Finally the day has come. The Scanist Beast, roaming free across the
U.S.S.R. for days, now has bitten something to big for it. Statisgrad, the main industrial base of the U.S.S.R., has shown heroic resistance. It is time to break the Scanist war machine and break peace and freedom to Bay12's avatars!
Ever since the 'scans started existing, the USSR tried to kill the fad. They opposed you, complained against you, fought you. Now, as you were gently intensifying Staticgrad, trying to turn it into a much cooler Scanisgrad. You cannot let them stop you again!
So, it's a capture the flag. The goal is to grab the "Heart of the City", a gem that control the city's vibrating and bring it back to your deployment zone.
Turn Order(Thanks to GlyphGryph for this)
1. First player to post goes first
2. Players can choose to attack (2ap), move(1ap), or disengage(2ap).
3. When a player attacks another player, combat starts.
4. The player who initially attacked goes first, and attacks the defending player.
5. If the defending player survives, they then either
-If they chose to attack back, get a single attack at their attacker
-if they chose to disengage, they will move one space from their attacker
-If they chose anything else (solely moving, or attacking a third party), then they do nothing
6. Goto 4 until the initiator has completed all attacks/actions.
7. If the defender survives, and the attacker still has AP (likely, if they started adjacent and the defender disengaged), they continue on with their actions as normal.
8. When they are done, play proceeds as normal.
Actions PointsEach players get 6 actions points (AP) per turn, plus an extra 2 AP on its first turn. These are used for all actions:
-Moving an hex cost 1 AP (two if carrying the Heart)
-Attacking cost 2 AP and inflict 1d6 damage on a player next to the attacker
-Disengaging cost 2 AP, and let you move one space away from an attacker (see turn order)
-Grabbing/handing over the Heart cost 2 AP
-Using a building for various effects use 3 AP
HPAll players start with 10HP. A players with 0 or less HP is dead. Apart from special effects and items, the only way to regain HP is to gain a level, which restore all your HPs.
XPInflicting 1 damage or moving the Heart 1 hex bring 1XP. You need 10* your current level to gain a level. New level let you choose between two special abilities, raise your max HP by 2*new level and restore all your HPs.
Flight School: Max 2 uses/Players: Reading all those flight and air combat manuals give you 1d6 XPs
Hospital: Going to the Hospital restore 1d6 HP. You can also find some medical equipment there (max 1 search/players)
Barracks: Max 1 Use/Players/Barracks: You can attempt to recruit conscripts to join your cause. They have 6HP, 6AP and attack with 1d4.
Artillery Park: An old howitzer can be fired for 6AP. You can fire anywhere, but need to roll 3+ on 1d6 to hit and inflict 1d8.
Red October Factory:(1 Use/player): You can gaze at the display of Stakhanovist Propaganda. On a 3+, you'll gain one more AP/turn.
Spirit Factory: (1 Use/player): You can forage it for 1d6 Vodka.
Red October Settlement: (1 Use/Player): You can attempt to get militiamen to join you. You'll gain (1d6)/2 militiamen with 4HP, 6AP, 1d4 attack.
Flight: You can use 2 APs to take off or land. While in the air, you can move for 0.5 AP, but cannot attack or carry the Heart.
Snipe: You can attack from two hexes away.
Regeneration:You regain 2HP/turn.
Berserk:You attack with 2d6 when you have less than 50% HP.
Bureaucratic Fast-Track:Once a turn, you can have one of your men move first in the turn order.
Support From the Top: You can transfer up to 4 of your AP to another player.
Corpse Mutilator: You gain an extra 6 XPs when killing someone
Light Foot:You ignore movement cost penalties.
Ninja:You can cross hexes occupied by other players, as long as you end up on a free hex.
Sign up sheet:
Starting Position:(You have number on the hexes)