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Author Topic: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Unsocialized Medicine  (Read 3362 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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(SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Unsocialized Medicine
« on: May 18, 2014, 10:13:32 pm »


It was yet another sweltering day at the manufactorum on Midgard VI's lower belly where the Hiveworld produced various parts for chronos, flak armour, rebreathers, Lho-sticks... anything that was judged beneath the Tech-priests efforts and time on the nearby forges on Muspelheim. When the overseer signaled the end of your 16-hour shift you were exhausted to the point you could barely register which lesson the Ministorum priest imparted this day to the gathered dregs serving as his (not entirely willing) flock. Most of the laborers who made up this daily mandatory congregation were more intent on returning to their ten-by-five-feet boxes where they'd ingest some prepackaged nutrient powder mixed with whatever passed for this lower hive's water supply and fall asleep on their cots. Despite knowing that you would be lucky to get four hours of sleep before your next shift, you somehow found the prospect of getting home comforting in those moments when your limbs were limp at your sides with aches and the fatigue overpowered your mind to the point where the world around you blurred together.

A sudden realization that your environment was literally blurring together caused your faculties to return with unprecedented clarity and the catwalk you'd been traveling suddenly reshaped itself into a yawning hole of darkness, with you at its edge, as a wind emitting from the opening crashed against your face before making a queerly terrifying turn behind you and back into the unimaginable depths from whence it spawned. You were paralyzed in horror as the gust took you with an iron-handed grip into the chasm and darkness became your new world...

Until it wasn't. While you could have rushed for your chrono device to understand the exact period of your unconsciousness, matters of temporal measurement seemed far less pressing to your situation compared to the set of glistening black orbs before you that simultaneously seemed to both be devoid of thought and yet carefully analyzing your facial expressions... or was it that they were looking into the essence of YOU? Perhaps it was merely a coincidence related to coming face-to-face with the possibility of imminent death, but for the first time in your pitiable life you asked yourself "Who am I?"


[Game Info]

Not sure how long I can maintain this or how often I'll update (hopefully at least once every few days), but I'm tired of getting cold feet whenever I consider running a forum game. Game updates will be preceded by [Game Update #].

This will be a text-based suggestion game where each action request should be indicated by bolding the entire sentence or line. I will choose actions based on their popularity and the character themselves, possibly combining several suggestions if I feel they can work together. The character may develop their own ideas if progress needs a shove now and then. Succeeding or failing at challenges is determined by a die roll using character traits and other circumstances to modify the test.

It will also, for those unfamiliar with the universe, be taking place in the Warhammer 40K setting. The protagonist is an unidentified (human) member of the lower hives in a homebrewed solar system I threw together specifically for this adventure. The character has few skills and little personality at the start, instead developing those based on the actions they take. To what purpose? That has yet to be seen... though ultimately the protagonist will be operating out of self interest.

Spoiler: Character Intro (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 02:56:35 am by Glowcat »
Totally a weretrain. Very much trains!
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Intro / Character Creation
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2014, 10:33:33 pm »

Name - Virhak Volzak

Gender - Male. (Not gonna submit a trap this time, gonna give the excessive amount of traps a rest for a little bit.)

Appearance - Abnormally tall to the point that most doorways are too short for him and he needs to duck his head or bump into them 7'3, rather slender, long spindly slender limbs, looks emancipated most of the time even though he eats an abnormal amount of food, long brown hair down to the feet that is never maintained and rarely washed, his teeth look more like fangs then normal teeth, one eye is green, one eye is brown, extremely pale, rarely goes outside if he can avoid it. Looks like he hasn't slept in days.

Background - He started as a relatively normal baby, but by age 3, he was a good foot taller then other toddlers, this only got worse as he got older, he was socially isolated throughout his childhood and teenagehood due to his freakish height and spent most of his time on the computer, earning him a decent ability with programming and making him rather adept with navigating electronic devices. He eventually got kicked out of the house at age 19 after freeloading for a year and had to get a job, he had minimal interaction with his coworkers as his abnormal height and general unkemptness kept them away.

Quirk - Is scared of wide open spaces and gets stressed out to the point of panic by open air environments. Is extremely awkward around people and tends to speak with acronyms for anything he can put an acronym to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Intro / Character Creation
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2014, 11:11:18 pm »

Name - Solaria Diona Uriel, AKA "Spike Cat Trauma"

Gender - Female

Appearance - The standard work uniform adorns Solaria rather well, given her height of 163 centimetres and wiry musculature. Her rather dark skin is somewhat advantageous within the cramped alleys and haphazard construction within the lower hive. With a hair dyed an unnatural shade of blue (Ministorum approved.), and a single earring adoring the left ear, made out of various scrap that was melted down into this seemingly well-made piece.

Background - From a family of labourers, into a life of labour. Rather nondescript in history as one of the vast trillions pressed to work in the imperium's massive manufacturing machine. While life was indeed difficult, especially with the foremen not understanding that people need sleep, it was stable. What little spending money that was had was spent on a rather permanent dye-job, some music and other paraphernalia related as such. Before this happened, it was hoped that there would be enough money to buy a musical instrument after saving up for it for a while.

Quirk - Unusually adhering to every regulation and rule laid down within the hive and factory. 25 Years of actually enjoying every bit of hard work and devotion.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Intro / Character Creation
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2014, 02:08:15 pm »

[Game Update #1 - CCC (Character Creation Complete)]

Your name is Solaria "SCT" Volzak, pale-skinned akward 26-year-old woman who towers over most of mankind, possibly meeting the height of a few (unarmored) Space Marines.

Spoiler: Biography (click to show/hide)

"Caw! Wake. Yes. Caw!"

Your ears pratically ruptured as the creature screeched while looming over you, causing you to involuntarily hold your hands over them and curl into a ball as the massive vulture-like creature pulled its long snake-like neck away. It stood over you, to a size of two standing upright Solarias! In your world it was rare for all but ogryns to measure at even one Solaria.

Your vision no longer captivated by the monster's proximity you quickly scanned the room only to find no such thing, for you were floating through spa-OH EMPEROR you could fall in any directionwaitcouldyoufalldownsweetprimarchsatleasttherewasgroundohemperor...You began to rapidly breath from the panic attack, taking over a minute to calm yourself to the point you could think straight again. You looked back at the thing that probably brought you here, which you realize had been staring at you with its beady eyes, its bird head cocked askew, for your entire episode. It responded to your visual contact with another loud "Caw!" that frightened you back into ball-mode.

"Now wake." It called back your attention and pointed at your chest with a long talon while it kept its other talon..hand..thing wrapped around a viciously serrated scythe it carried under its left wing. "Servant." It announced. "Cheet's." It continued to glare into you. Was it expecting an affirmation? Yes, that seemed to be its goal.

"I..I.." you swallowed nervously due to just about everything involving this situation "don't know what you want from me, I'm merely a ..a..", your heartbeat increased threefold as you stuttered over your thoughts being cobbled together in regards to an impossible situation, "...merely a RPMD, please PLEASE LMG. I DWtW." While blurting out your terrified pleas for mercy you managed to blunder into yet another flurry of unintelligible letters. "This wasn't the time for that Solaria", you inwardly pleaded to yourself before tears began to erupt from your eyes. You were going to die to a bird monster and you couldn't even beg for your life correctly. At least that's what you thought. But the creature interrupted your break down with its screeching speech that, now that you reflected on it, seemed to be more mental than sonant: "You. Human. Not servant of man. Not servant of factory. Servant of Cheet. Servant of..." There was a menacing pause. "Chaos." The meaning played across your mind while most of the actual sounds coming from this thing were craws and screeches more suitable to its massive slightly curved beak. "Kay..kay..wha?" you shook your head, not understanding why the mental image associated a word signifying disorder with a concrete force, cults, the warp, and monsters like the thing before you. Cheet continued to stare at you with its void-like eyes as the telepathy answered your own question to some degree. Truth to be told, you had a lot of better ones to ask... but where to start?


Event Tests:

Lore (Heresy/Religion) (UNTRAINED): Roll 1 - Failure.
Failed to recognize term 'Chaos' or its significance in forms of heresy, the Imperial Creed, or anything else Solaria might have familiarity with.
Totally a weretrain. Very much trains!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Intro / Character Creation
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2014, 02:17:00 pm »

Didn't want to wait longer before moving into the story proper. I combined the ideas that would've worked for a character in this setting and role from both suggestions. Hopefully she's an interesting enough mundane character to start the game with.

Skillwise, Solaria has a smattering of tech knowledge and logic, as well as understanding of laws and regulations concerning Imperial conduct. She's also managed to gain the questionable skill of confounding people with nonsensical acronyms.

She has a special aptitude for electronic hardware, though her position in life prevented her from exploring code-logic or other computing. She's also surprisingly good at handling long-term stress and can look on the bright side of any dark cloud flying over her life. It's also a minor benefit, but she was particularly suited to orderly work production, and can accomplish a lot on a short schedule.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 05:08:52 pm by Glowcat »
Totally a weretrain. Very much trains!
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Intro / Character Creation
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2014, 02:26:33 pm »

Ask WITFF is even going on.


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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Intro / Character Creation
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2014, 03:53:31 pm »

No questions, just calm down, And everything will be fine
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Meeting a Cheet
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2014, 04:09:05 pm »

Ask random nonsensical questions rapidly without any room for response.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Meeting a Cheet
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2014, 05:14:19 pm »

[Game Update #1 Cont.]

Wait, why were you asking questions? Maybe this thing would leave you alone to your simple life if you sit there quietly until it gets bored. You breathed in and attempted to center yourself. Calm... everything will be fine... It continued to stare at you, with an unnerving blink of its empty eyes thrown in occassionally.

No Solaria.. inward. Ignore the giant deathy bird monster.

More staring.

You found yourself staring back. An awkward moment passed before all that inner anxiety came exploding from your mouth in a fit of questions that dodged the meaningful issues at hand. You just weren't ready for that kind of responsibility!

"What time is it? Is it four past nine because I really really need to get back to my SO, wait no, entire family. LOTS OF FAMILY! And I promised to bring my son back some candy. Where is my candy? I uhh... IF YOU WERE A REFRIGERATOR WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU B-" *gulp* Your frenzied chain of excuses was squelched by an invisible force squeezing your throat and lifting you off the ground.

The demon finally spoke from its position of observation "Servant noisy. Cheet knows human with it word 'Solaria'. Cheet knows has no brood. Cheet makes excellent blue cooling device. Now Cheet want human to listen. Yes." Barely maintaining consciousness you nodded with any strength you have left and are dropped unceremoniously on the ground.

"Cheet choose human for great task. Choose human to bring- CAW!- Change. World of human. Star of human... not change. Stale. Not what Tzeentch want. Cheet make human bring- CAW!- Change. Human understand?"


Personality Addition: Finds ways to evade personal accountability.

edit: accuracy of personality change description.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 05:35:32 pm by Glowcat »
Totally a weretrain. Very much trains!
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Meeting a Cheet
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2014, 05:22:34 pm »

Do I haaave to? That sounds boooring. Also, what do I get from it if I do help?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Meeting a Cheet
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2014, 05:24:51 pm »

Do I haaave to? That sounds boooring. Also, what do I get from it if I do help?
Don't do this. Rather, ignore the beast. Nothing good comes out with talking with... Well, anything not human really.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Meeting a Cheet
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2014, 05:42:51 pm »

Rather, ignore the beast. Nothing good comes out with talking with... Well, anything not human really.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Meeting a Cheet
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2014, 06:11:07 pm »

[Game Update #1 Cont.]

You continue to remain silent. While you don't remember much from those ministorum sermons there's usually a theme of not communicating with the monsterous thingy that looks like it could eat you.

This does not perturb said monsterous thingy, who pushes this little encounter forward. "CAW! Cheet take silence as accept. Makes clear with you book." It points to your chest again, though you still have no idea what it meant by 'book'. "Human fail and Cheet- CAW!- eat soul." This time its cold dark eyes glimmer with an anticipation that makes you shudder from head to toe.

It continued, "Cheet grant human wish. Makes any thing of one that human needs for task. CAW! But only for task. If nothing human say, Cheet give nothing."
Totally a weretrain. Very much trains!
I'm going to steamroll this house.


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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Meeting a Cheet
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2014, 06:17:43 pm »

Ask for a weapon that can't be sensed by others, if we're going to do something  might as well have some protection that won't link us as the perpetrator.


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Re: (SG) A Chaotic Series of Events - Meeting a Cheet
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2014, 06:20:13 pm »

The ability to see the entirety of others at will, hopes, dreams, desires, their lives, their minds, their souls. With these we can push them how we want.
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