(( I'm tired and in a hurry, no pirate speak today fellows. ))
Who says the captain has to go down with the ship?! Board thar enemy and show them landlubbers how to fight!
[4]You swing onto the ship and fight pretty decently. Definitely keeping your own with your foes.
Oh lawdy.
Upon regaining consciousness, happily announce to Jim:
"Y'hear that, Jim? The mos' beatiful Lady Teeannay ish goin' ta meet us tonight fer some romancin'! We'd best be gettin' ourselves preshentable, aye?!"
Check what time it is. If it's not dark yet, let's go find another tavern to celebrate our good fortune.
Pilfer some oranges to eat along the way.
[6]He was also too drunk to tell it was a man, he lets out a hearty "YARRRGH!" and you continue to go drunkenly through the street.
[4] It's not dark yet, you pilfer an orange or two without getting caught, and to the tavern!
Rip out the brick and start hitting the door with it!
[1]That door is like six inches thick at least. With cast-iron around the edges. You're not gonna budge it with a brick.
Set some of the inventors, which I presumably took hostage while expanding my fleet, to work on creating flying ships.
Set other inventors to design more powerful and efficient weapons and bombs and such.
((Fourth time trying to post is the charm.))
[5]ZEPPELINS ACHIEVED. This just became a whole different kind of game.
[6]Those highly efficient bombs and stuff ignite the zeppelin. IT'S GOIN' DOUUUUUNNNN.
[1]I don't remember what gate you're talking about anyway, so hooray for 1.
Repair the wall.
Dramatic monologue.
[2]You're outta wood to repair the wall.
[5]You dramatic monologue for half an hour about how you forgot to buy wood.
Whip out my swords, cut through the bars of the cell.
[1]Contrary to whatever beliefs you hold, swords can't cut through steel or cast-iron.
Raid to get more Frenchmen!
Build more powerboats for the Dread Pirate fleet!
[5]OH NUUUUUU!!! You raid Normandy and pick up several burly Frenchmen with Viking ancestors.
[5]MOAR POWAHHHHHH. You build a whole fleet of French-powered boats.
[5]Pillaging ahoy!