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Author Topic: Metal Core Mercenaries RTD: Prologue and Sign ups [0/5]  (Read 864 times)


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Metal Core Mercenaries RTD: Prologue and Sign ups [0/5]
« on: May 19, 2014, 04:24:19 pm »

OOC Thread

Metal Core Mercenaries RTD

Welcome to the official Metal Core Mercenaries RTD thread, here i will post the turns and the players their action/rp. To keep it clean, please ask any questions which can be considered OOC in the following Thread. For anything else that could be related to the thread, like sign-ups,rules , lore reading,etc. Look in that thread as well.
Turn Index

The prologue

An old man once told me that war is inevitable, for war defines what humanity is. Humanity’s history is littered with war, war for belief, war for power, war for the cause. Sometimes subtle and harmless and sometimes merciless and brutal, for as long as humanity exists, there will be no peace.

This is a story of a war. Not just any war, the biggest war known to mankind. One that spans itself across the very stars and the planets orbiting them. One which throws the universe into chaos. This story is about the Metal Core Mercenaries. A group unlike some of the other more known mercenaries, known for their ability to make impossible tasks seem possible. I have yet to read this chronicle, but i’m sure this will be a good one.

Chapter 1: The crew

When you first hear about the Metal Core Mercenaries, you don’t get to know their origin, their cause or where they are now. You get to learn the crew of the MCM. They follow a slightly old hierarchy but their leader was just like that.

Their leader, Ayana Ghraft, is what people call ‘A child of the old world’. One cryonically frozen until her condition could be mended in the future. People of the old world often adapt very well to the new society but their old tendencies remain despite the hours of counselling they receive. She commands with an iron fist and her orders should not be taken lightly, but despite that she is a understanding and fair..
Unlike others which were integrated into the new society, she rejected it. She refused to work in some corporate environment, instead she wanted to fly across the universe. See if it truly is this mysterious and unknown world she remembered in the past.

Ayana was wasn’t science person, she hated the paperwork and procedures so ‘exploration’ wasn’t her thing and things with fighting weren’t a good idea considering the limited amount of knowledge she had. Though she had to earn money somehow. Things led into other things and she founded small Freelancer group called “Andromeda Lancers”. Back then they weren’t mercenaries, they were more akin to a intergalactic workforce that worked closely with the law. Taking varying jobs of construction, civil transportation and goods transports to make a living.

But times change, and so did the Andromeda Lancers. Slowly they started taking more dangerous jobs of escorting, high value transports and tracking until they finally took on jobs like bounty hunts, infiltration and mercenary type work.
What the Andromeda Lancers once were is no longer true and Ayana knew that best. Sometimes you have to leave the past and keep the name that you once had untouched from the present. With that in mind, she past on the name of Andromeda Lancers to a trustworthy friend of her which wished to preserve the good name of the Andromeda Lancers and took upon herself the name of Metal Core Mercenaries as a statement to a new begin.

Flying Ayana and her crew is the pilot Kitty Green, unlike the rest of the crew Kitty is an Android with an ancient AI inhibiting her, which despite the occurring android racism, earned her spot among the MCM crew. She is a person with a shrouded past, but one where she can claim that she evaded the 5th rebel fleet.

Kitty Green
People don't like mercenaries but rarely they go after them, they just pay them to have revenge at the opposite party whom hired the mercs. The rebels however, were not into that kind of thing. After the events of 549D, a covert ops sabotage mission, they decided to take things into their own hands by sending the 5th space fleet after the MCM. The MCM was ambushed at the edge of the Unity space near the planet Wateaulis, a sea planet with unstable gravitational fluctuations in space and an asteroid field.

Upon arrival the fleet immediately opened fire, a torrent of projectiles aimed at the Hypnexia meant imminent doom if actions were not taken. With lightning fast reaction, Kitty immediately threw the engines into overdrive and made haste towards the asteroids. The fleet followed while constantly firing, yet somehow nothing hit the [SHIP] as if the pilot was able to predict the path of every projectile and fly at the same time. Or maybe the rebels are just a bad shot.

The main fleet stopped before the asteroid field and unleashed fighters which followed Hypnexia into the unpredictable asteroid storm. Kitty continuously adjusted the path of the ship avoiding asteroids and most projectiles by mere millimeters every time. The chasers weren't as skilled as Kitty was, explosions could be seen trough-out the entire length of chase. Kitty couldn't run forever, at some point they would catch up and overwhelm her.

A quick analysis of the environment showed that some of these asteroids were made from Nocxium, a highly unstable natural explosive which affects gravity. Thus she forged a plan of flinging asteroids into the main fleet and disrupting the gravity of the asteroid field. Normally this would cost you your life but not for Kitty which isn't human. She fired timed missiles towards the Nocxium infused asteroids and soon the peaceful asteroid field transformed into a chaos of asteroids and unstable gravitational fluctuations. Large asteroids were flung toward the fleet, some fast and some slow. Nevertheless the fleet was caught off guard, some ships avoid the asteroids by opening fire, but a lot of them were hit with catastrophic results. It was also highly unpleasant for the guys in the asteroid field, some lost control of their ship before they were swung into asteroids, some flew into the asteroids and some into each other. Their mission was quickly aborted as the remaining few fighters scrambled towards the main fleet and the fleet went off grid.

Meanwhile Kitty gently navigated trough the storm as if it didn't even exist and flew off into the distant space for another contract.

Then there's Gunther Gottschalk, the bulk of the MCM. Gifted with a glorious moustache and mighty muscles, Gunther paves the way for Ayana and the MCM.

Gunther Gottschalk
Gunther Gottschalk, a name where if you mention Gunther people already know who you are talking about. Why you ask? It all started on the prison hellworld of Grimatoria, a godforsaken planet where the universe gathered the most dangerous criminals they could find. The MCM was tasked to extract a certain target of value, but people knew that "That was goes to Grimatoria, stays there."

Well, not exactly. Not for the MCM. The mission was performed flawlessly and the target was quickly apprehended. So why can't people leave Grimatoria? The planet is encased with a reverse shield, instead of keeping things out, they keep them in. This shield is fueled by the planet's core and thus the energy output is inexhaustible and the shield remaining active forever.

So to get off planet the device had to be deactivated, this task was given to Gunther given his experience with demolitions. Gunther mercilessly plowed trough the prison network, using his heavy bolter gun as weapon of choice until finally reaching the device chamber. There he was meant to deactivate the device, but instead prepped explosives and detonated them. But little did MCM know, that the device was fitted with a planetary self-destruction function to prevent the inmates from escaping if this were to happen.

Gunther hastily made his way towards the ship, the explosions nearly outran Gunther burning him but he got picked up underway by some skilled pilotry and went quickly off world. Leaving in his wake the planet of Grimatoria.

There are no videos of Grimatoria except one. The only footage taken from inside the device chamber, just before the destruction of the planet.
There you could see a bearded figure. The figure smirked and thumbed up just before detonating the device and running away.
While the MCM might not have known that they would cause this destruction, the figure sure did.

Then we got the two members for the price of one. Yarui Nokonoko, the past heir of the Nokonoko dynasty. He abandoned his duties and ventured into galaxy, with him his jade bird. The jade bird is not ordinary, it serves as Yarui's interpreter since Yarui doesn't talk much if at all.
Yarui got his name before he joined the MCM, this is a story of one of the soldiers which survived the encounter with Yarui.

Yarui Nokonoko

I was trained to fear nothing, but that day in the ice forests of Tal Kraga, i felt true fear. He was like a ghost, not to be seen until the very end. But it was too late then.
We were stationed there for reconnaissance, after we received reports of  'large creatures' attacking the ice-50 mines. The reports were true, we've slain a couple of ice groths and proceeded to return to HQ. Then we saw it, a jade green bird took off near us. We were astounded by its beauty but what we didn't notice is that 3 of our guys vanished.

We immediately took defensive positions and tried hailing them. We heard shouts, and then... silence. We rushed towards them only to find decapitated bodies. Then we saw it again, the jade bird. We didn't have much time to look at it, but that was more than enough for him. Another 2 soldiers dropped dead, with spikes embedded in the backside of their head. We caught a glimpse of something in the distance and immediately opened fire. Suddenly a smoke bomb rolled towards us, it produced white smoke and nothing could be seen. But i heard. I heard the sound of struggles followed by the sounds of a blade penetrating armor and people dropping dead.
There was no sound, but it felt like a sting and a voice.
"Squawk, that might hurt a little."
 He sliced off my arm. The pain was excruciating and the morphine injectors quickly activated to subdue the pain.

When the smoke had faded, everyone was dead. Except me, the commander and him. He wore white clothing over his armor, a mask and a power-Glaive glistening in the reflection of the ice trees. On his shoulder the jade bird. I couldn't do anything because of the pain, but i heard him talking.
"Commander, you've done terrible things in the past. You were honored by your superiors, but there was injustice done to those people. I must restore the balance by bringing justice. You have 2 choices commander. You get to duel me to the death, if you win, you survive or... You accept your judgement and i will execute you. Hopefully i will make it quick and painless. "

The commander didn't speak, but instead he attacked.
"How rude to not even answer, commander. So be it."

With one swift motion, the figure gutted the commander and then turned to me.
I first thought he spoke to me, but it was the bird.
"Let this be a lesson to you and your fellow soldiers. Don't mind the wound, it's just a scratch.", he said before leaving.

After [Name], we have Jonathan Imbel, or Jostle, as most know him as. They say a good man is someone you can get behind, but how about one that can get behind your enemies? And, well, in front of them, and to each side, and sometimes even over and under them.

Jonathan "Jostle" Imbelo

Jostle was in the Terran military once, if only for a short while before he moved into being a mercenary. But in that short while he reignited his fame. Jostle slugged trough a couple months of military training when suddenly his unit was sent into live combat. His unit was supposed to assault a fortified base nested in a semi-rocky plains area; Jostle was put into the vanguard, since he was the best of the unit. He never got to show himself off completely because of the very strict rules regarding his training, so this was his chance.

When the shutters opened, Jostle immediately boosted himself towards the base. The enemies opened fire, but Jostle slid trough the hail of projectiles. Witnesses say that they've never seen anyone use their suit so flexibly and mobile as Jostle did. Jostle quickly reached the entrenched position, and opened fire with his SMG, killing a few along his way into the base. He used the walls, the ceiling and whatever object there was to maneuver himself out of harm's way. When he finished most of the outside he proceeded to go inwards, where the small corridors and ceiling would prove to be a deathtrap for most.

Not for Jostle. He rushed trough each and every corridor using the ceiling and walls. He blazed trough it, taking down whomever he met, whether by Knife, Gun or the kinetic force of him crashing into someone else. At the center of the base, he finally stopped. He stopped before the last remaining person of the opposition, the commander.

The commander asked in disbelief, "How did you do that? Sane people would never do what you just did. They'd fear the mere thought of rushing into a hail of projectiles, let alone breach a base. Don't you fear anything?"
"Heh. It's quite funny you ask that. I do fear something. I fear I'll never get to do something like that again."
"You're insane. If men like you exist, then it is time for me to go."

The commander hastily tries to grab his pistol, but Jostle is a bit quicker as he shoots him in the shoulder.
"Is it? Sorry, but the higher ups want you alive. They won't mind a few scrapes, though, so don't try anything."

Jostle grabbed the commander and returned to the ship. The troops mopped up the rest of the decapitated army outside while Jostle had already captured the commander. His return incited cheers from the troopers, but not so from his superiors. "A ludicrous risk." "A liability." "Completely insane," the files of his discharge read. Perhaps they were right. Perhaps not.

Still, the MCM finds great use in having someone take point, report enemy locations and get in position before the main squad. Jostle has got slightly better about waiting for his comrades and not charging into combat alone, though accidents and "accidents" do happen...

Then, we have [Name]...

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Quote from:  Gunther Gottschalk (Pancaek)
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« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 07:20:51 pm by Mr.Zero »