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Author Topic: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!  (Read 4234 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« on: May 20, 2014, 07:41:19 am »

I was a little stunned to just discover this today. If anything were ever to get me into playing MMORPG's, this would be it undoubtedly. I mean, I'd still need a pretty strong motivation to actually drop the money to play after it launches, and I'd still wait to see if things pan out well, but just from the looks of things, this looks very promising.

The designers of this, they clearly 'get it'.


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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 08:07:40 am »

What makes wildstar different then any other mmo out there? looks just like wow with a different hat on, in my opinion


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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2014, 08:31:58 am »

I played the beta (although not for all that long) and it's a decent MMO, but still definetely "An MMO". I am also interested in what makes this mmo "actually interesting".

Also, there is already a thread (though I don't know if that thread was just for the beta or something).
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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2014, 08:50:51 am »

I played in the open beta, and just like eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevery siiiingle MMORPG I've ever played I found it dull because I had nobody to play with. Heck, the whole reason I went and played the Wildstar beta was by suggestion of a friend, and he never showed up to play with me =/

One thing I liked about GW2 was that if I outlevelled some of my friends I could go back to their areas and play with them and not be super overpowered. Here, some people I knew outleveled me too quickly so I fell behind.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 08:52:49 am by OzyTheSage »


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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2014, 09:26:19 am »

Let's check the generic MMO criteria, shall we?
1: Infinite mob spawns in level-relegated areas.
2: Inability to go 'back level' and enjoy previous areas.
3: You're the chosen one.
4: Combat is a series of frantic hotkey spams while standing perfectly still.
5: If there is pvp, it's identical to pve except some players payed more.


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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2014, 09:37:00 am »

What makes wildstar different then any other mmo out there? looks just like wow with a different hat on, in my opinion

This. The website makes it look like some generic Russian MMO. Also, having "QUESTS" as their big PvE feature is pretty much code for "Bro, you're going to be grinding filler for weeks just to get a taste of one decent mission that we keep under lock and key."
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2014, 10:49:43 am »

Looks ok to me as far as MMOs go.
Let's check the generic MMO criteria, shall we?
1: Infinite mob spawns in level-relegated areas.
2: Inability to go 'back level' and enjoy previous areas.
3: You're the chosen one.
4: Combat is a series of frantic hotkey spams while standing perfectly still.
5: If there is pvp, it's identical to pve except some players payed more.

1 - Agree
2 - I guess you can but i doubt there is anything interesting for you to do there... just like in WoW.
3 - You are a random adventurer do shit for me... thats the basic premise of all quests.
4 - The newer footage shows they changed it from standing around and blasting away your skills to skillshots and dodging similar to Guld Wars 2
5 - Can't talk about that due to not playing.
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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2014, 11:18:38 am »

4: Combat is a series of frantic hotkey spams while standing perfectly still.
I haven't played, but from the videos I've seen this part if definitely not true.


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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2014, 11:45:51 am »

I played for awhile and have been keeping an eye on it. Yes there are a lot of generic MMO features. NCSoft has said they aren't trying to reinvent the wheel, but they are trying to greatly improve whats been done. There is a lot of focus on the endgame content, making it challenging and varied (boss moves will change weekly, so you can't just use a formula - you have to be skilled).

Lots of other small things that make the game enjoyable for me. The "path" system has some unique elements to it that can break up the monotony of questing. I think the combat is fun to a point. It's not really revolutionary, but it does require you to keep your head up and pay attention. Some mobs can straight up own your face if you don't dodge out of their attacks.

This is actually the first MMO that my girlfriend seems to really have taken to. It's party because it's corny-cute with its animation (and she gets engi bots) and partly because it's not hard to pick up the basics.

I'm more than willing to give it a shot at this point and have preordered along with the gf.


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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2014, 12:53:29 pm »

Also played thru late beta.  An 'interesting' backdrop, decent use of skill stuff, but still MMO junk and I lost interest after the initial areas.
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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2014, 02:32:38 pm »

I will warn you about the paths

For the most part they are really boring... The Settler, for example, does nothing but grind, the explorer just walks long distances, and the scientist is sort of a combination of the two... And the soldier grinds but occasionally has a few interesting things to do.

I chose settler because it sounded like the more interesting path, but found that it was just a bunch of smoke and mirrors. There to LOOK like you are installing improvements and building bases, but not actually doing so.

The paths are not well developed enough in my opinion because they are too ultra-distilled.


Why am I saying this?

Because dear goodness chose the path carefully! it is the difference between being extremely bored and actually feeling like you are doing something.


Also yeah I also found myself completely losing interest in this MMO after the extremely long tutorial (4 hour tutorial seriously?).

I've noticed it to be a pattern where MMOs basically do nothing to try to draw you in, often providing very little-no narrative at all.

It worked in the early MMOs but that was because early MMOs were about exploration (Heck Ultima Online is rather unique in that in spite of being an RPG, you don't progress all that far in the game.)... But without anyone to really play this with what am I playing this for? I have better RPGs.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 03:42:20 pm by Neonivek »


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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2014, 03:53:56 pm »

I don't mean to be overly negative but this didn't seem all that great an mmo to me. It runs awful considering it's rather unimpressive visuals, and the quests are pretty standard go kill some of these or fetch that stuff. The atmosphere is...a matter of taste.

One big plus it does have is it seems to do dungeons well, if you like dancing around avoiding telegraphed red zones of pain. Didn't actually do any dungeons myself though.


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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2014, 05:08:20 pm »

Have to agree here, I played the open beta until level ~7ish. Really don't feel the need to buy this for AAA-price and have a monthly subscription. It's not even about the money though, the game just isn't interesting enough.

Maybe I'm just too old for mmo games.

The thing where you see where the enemy attack will hit is quite nice, graphics and audio are also good *imo.
Overall tho, it just doesn't bring enough new stuff to the table. Maybe that'll change at later levels/endgame but I won't grind it out til then :(

It's probably a very good game if you're new to the genre, but if you've played other MMOs before...I don't know ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2014, 12:49:30 am »

I played the beta with a friend. We quested to 15 then spammed the one available "riot" themed adventure to 20. Then we attempted a dungeon twice.

Questing was god awful. Game setting was generic but not terrible. A few quests were interesting, but mostly just boring. The riot adventure was like a mini dungeon that you could zerg. Had to turn off the ambient sound due to a constant roar (supposedly the prisoners or something) and an unending alarm going off. Who thought that was a good idea? The adventure awarded our group 2 (I think) fixed pieces of loot that we all rolled on. Different ending paths meant different bosses and varied loot. Each run gave a good full level+ of experience. Queue system seemed broken.

The actual dungeon at level 20 was a completely different experience. It wasn't so easy that a dps could run ahead and face-tank things. The first two trash mobs (a fighter and a healer type) gave us difficulty because 1 dps and the tank were focusing on the fighter. After about 10 minutes of trying to get them to switch to the good 'ole FOCUS THE HEALER strategy via spamming chat, we got through the trash without further issue. The first boss took a few tries, it was actually pretty fun though. Had a bad taste in our mouth from the terrible solo content and uninteresting "adventure" content, but were pleasantly surprised with the dungeon. Won't spoil the fight. Both times through the dungeon the tank was wearing dps gear and had absolutely no focus in support. But I didn't expect anyone to queue as tank while being properly equipped in a beta anyway.

Got to the second boss in that dungeon on our second attempt, 2 people spamming heals couldn't keep the tank alive because the tank was a cleverly disguised DPS, it was still fun stuff. When this goes free to play I'm going to jump in just for the dungeon and raiding content. Apparently you can purchase subscription time with in-game currency, like what you can do in eq2. They seem to think their raiding content is hardcore shit but it looks pretty straightforward.. avoid giant red AOEs, memorize safe spots, learn your class, etc.

I played an Esper. I could build a hotbar with a full set of dps spells, build one with a full set of healing spells, or go half and half (which was more effective, since one healer can't keep a dps alive through a boss fight). I used almost all of my coin purchasing spells and couldn't afford a full repair bill after all of my gear gave out. Repairing was seriously expensive.. at least for me, since I avoided questing.

All in all probably not worth it for the current price, there are better things to get into. But the group play was enjoyable. If it goes f2p it'd be worth checking out.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 01:20:41 am by debvon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wildstar: Aw yeah, an MMO that's actually interesting!
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2014, 02:19:19 am »

It has some fundamentals every other MMO has too. Expecting something else by now is just naive, to be honest. Yes the Quests consist of the usual "kill X, gather y, assassinate z", but the Combat System is fairly varied in term of skills and the Game is pretty challenging, especially when you play alone. I'd recommend playing it with at least 2, ideally 3 people in a group. The Story is well crafted and interesting, there is a lot of focus on Lore (Which is fantastic for me as a Roleplayer), and the Game generally just looks really good.

Path-wise, I can only comment on Soldier and Explorer. Soldier consists mainly of Missions defeinding against Waves of Enemies, killing priority targets in certain locations, or rescuing people. It's nice if you dont want to stray from questing too far and just want some added XP while leveling. Explorer is really cool if you like to check out all areas and like to search and hunt for stuff, but involves a LOT of walking and can be a tad too time consuming for impatient people. Settlers are immensely useful, but I hear their Gameplay isnt too great. Scientist is an obvious choice for Lore-freaks and Roleplayers, and I wouldnt want to miss one while Leveling. There are certain hidden Areas and Quests you can only complete by combining multiple paths, which awards you Lore, XP and cool Items. The Housing is also really, really great.

If you're not into MMO's in general, stay clear. There arent any ground breaking innovations or changes from the Formula to convince die-hard "MMO's suck."-People. I'd say it's a lot better than 75% of the other generic MMO-crap that came out recently.
English isnt my mother language, so feel free to correct me if I make a mistake in my post.
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