Not terribly familiar with either the Metro or Wolfenstein universes, but I'm interested enough to do some playing in 40.08. A bit barebones right now, but the info you have available on 0.2 is pretty exciting. I did dig up some stuff you might be interested in fixing, however.
First off, I'm fairly confused by the first post; it seems that you've released 0.2, with replacements for every vanilla race and according equipment, but the download link is 0.1 with just the Reich and Soviets. Is it merely an old link? I checked out your github page and didn't see a 0.2 upload, but I'm unfamiliar with the interface and might have simply missed it.
Currently, all of the ranged weapons are craftable from a bowyer's workshop from a single bone or wooden log. Related to this problem, caravan guards can show up with rifles, but don't have any ammo for them. I'd suggest removing the guns from the entity file altogether; while you won't be able to bring them with you on embark or buy them from the caravans, you also won't be able to make them cheaply.
SOVIET:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: THROAT
SOVIET:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: NECK
Unrecognized Appearance Modifier Token: STRAIGHT
The new version comes with the HUMANOID_NECK body plan, which is necessary for the throat and 'neck' (actually the upper spine) body parts to connect to. Replace HUMANOID with HUMANOID_NECK and you're good to go. (Don't forget that both the Soviet and Reich creatures have this problem right now.) I'm not terribly familiar with appearance modifiers, but it looks to me like replacing STRAIGHT with LENGTH will solve your problem on that end.
GRAY:Unrecognized Entity Token: LIKES_FIGHTING
RED:Unrecognized Entity Token: LIKES_FIGHTING
Just a typo in the entity, looks like. This is a creature-level token.
*** Error(s) finalizing the translation NAZI
Unrecognized word token: ANUS
Unrecognized word token: BITCH
Unrecognized word token: BUTTOCK
Unrecognized word token: CROTCH
Unrecognized word token: INCEST
Unrecognized word token: INCONTINENT
Unrecognized word token: NUDE
Unrecognized word token: NUDITY
Unrecognized word token: PANDER
Unrecognized word token: PISS
Unrecognized word token: RAPE
Unrecognized word token: SLUT
Unrecognized word token: SMUT
Unrecognized word token: SPEW
Unrecognized word token: VOID_VERB
Unrecognized word token: WHORE
Unrecognized word token: YOR
Looks like you got these language files from Igfig's DFLang. I had the same problem with his English translation; you can either delete these words from the NAZI and TOVARISH language files or add them to a new language_words file if you really want to include them.
*** Error(s) finalizing the reaction CARTRIDGES_BUCKSHOT
CARTRIDGES_BUCKSHOT: Unrecognized Building Token: WORK_BENCH
*** Error(s) finalizing the reaction CARTRIDGES_PISTOL
CARTRIDGES_PISTOL: Unrecognized Building Token: WORK_BENCH
*** Error(s) finalizing the reaction CARTRIDGES_RIFLE
CARTRIDGES_RIFLE: Unrecognized Building Token: WORK_BENCH
*** Error(s) finalizing the reaction CARTRIDGES_ANTIMAT
CARTRIDGES_ANTIMAT: Unrecognized Building Token: WORK_BENCH
Not sure if you meant to include a Workbench or not, but it simply isn't in the RAWs anywhere. You also have [ADVENTURE_MODE_ENABLED] listed twice on those reactions, although that won't cause any problems.