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Author Topic: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator  (Read 47292 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator
« Reply #210 on: December 18, 2014, 09:26:09 pm »

Did what you said, and got "Array index out of bounds".  Also emailed debut.txt

My thoughts on the Pinto class: Increased damage from a depth charge is offset by smaller size, which should mean a depth charge is less likely to hit (smaller ship = smaller area that randomly-generated depth charge can hit, maybe).

1) Diesel-only submarines:  Many, many nations do not have nuclear technology, and only use diesel submarines.  Even some nations with nuclear capabilities retain diesel submarines to attack other submarines.   So it might be fun to manage the challenge of diesel submarines (essentially, the player would have to fast-travel on the surface, and decide whether or not to dive when they spot another ship...knowing full well that the ship can only last so long underwater).
2) Missile defenses on cities:  Initially, cities should have a 10% chance of either shooting down nuclear missiles entirely or shooting them down before they can destroy the city.  After the first nuclear attack, the missile defense chance should go up incrementally up to 30%.  Maybe every five seconds after the first nuclear impact, it goes up 5%, until it reaches 30%.  This reflects nuclear defenses going online, such as anti-missile naval ships, anti-missile aircraft, and anti-missile army vehicles being deployed.  Obviously, the first city only has the 10% because they just are not expecting a nuclear missile strike.
The main reason I advocate for missile defenses is because it opens up the possibility of some cities surviving a nuclear war.  Otherwise, nuclear war almost certainly ends either in mutual destruction, or mostly predetermined victory base upon number of cities of the warring nations.  If one side actually had a few cities surviving, the player could either nuke the cities of the opposing faction, or repair from the cities of their own faction (both are unlikely, as usually both factions keeps launching nukes until one runs out of surviving cities from which to launch nukes, I believe, although I've only seen the starts of nuclear war).

I'm thinking of making another ship, one that has decent diesel speed, and weak nuclear speed.  Essentially, the nuclear engines are backup only.  It would reflect a nation that only recently got nuclear technology, and as a side effect has developed far better diesel engines than those countries blessed with nuclear engines from the start.  I'll probably oversize the nuclear reactors, to reflect truly primitive nuclear technology.  Perhaps even include oversized nuclear missiles, to reflect primitive nuclear missile technology.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator
« Reply #211 on: December 20, 2014, 02:18:58 am »

Thanks, that was quite helpful. I think I've fixed the problem - if you redownload the game the crash should stop occurring. Hopefully.

Diesel-only submarines are actually already a possibility, as are subs with only one reactor. If you set number=0 under [NUCLEAR_REACTORS] in objects.ini for the sub everything should work fine - ignore the warning, that was for a previous version. Note that some of the control panels will not adjust properly (the power systems control panel will still show "Reactor 1 power: 0MW, Reactor 2 power: 0MW" for example) and you might need to tweak the battery capacity and recharge rate in the performance.ini file. Because of the way submarines are set up in the game, a purely diesel sub would not require a turbine generator or steam turbines - you would just need an electric motor and a couple of diesel generators for propulsion.

I've been meaning to make a diesel sub for a while but never got around to it. If there is some interest, I might make a couple for the next version, with new control panels to match.

Missile defence is an interesting idea, I'll consider adding it in the future. I have several other ideas for changes/improvements to the nuclear warfare system which will hopefully allow for more gameplay after a nuclear war, and that could fit in nicely.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator
« Reply #212 on: December 20, 2014, 02:56:51 pm »

I actually tried making a diesel-only submarine, but the game still seemed to act like the reactors were still there.  I removed the reactor stuff, but not the turbine generator or steam turbines.  I'll try making a pure diesel-electric sub and see if it works, thanks!

The Soviet's finest reports that nuclear war works correctly.  Now if only I can find somewhere to refit...  :P

Not exactly sure why, but both the USA and the USSR have cities remaining after a nuclear war.
EDIT: Nope, those cities are irradiated.  So I'd suggest each nation have a secret submarine base that appears after nuclear war.  One safe harbor...that becomes known to the other faction eventually, so as to be another target for submarine tactical nukes.

EDIT2: Went to save my game, and I got kicked to the "Start new game, load old game" starting menu instead of the "Save/Load/resume/quit" menu.  Also, the Typhoon's reactor coolant pumps can not be repaired, as there is no crew access to them.  What I did in my game was shut down the reactor completely, as that seemed to prevent any further problems, but it leaves the ship with one reactor until it can return to port for repairs.  Not sure if the lack of access that was a feature or bug, so I thought I'd mention it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator
« Reply #213 on: December 22, 2014, 10:26:35 pm »

I'll look into both of those bugs, thanks for pointing them out.

I really liked the idea of diesel-electric submarines so I've released a small update with a lot of small changes which makes them work a LOT better. One diesel-electric sub is included with the update, the Soviet Foxtrot class. You could pretty easily modify this to make other diesel subs if you want - it also includes some modified control panels (in the "ui/foxtrot/" folder) which have been adjusted to reflect the lack of turbines and reactors.



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Re: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator
« Reply #214 on: December 23, 2014, 11:55:49 am »

I've been eager to play the game, but I met some obstacles at that: for instance, as I run the game in windowed mode, the window is so tiny - and that would be OK if not for the fact, that the font is horribly, horribly small, making it almost impossible to read. Here's a print-screen for you to see:
Now, I tried changing "font size" in gameoptions.ini, but it doesn't work at all. I tried lowering the number, putting it up, but for no effect absolutely. I also tried playing full-screen, but the game kicks me out.
My system: Windows 7 Max Intel Core i5 Max resoluton: 1920*1080 GeForce GTX660


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator
« Reply #215 on: December 23, 2014, 07:23:45 pm »

It looks like there is a problem displaying the default font on your PC - try (re)installing Courier New (from here, for example: If that doesn't help, try changing the game font to something else; try these settings for example:

font = Verdana
font_size = 14

Note that sometimes the text doesn't display properly on the main menu, but works fine in-game. This will be fixed soon.

Edit: The crash when starting the game in fullscreen mode has been fixed. Please redownload the game to get the latest version.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 08:16:16 pm by TheGeoff »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator
« Reply #216 on: December 24, 2014, 06:11:50 pm »

I'll look into both of those bugs, thanks for pointing them out.

I really liked the idea of diesel-electric submarines so I've released a small update with a lot of small changes which makes them work a LOT better. One diesel-electric sub is included with the update, the Soviet Foxtrot class. You could pretty easily modify this to make other diesel subs if you want - it also includes some modified control panels (in the "ui/foxtrot/" folder) which have been adjusted to reflect the lack of turbines and reactors.

Thanks for the update!  Reading the history of submarine warfare, diesel-electric submarines are still an active component on the world stage.

Another thing that I'd like to see is a scoreboard/graveyard/history/whatever detailing past submarine cruises.  Tons sunk, distance traveled, time in action, etc.  Something to remember our past submarine rampages.

EDIT: Sunk my first ship with a diesel sub!  It's a little more complicated going in for the kill, and the margin for error is less, but quite satisfying!

Scoops Novel

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Re: Sub Commander: Roguelike Submarine Simulator
« Reply #217 on: May 18, 2015, 11:49:26 am »

Stranger then fiction: Have a read of his report. Our navy rejects it but are launching an inquiry anyway.
Reading a thinner book

Arcjolt (useful) Chilly The Endoplasm Jiggles

Hums with potential    a flying minotaur
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