cost an extra token?

"Simus, could I task a research team to start researching a method to speed up production of sods?"

7. If Simus okays it, (or posts without saying anything) task a research team to start researching a method to speed up sod production.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #453 on: August 19, 2014, 07:00:09 am »

((Eh.  So, when I trick people, I just have to trick four or five people instead of one.  I doubt it'll be much harder; Piecewise is already pretty smart.))
((You realize this is a bit of a problem, right? The fact that you are trying to trick people means indicates that 'winning' is more important to you than 'having fun with the game'. And before you say 'I enjoy the tricking of people', be aware that other people might not appreciate it. And I hope you agree that other people's (including the gm himself) enjoyment of the game is also rather vital, no?))

New research project: (exo)skeletons.

The idea is to use a similar design tactic as layed out before for the armor, but instead use it for designing new exosuits and robot bodies. This means working in three phases again:
1) using VR sim to select the most promising designs
2) using real-life automated testing to determine what options work best (and to detect problems that VR couldn't simulate)
EDIT: tell ARESTEVE that he should include the data from the snowglobe mission if possible.
3) final selection of the top-scoring entries for the various categories

Main categories:
A) an exoskeleton for unaltered humans or peeps in standard robobodies (to replace the current standard exoskeleton, the one with the twisting limbs at odd angles). Might also be used as a basis for a suit that will replace the Mk.III
B) Same as before, but as a full robobody (instead of a normal robobody wearing the previous, it gets a new, but better body instead without wearing an external suit. Mostly a cosmetic thing).
C) Heavy exoskeleton, like the one used in a battlesuit
D) Same as C, but with more dexterity instead of raw strength (for projects like Sean's or Tavik's fast assault mech)

If needed, use of alien tech or spess magic (e.g. exosuit made of synthflesh) and such is allowed, as long as it's mass-producable. If new tech comes available (e.g. new artifact we recover, or advancement in generator tech) then let ARESTEVE update the designs to incorporate/take into account these new options.
Be sure to save both the final selections, as well as the raw data (if storage medium is needed, built it as appropriate).

The main aim of this is to have a library of exoskeletons designs in-game (no need to spell them all out pw, you can skip the technobabble if you want for now) so that, when needed, a designer can look in the research data and use what comes closest to his or her needs. Personally, I think I'll use it to design a suit somewhere in the future, we can discus what stats and token cost it will have in-game then, no need for you to decide that just yet.

Get estimated completion date for this project.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 08:53:39 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #454 on: August 19, 2014, 11:51:28 am »


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #455 on: August 19, 2014, 01:13:03 pm »

So, a MCP-based suit with MkII+ style heat-dispersion and about as equivalent radiation protection and all that (Mk-style helmet, life support, and computer systems as well) would even out to not cost anything for the people on the Sword?

Go ahead, Saint.

((I've more to post before this turn, but I gotta go for a bit.))
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 01:16:09 pm by PyroDesu »
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #456 on: August 19, 2014, 01:56:20 pm »

((I could go by your argument point by point to try and disprove it, but that would just lead to one of those endless arguments. So I will focus on the one question you ignored: is the fun you get out of tricking people more important to you than other people's enjoyment? Because I'm pretty sure pw DOES NOT enjoy having to watch his every word lest you bend it to your advantage. Hell, several other players have said on the dj chat that they are annoyed by that kind of behaviour. Pw started that board not to attack you, but help him when he's inconsistent without realizing it or to warn him of potential sources of gaming the system.

Does this mean you cannot try and create the most powerful weapons you can think of? No, but it means working with your gm, instead of against him.))
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 02:24:23 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #457 on: August 19, 2014, 03:51:29 pm »

Quote from: C. Leroux > General M. De Bergerac
Would your happen to have any footage of UWM misconduct? Especially the kind that involves indiscriminate firing into crowds of civilians? I am considering having a campaign aimed at UWM soldiers, as judging by the demographics, they probably aren't in it for the cause.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #458 on: August 19, 2014, 04:44:03 pm »

((I thought I'd made it obvious, but yes, if I view the other person as an opponent, I have no empathy for them, and my fun is more important than theirs.  If I don't view them as an opponent, usually it's the opposite.

It's evidently not apparent, but I haven't even been trying to trick Piecewise recently anyways.  If I were, I would never have clarified twice that robosods were ten times as fast to produce as flesh sods.  I wouldn't have asked him if my turns were too long either.  But when a group is specifically made to stop people from doing such, when nobody is even trying to, that feels like a challenge, and gives a wonderful faceless opponent to fight.  I'm saying that it's counter-productive; if Piecewise dislikes people doing something, he should ask them to stop.

And, as far as your last point, in general I agree with you.  But I don't really in this case, mostly because of how much PW likes to emphasize [TORTURE_FOR_FUN].

*sigh* I really get too into this.  What are you trying to accomplish?  I'm pretty sure we've talked about this before.))


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #459 on: August 19, 2014, 05:22:01 pm »

Quote from: C. Leroux > General M. De Bergerac
Would your happen to have any footage of UWM misconduct? Especially the kind that involves indiscriminate firing into crowds of civilians? I am considering having a campaign aimed at UWM soldiers, as judging by the demographics, they probably aren't in it for the cause.
((Well, there was Mission 10 where May opened fire on starving civilians who just had their town destroyed.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #460 on: August 21, 2014, 12:33:06 pm »

Anton Chernozorov

Two crews. How about this: it will be done in time to go see the sword when the missions are over. Good? Good.

Sorta like the bluebuzz from Crossroads (Check the Limbo thread)?

((Bluebuzz, bluebuzz... yeah, sorta. Except the targeting light can cut you in half you're unlucky. :P Plus it only works if there's some kind of atmosphere, although you could still just jam the spike with the spark gap into someone's side for the same effect. What'd that cost in tokens, if it were mass-produced?))
It's basically the same thing but just with the electricity always on rather then just on at certain times and an infinite battery right?  Well then, take the cost of the original, add like 3 and then cut it in half.

((Eh.  So, when I trick people, I just have to trick four or five people instead of one.  I doubt it'll be much harder; Piecewise is already pretty smart.))

1. Look at the laser rifle.  Assuming I fired it at maximum (x5) intensity for only a single second, then left it to cool for ten seconds, would it take permanent damage?

2. If not, how much would it cost, in final-product-tokens, to modify it to be capable of such?

3.Regardless of the price, I'd like to test it.  Shoot it at the head of a guy in a MK I.  How effective is it?

4.Test it on a battlesuit.  We know a 'passing sweep' with a cutting laser causes it to glow red hot, so what does a full second of concentrated fire at 250% the strength do?  Can it ruin a joint?  If it's diffused a bit, can it blind/destroy cameras?


5. Can we make/use things that are from the Crossroads game?

6. If I gave the Testament an onboard power system, and scrapped the suit, would the rifle cost an extra token?

"Simus, could I task a research team to start researching a method to speed up production of sods?"

7. If Simus okays it, (or posts without saying anything) task a research team to start researching a method to speed up sod production.
Pretty effective, but then again it kills the rifle and MK1's aren't that hard to destroy anyways.
It's more effective and actively cuts a bit. It could damage a joint if you concentrated on it.
Maybe, depends on what they are.
yeah, adding those parts would increase the cost.
I'll just tell you that you need to build  a bio-organic forge. It would allow for production rather then growing of organic material.
((Eh.  So, when I trick people, I just have to trick four or five people instead of one.  I doubt it'll be much harder; Piecewise is already pretty smart.))
((You realize this is a bit of a problem, right? The fact that you are trying to trick people means indicates that 'winning' is more important to you than 'having fun with the game'. And before you say 'I enjoy the tricking of people', be aware that other people might not appreciate it. And I hope you agree that other people's (including the gm himself) enjoyment of the game is also rather vital, no?))

New research project: (exo)skeletons.

The idea is to use a similar design tactic as layed out before for the armor, but instead use it for designing new exosuits and robot bodies. This means working in three phases again:
1) using VR sim to select the most promising designs
2) using real-life automated testing to determine what options work best (and to detect problems that VR couldn't simulate)
EDIT: tell ARESTEVE that he should include the data from the snowglobe mission if possible.
3) final selection of the top-scoring entries for the various categories

Main categories:
A) an exoskeleton for unaltered humans or peeps in standard robobodies (to replace the current standard exoskeleton, the one with the twisting limbs at odd angles). Might also be used as a basis for a suit that will replace the Mk.III
B) Same as before, but as a full robobody (instead of a normal robobody wearing the previous, it gets a new, but better body instead without wearing an external suit. Mostly a cosmetic thing).
C) Heavy exoskeleton, like the one used in a battlesuit
D) Same as C, but with more dexterity instead of raw strength (for projects like Sean's or Tavik's fast assault mech)

If needed, use of alien tech or spess magic (e.g. exosuit made of synthflesh) and such is allowed, as long as it's mass-producable. If new tech comes available (e.g. new artifact we recover, or advancement in generator tech) then let ARESTEVE update the designs to incorporate/take into account these new options.
Be sure to save both the final selections, as well as the raw data (if storage medium is needed, built it as appropriate).

The main aim of this is to have a library of exoskeletons designs in-game (no need to spell them all out pw, you can skip the technobabble if you want for now) so that, when needed, a designer can look in the research data and use what comes closest to his or her needs. Personally, I think I'll use it to design a suit somewhere in the future, we can discus what stats and token cost it will have in-game then, no need for you to decide that just yet.

Get estimated completion date for this project.

Bear with me here for a sec. This all looks fine, but I'm not sure I'm catching the point. You want to just have ARESTEVE design a bunch of alternative exoskeletons for later use? A library, as you said. Ok. But what alternative qualities should we be researching towards? Just like, alternations of which stats they boost or various "Half" stat boosts like the 1/3rd  and 2/3rd ones we already have? I understand the idea here, I'm just not sure what the results you're looking for are and I don't want to make you wait a month or something only to get something completely different and incorrect.

So, a MCP-based suit with MkII+ style heat-dispersion and about as equivalent radiation protection and all that (Mk-style helmet, life support, and computer systems as well) would even out to not cost anything for the people on the Sword?

Go ahead, Saint.

((I've more to post before this turn, but I gotta go for a bit.))
MCP is the thing where it is skin tight and theoretically could protect from hard vacuum right?

Then yeah, if you mass produced enough of them, it would even out to zero. The materials costs are higher then a normal MK1, but such that if you produce enough it equals less then 1 token.



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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #461 on: August 22, 2014, 01:07:38 pm »

Quote from: MSanctor to Simus
How has your scientific reign fared so far? I've been out of touch lately, unfortunately. I've heard you had some problems with flesh horrors - was it that Liberation of Hephaestus-era flesh amp-overload result resurfacing once more, or something else? Have your team developed any interesting new items we are to see in the armory any time soon? Oh, and, by any chance, was my humble invention of any use to the cause?
Past Sigs
Nikitian kneels in front of his computer, fresh lamb's blood on his hands, and prays to the dark powers for answers about armor thickness.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #462 on: August 23, 2014, 08:00:02 am »

Bear with me here for a sec. This all looks fine, but I'm not sure I'm catching the point. You want to just have ARESTEVE design a bunch of alternative exoskeletons for later use? A library, as you said. Ok. But what alternative qualities should we be researching towards? Just like, alternations of which stats they boost or various "Half" stat boosts like the 1/3rd  and 2/3rd ones we already have? I understand the idea here, I'm just not sure what the results you're looking for are and I don't want to make you wait a month or something only to get something completely different and incorrect.

There are three big reasons for it:
-in-game: it is stated that the UWM, and us, uses ancient technology (dating to the altered wars) because that seemed to work up till now. This would be a way to have a 'general tech upgrade' that justifies us having better gear than we used to (e.g. an exoskeleton with bigger bonuses yet same token cost) without technology appearing from thin air.

-OOC: as I said, it is a handy way to justify in-game how we get to certain things. for example, let's say we agree on a new suit that gives A and B bonuses for X tokens. After working that out, we'd still need to somehow get that design in-game. Now, however, we can say "Oh look, the database has a design that fits just what we need, how convenient!". You could say it's a flavor thing (as in, you wouldn't have us wait for the design anyways once we worked it out), but I think it's a good excuse to avoid meta. So if it works, we won't have to wait for a design to complete after discussing things on a game mechanics level.

-I don't have the most time in RL right now, so I'm trying to set things up so that, once I do have time, I can focus on designing without having to wait for stuff to finish (e.g. "Wait a month for ARESTEVE to work this out").

Everything clear now? If yes, completion date?

Quote from: C. Leroux > General M. De Bergerac
Would your happen to have any footage of UWM misconduct? Especially the kind that involves indiscriminate firing into crowds of civilians? I am considering having a campaign aimed at UWM soldiers, as judging by the demographics, they probably aren't in it for the cause.

Message back:

Hmm. I might be able to help you, but I'm quite busy right now. Could you perhaps ask me again in [10 real life days]? Just send me a reminder.

It's evidently not apparent, but I haven't even been trying to trick Piecewise recently anyways.  If I were, I would never have clarified twice that robosods were ten times as fast to produce as flesh sods.  I wouldn't have asked him if my turns were too long either.  But when a group is specifically made to stop people from doing such, when nobody is even trying to, that feels like a challenge, and gives a wonderful faceless opponent to fight.  I'm saying that it's counter-productive; if Piecewise dislikes people doing something, he should ask them to stop.
And, as far as your last point, in general I agree with you.  But I don't really in this case, mostly because of how much PW likes to emphasize [TORTURE_FOR_FUN].
Well, it seems some other people don't see it that way, or else there wouldn't be an issue, now would there?

*sigh* I really get too into this.  What are you trying to accomplish?  I'm pretty sure we've talked about this before.))
Because I'm trying to get you to change a behavior that actively annoys both some of your fellow players and your gm. Remember pw is giving you all this entertainment for free, the least you can do is to try and not do anything that makes this more difficult than it has to be.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 08:27:01 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #463 on: August 23, 2014, 09:53:12 am »

((R_C, I think a generalized approach has the downside of, well, being generalized. I suppose you can have ARESTEVE do research on exoskeleton setups in general so that later development time of individual projects is reduced, but you can't cover all possible design cases to remove it completely.

Besides, Anton is likely going to do all the designing himself anyway. :P))
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Big Brother is Watching
« Reply #464 on: August 23, 2014, 10:51:15 am »

((I actually wrote this turn (not the end) in a dream.  Posted it too.  But then I woke up and realized that I actually hadn't.))


1.Last turn, you said just sticking the Testament's generator in the Testament would make the gun cost more.  Just to make absolutely certain, you mean that it would cost five tokens, rather than four plus one to buy the suit, yes?

2.If so, I'd like to mess with the power suit.  Rather than be a full suit, change it to be just the pair of gloves, with cables running to the generator which attaches to the back.  It should be something to attach to an MK.Suit (or whatever the user wears), rather than a full suit.  Make sure the cables are attached to the arm with armbands or something- I don't want them to hang loose.

3.Does this still cost a single token?


4.Can we build KE rifles from crossroads?  They're the sniper rifles which fire 'bullets' made only from raw force.

((Aaand, @Radio.

First, I apologize.  Both to you and PW, although I'm not even sure if he reads these nowadays.  I got angry at your reply and lost control, and I dislike when that happens as much as anyone else.

I partially disagree with your last reply, but right now I just really want to end this argument, so I won't explain how.  I would like to say that I'm not actually really angry about the comittee itself- I find it vaugely annoying, but more amusing than inciting.  That's how the original comment was intended.  Amusing, not inciteful.))
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