I don't suppose anyone knows roughly how much dex is required to get a low damage variance?
It depends on the attack on your weapon and your targets dex. The exact formula for lower damage treshold I think is ((atk-watk-def)*0.2+((adex-ddex)*0.4))*m where atk your attack of that type, watk the base damage of the weapon yoou're using, def the defense of your opponent to that type, adex your dex and ddex defenders dex and finally m whatever dmg modifiers you have. I calculated the amount of dex required to hit the 90% cap some pages ago, see if I can find it.
Since the dex matter eludes me I thought I'd do some research and do some maths on how useful it is exactlty.
If this source is correct and I didn't make an error, in any particular attack the max dexterity you'll benefit from (ensuring a 90-100 interval) should be this
dex = 0.08 ( 0.1 ( def - atk ) + batk ) + ddex
Where dex is attacker's dex, ddex defenders dex, def defenders defense for the dmg type, atk attackers attack for that damage type and batk the base damage on the weapon being used.
Going to double check this as I was in a hurry. Will also edit in some attack vs dex comparison when I get around it.
Edit: Assuming every damage value in the range has the same odds, I take avgdmg as the average of max and min dmg.
d(avgdmg)/ddex / d(avgdmg)/datk = 1.
Wait what they scale precisely the same so long as dex doesn't hit the cap? Huh, I wonder if I made a mistake.
Could have miscalculated. Also for the scaling I didn't factor in crits wich makes atk a bit better than dex.
How much dex monsters have is anyones guess I suppose. Could do some experiments and calculate it per monster per difficulty, but ain't nobody got time for that..
Either way, rares with their built in 90% variance make dex pointless for offense so it all doesn't matter much (poor design rant rant poor design).
Edit: I'll recalculate it later, I think I might be off an order of magnitude somewhere.
Edit2: Here much better: dex=ddex+(watk+def/10-atk/10)/2. Dunno where I went wrong last time haha.