Become Torterra.
You catch fire because reasons.
if only i sigged things
Yeah, time for your punishment sideplot.
BEGIN REFORMATIONLure more alpacas to my farm with potatoes.
Lots of alpacas.
((Aww, no Xboxes. It's not like I was going to use my god powers to destroy you all after you played them or something.))
Catch all the Zombie Pokemon.
You catch like 3 of them.
"Really? A skeleton?"
* da_nang sighs.
"I guess it'll have to do."
Find armor and recruit Durnehviir. Raise undead army.
You walk into a fallen boulder and crumble into pieces.
((*Sees amount of posts* ))
I'm pretty sure you forgot me too.
You have to post something before I can forget you, you cheeky bastards. Check the update before if you missed something.
Ah, well, carry on then.
Quickly re-establish control!
The once united monkeydome is now divided into three factions, one led by douche monkey, another by you and a third by someone mysterious.
Use Trade Me instead.
*takes literally*
You trade yourself for your space station. Welcome to slavery!
>Continue tank production anyways. What is the UN going to do, send peacekeepers to stare at me?
No, they confiscate your production facilities. Fack.
"Pity. I suppose the art of directed drunk science died with them. Still, not many people can say they dominated the universe for a million years. Or knew the Olympians before they were cool. Which reminds me, I was thinking of creating another race, but if you want I could try bringing your kind back. Or you could try finding one of those other remnants, perhaps with time you could, uh, rebuild. So, creating a new species. You want in?"
"Nah, couldn't really be stuffed. You have fun though."
Kick them
"Pay attention when I'm gilt tripping you."
You get your ass handed to you.
((smurfingtonthethird,you have given me a devious idea.))
Install windows onto reality.
You cordon off a square metre of it and wire it up to like 90 potatoes. Windows 7 installed.
head out to explore the universe I'm fire proof as a hellhound
Fireproof? Yes. Vacuum proof?
No. Bits of exploded hellhound gibs float around the Moon.
Cat people? Kinky.
Sheb, wanna go for some old-fashioned imperialism?
Become spiritual and political leader of the cat-people through my omniversal powers. Like an ayatollah, but less Islamist.
You have control over a small section of the catpeople.
Don't worry guys, I got this.
C:\Windows\System32>taskkill /F /IM Terraria.exe
Reality isn't a Windows computer.
Also! Abuse cross-over privileges to infest this 'verse with Trolls! ( Any kind will do... I just wanna see the Hilarity Ensue. )
You get trolls alright: internet trolls. Trillions of them.
Also, I knew it! Reality is a Linux! In that case...
#sudo SlapGM -ignorerolls
Everyone "Safety Dance"!
Reality is not a Linux.
People don't fear me anymore? Time to turn the psychopathy up a notch.Try not to fuck up. Or do something that further endears me to the audience.
Steal the fourth wall's door and run through it.
That's breaking the fifth wall.
Fourth wall: addressing the audience.
Fifth wall: Entering the audience.
Sixth wall: Touching the audience.
Seventh wall: Injuring the audience.
Eighth wall: Bringing the audience onstage to participate. ( At this point there's no difference in acting and real-life except that everyone can get as bizarre as they want. )
Let's break all the walls!
As my human counterpart: Play "Safety Dance"
(What's seducing a member of the audience and then banging them? Also, I would totally help break all the walls if I wasn't in the plot.)
You instantly act like an awkward moron. Smooth.
The GP boss congratulates you on your pirate-luring and offers you a great career under her wing. The guard standing beside her winces.
((The problem with kea is they are an endangered speies protected by law, even though they steal and destroy everything both IRL and in DF.))
Continue with omnicide. Chaos must end.
((EDIT: Corrected the plural form.))
Welp, 90% of life on Earth is gone.
Outlaw Canada from existence
Canada no longer exists. Neither does it's population.
Become an planet size potato
Yay. Then you start freezing over.
Figure out what platform Reality runs on.
Can't tell.
Sacrifice Nyx-Snake!Libs to corrupt the White Magic Omnicide.
The omnicide has been stopped. 90% of life on earth is still dead though.
Acquiesce current predicament concerning being disconnected from the mortal coil. Identify inventory. Appraise accoutrements.
You're a ghost. You have nothing.
No arguing, or you'll all roll 1's and 6's next round.