Well, looks like the door can't be destroyed by electricity. The more you know!
Flap my wings experimentally, try to hover just above the ground. If successful, fly over to blazing glory and bring him back to the walkway. No dream construct left behind!
Edit: unless, that is, he leaves the area. In that hypothetical case, follow.
[4] (If you haven't noticed, the actions go in order. So that edit is pretty useless since you're the first one to go/move.)
You feel the wings on your back, the muscles fused into your back muscles, you try moving them. [Luck : 4] They begin flapping! You move towards the entrance to the second room and try to repeat on flapping your wings. [Control : 5] You manage to control the direction, flying towards blazing glory. He looks at you in amazement. You tell him to hop on your back, he does so. [Control : 6] Huh? Maybe adding more weight makes you go faster because before you know it, you're already at the entrance...but maybe...you're going too fast! You knock everyone down.
[Varee's Damage : 1] Unfortunately, Varee didn't get hit softly. Nunzillor's leg had kicked his head at the right timing. Everyone hears a crack in Varee's head as he passes out.
[Beirus's Damage : 3] Beirus was a bit more fortunate. He had got hit in the chest, but his head and hit the wall of the first room, giving him a headache.
[blazing glory's Damage : 1 + 1 = 2] Blazing glory didn't have a soft landing, either. His armor did protect him from his fall, but he still fell too early from his trip with Nunzillor. His back collided with the ground as another crack is heard.
[Sinvara's Damage : 1] Sinvara also receives a nice blow to the head. Again, a crack is heard throughout the passage.
[Nunzillor's Damage : 5] He safely lands on his two feet, as he watches everyone get hurt.
[_DivideByZero_'s Damage : 1 + 1 = 2] _DivideByZero_ accidentally trips while avoiding Nunzillor. The last crack is heard as _DivideByZero_ feels his back in pain.
Shatter the door with a mighty kick and go through.
[1 - 2 = 1] Your broken back forces you to stay down.
Take a look at the bodies while standing in the mini hallway, afterwards, pull my hood over my head.
[3 - 1 = 2] You remain unconscious, your dreams filled with visions of the void...and chickens.
((Maybe we should lay off the magic until we are actually in a fight...))
"Aww, I never get to have nice things. Other than this armor, sword, and wand. Please don't break those."
Pick up a piece of the wood, since it might come in handy at some point. Watch the icy armadillos to see what they do.
[4 - 1 = 3] You try to find a piece of wood in this small passage. You end up with nothing, so you decide to rest a bit and sit down.
Pick up the pieces of my shield and see if they magically put themselves back together on my arm.
[6 - 1 = 5] You gather the pieces of metal on the floor and piece them together, like a puzzle. You watch in shock as you see a blue light, attaching the pieces together as it builds the shield. You place it on your arm as it glides back towards it's original spot.
Load and fire a bolt at one of the ice thing
[2 - 1 = 1] You remain unconscious.
The ground in the second room rumbles...the bodies begin to shake.Statuses :Status: Unconscious (-1 to all physical actions, failguard), Fractured Skull, Moderate Bleeding (Will worsen in two turns.)
Location: In between the first and second room.
- Crossbow
- Metal-Tipped Bolts : +1 to damage with crossbow.
- Leather Armor : "Varee" engraved on the front, Grants +1 to defense.
- Dagger
- Throwing Knives
Bonuses: None.
Status: Headache (-1 to next action)
Location: In between the first and second room.
-Chainmail Armor : Grants +2 to defense against blunt damage.
-Blue Gauntlet : Gives +1 to defense against damage to right arm, Engraved on it is "Beirus" in gold letters.
-Wands : Unknown.
Bonuses: None.
Status: Broken Back (-2 to next physical action)
Location: In between the first and second room.
- Two-Handed Sword
- Plate Armor : +1 to Defense and +1 to Dodge
Bonuses: None.
Status: Plant On Left Arm (-1 to persuasion), Unconscious (-1 to all physical actions, failguard), Fractured Skull, Moderate Bleeding (Will worsen in two turns.)
Location: In between the first and second room.
Equipment :
-Red Crimson Robe : "Sinvara" engraved onto the back, Grants +1 to stealth and dodge.
Bonuses: None.
Status: Black Wings On Back
Location: In between the first and second room.
-Chain mail Leggings : +1 to damage on legs.
Bonuses: None.
Status: Broken Back (-1 to next physical action)
Location: In between the first and second room.
-Steel Shield : +1 to defense, will roll for damage done to shield.
-Chainmail Armor : Grants +2 to defense against blunt damage.
Bonuses: None.