From what I understand Microsoft is footing the bill for the move over to NA so that's why you have to go through xbox or the Microsoft store. And yea lots of folks seem to be having issues with the install process, I was one of the lucky ones, but I know a few close friends having issues.
From what I understand if you ever did any modifying to remove the xbox stuff from win10 yer gunna have a bad time because even the pc version is connecting to xbox servers. If you did the hack to make windows 10 never update yer gunna have a bad time because older versions of windows 10 don't work and don't tell you why, and while the game says it only needs 10 or so gb of storage the game already has half a decade of free expansion content it needs to add, post install, bumping actual storage space requirements up to closer to 80gb.
All that said as far as I can see all the issues are on Microsoft's side of things. And if it wasn't for Sega's deal with Microsoft people would still have to jump through all the hoops needed to connect to the JP servers. I think that's still possible, and their should be instructions for that earlier in the thread, since this thread was originally for the JP client.
Speaking of the JP servers I've heard that the folks in charge of the translated client for the JP version are working on a method to bypass the Microsoft store on the NA client. So hopefully in time all that gets sorted. I've also heard rumors of a PS4 and steam version in the works, but take that with a traincar full of salt.