Head to the store with the plus sign.
6: You walk into the store, and are greeted by a very friendly clerk! She says that you are her 10,000th customer, and you will get a 50% off bonus for all items purchased for this.
Weapons store, obtain electric sabre for swashbuckling action.
5: You walk over to the store with the weapons on the sign, and you discover inside a large collection of electric sabres- You pick the nicest looking one, and discover it's 10% off! It'll only cost you 225$!
Go to a weapons store. Take a look at their selection of combat knives.
4: You enter the store with the weapons on the sign, and see a small shelf of combat knives. The selection isn't massive, but it'll do. You pick out a nice one, and the price tag says only 50$.
Look for cooking supplies!
5: You decide the best place to look for cooking supplies would be the plus sign place, and are greeted by a massive collection of first aid kits, repair kits, and more. You wander around and find a small corner dedicated to cooking. Lucky for you, it's all 10% off!
start at the space ship shop, then the computer, last the rifle. Look for ordinance, ecm (electronic counter measures) and eccm, tactical training software, and, of course, small arms.
1: You fall flat on your face, then pick yourself up.
Check out the spaceship, plus, and computer stores.
4: You check out the spaceship store- it's not individual little items like you thought, but rather, entire systems that are just waiting to be installed on a ship! You wander around the store for a bit, and you see a few cool systems. There's a large laser you can install onto the outside of your ship to cut asteroids into little bits to mine from them, and there's also a large claw to collect the little bits. There's other wonders like this in this massive place. You calculate the cost for both the laser and the claw, and it'll total 1500$. Huh. You might need to ask someone to chip in from the rest of the crew.
Buy some maintenance and repair equipment.
How would you know where to get that?
Go to the shop with the rifle and saber. Ask what they sell once I'm inside. If they sell weapons, buy some sort of rifle, pistol and knife for myself.
6: You walk into the shop, and are greeted by balloons falling down. The clerk leaps up and screams "Mission in life accomplished! 50,000 customers! 50% sale to you, good sir!" You inquire about what is sold and she replies "Weapons, of course. Not ship-sized weapons, rather weapons that humans can use to fight other humans, or possibly even ships! She points to a vast collection of ion rifles, weak laser pistols, and electric sabres. Behind the counter, she has a couple heavy plasma rockets and rocket launchers.
You find an Ion Rifle you like, a laser pistol you feel would work, and a combat knife. She counts out the total. "That would usually be 550$, but it'll only cost you 275$!"
Buy some maintenance and repair equipment.
5: You walk into the shop with the plus sign, and immediately make a bee-line over to the repair kits. You find so many different ones- some to fix lasers, some to fix damage to hull... they're all 10% off! You don't know which to buy, though.
"Well, crew, fan out and shop for necessities!" Lucia says, cocking her hip a little. "Come back with some shiny equipment!"
Head into the store with the plus sign. Chat up the clerk a bit if there is one. Be friendly!
((Yeah, who's even in right now? All the first 9 applicants?))
3: You wander over to the plus sign store, but the clerk is a bit busy greeting a customer, saying that this person is the 10,000th customer, and... Hey wait, isn't that a member of your new crew?